I wonder about the text on the back of P.J. Parrish' An Unquiet Grave.
I just read the book and I liked it. It combines emotion, gripping story telling and surprising elements.
Usually, I don't read the summary on the cover of a book but in this case it happened. At first I was irritated and than I realized it is wrong.
"The body in Claudia Olsen's grave is that of a stranger who died horribly."
Two mistakes in one sentence: The missing corps is not that of Claudia Olson but of Claudia DeFoe and there is not a body of a stranger but there is no body in the grave.
Consequently, this part is summarized on Parrish' homepage as follows:
"The coffin of Claudia DeFoe, the youthful love of Louis's foster father Phillip, is empty. "
How can anything like that happen ? I would think, that the summary on the back is written by someone who read the book. Can it be that the summary was based on a provisional version of the book ? And, pity Parrish can it be, that the book sells so badly, that still the first edition is available (I bought mine at the end of September) ?