Does anyone know if there's a well-established
carnival for crime fiction blogs? I don't know of any.
If you're wondering what I've been smoking, a carnival is a way of gathering interesting blog posts around a theme on a regular basis. Sometimes the carnival has a regular pitch (a stable blog URL), but more often the carnival moves from one blog to another, with editorship shifting from week to week. They are generally numbered and each carnival tells where the next one will be held and where to send your contributions (which are usually posts on your own blog, written up by that week's editor into a nifty round-up blog post). It may simply call attention to interesting posts on a regular basis, or it may be thematic: carnival 23: new crime fiction from Europe; carnival 24: urban crime; carnival 25: wicked women, carnival 26: what's so golden about the Golden Age? That sort of thing.
Anyway... what makes a carnival different than what's already out there? Let me count the ways:
The content is all new - not links to news stories or reviews. It becomes a sort of Utne Reader for blog content.
The content is bloggish - informal, relatively short, personalized, not a replacement for the fine crime fiction magazines that publish more substantial feature articles.
It's not about promotion, as virtual author tours are. (Personally, I'd be interested in one focused on the genre and those who love it rather than on authors and the writing business.)
It's not the guest posts that many blogs already organize. More blogs and bloggers would be involved in a wider network - like one of those progressive parties that visits many homes and probably empties a few bottles along the way.
So: two questions -
Does this already exist? (And if so, why didn't you tell me!?)
If the answer is "no," is anyone interested in starting one? I'm willing to organize it and serve as Chief Archivist if there's interest.