Ayo's Comments

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At 6:11am on February 14, 2009, B.R.Stateham said…
If you'be read the SPQR series by Roberts, what do you think of the Lindsey Davivs 'Falco' series?
At 4:45am on December 1, 2008, Jon Jordan said…
So, four mystery authors walk into a bar....
At 8:49pm on August 18, 2008, carole gill said…
thanks for replying to my discussion.
appreciate it.
At 10:12am on June 15, 2008, Miriam Pia said…
Typical request...and surprising similarity

My son was born in North London: Edmonton to be exact. I did some work at Middlesex U. Lived over there 5 years, hope to live there for another 10 in a row before I become an old lady.

Do you ever interview or review otherwise unpublished but full accessible manuscripts? Have ecopy of crime novel.

If so, AWESOME. Otherwise, under what conditions do you want me to come to you?
At 5:03pm on April 14, 2008, Jon Jordan said…
mmmmmmm coffeeeeeeeeeee
At 8:00am on October 18, 2007, Carola Dunn said…
At 3:44am on April 22, 2007, Ayo said…
Earl Gray :-)
At 1:13pm on April 19, 2007, LC Fraser said…
there are some non-teas that are great. they call them 'tea' but they are not. things like English Toffee flavour. Not that I drink those - I am a real tea junkie and want the strong black or orange pekoe types.
At 4:41am on April 17, 2007, Ayo said…
Unfortunately I am not really a tea person. If you catch me drinking tea then I must be seriously ill!! That is the only time that I will touch the stuff. However, saying that I did resort to drinking herbal tea when I gave up coffee!!!
At 4:27am on April 17, 2007, LC Fraser said…
I quit drinking coffee when I had pneumonia five years ago. No idea why it made me go off coffee and I do enjoy the occasional cup but don't want it more than maybe twice a year now. Not that I recommend pneumonia as a way to cut down on coffee. I just drink tea anyway so likely no farther ahead.
At 1:52am on April 14, 2007, Ayo said…
Okay! I am back on the coffee!! I have decided that I can't give it up totally but I a, going to have cut down. Been good so far (fingers crossed at the back!!) I have only had one cup a day since Easter Sunday!!
At 8:03am on April 13, 2007, Mary Saums said…
Hi, Ayo! Good to see you here. I'd write more, but I'm on my way to Starbucks. Gotta buzzzzzz..... :)
At 6:59am on April 8, 2007, Steven Torres said…
Hi Ayo,
Glad you're here. Easter (and coffee) are almost here. Anyway, wanted to say I enjoy your columns for Crimespree.
At 10:32am on March 28, 2007, Jon Jordan said…
I've found that instead of Coffee Cocaine will do in a pinch, or a line, as it were...
At 7:05am on March 28, 2007, Sean Chercover said…
Given up coffee? Are you mad, woman?!
At 6:49am on March 28, 2007, Ayo said…
Hi, I am desperately trying to change jobs, have a better work life \ balance and not regret the fact that I have temporarily given up coffee!!
At 12:48pm on March 27, 2007, Regina Harvey said…
Hi Ayo - we sat at the same table in London a while back for the CWA Daggers (when I didn't win the Debut Dagger, but got some great books!) Nice to see you again.
At 9:55am on March 27, 2007, Jon Jordan said…

We miss you.
At 2:17am on March 27, 2007, Jennifer Jordan said…

Whatcha doin, whatcha readin, what's happenin??
At 1:07am on March 27, 2007, Mary Reagan said…
Welcome Ayo. So glad you joined.

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