I should have titled this post, "A Staggering Work of Selfish Indulgence," or something of the like.
What follows (attached) is the first chapter of my novel-in-progress, the one I've alluded to a couple of other places on here.
What I'd love: Reactions.
Is there enough here to propel you to chapter two? Is this even remotely in the ballpark?
What ballpark, you ask?
I came out of an undergraduate creative writing background. I had hopes of becoming George Saunders. Or Donna Tartt. Or I dunno, somebody with skills and saleability. But somewhere after college all I found myself reading was the C's -- Coben, Connelley, Crais. And then I was on to Burke, Hamilton, Krueger, backtracked to Parker and MacDonald, etc.
Anway, the ballpark...
I'm aiming for published. Popular (if not in reality, then at least in terms of where I'm filed in the bookstore). Genre. Mostly I'm just aiming for agented, right now, if I'm honest. Let the will of the universe fill in the blanks from there.
Enough preamble. Anybody so generous, so free, so bored...they wanna take a look?
I'll repay your generosity in a manner of your own choosing...!
- Scott Hess