All Blog Posts (12,730)

Around the Globe with J.R. LINDERMUTH

Another Friday is upon us. I just wanted to mention that I've been doing author interviews for quite some time. This week's interview will be the last one for awhile since I would like to concentrate on promoting my upcoming book, Beta. I hope you will join me on my blog tour and continue to visit me here as I'll be telling you all about the book, my thoughts…


Added by Stephen Brayton on September 10, 2011 at 12:18am — No Comments

24-Hour Gift Card Contest

My goal is to get my new release The Arranger on Amazon’s Top 100 Thriller list. I think I’m close and just need a little bump. The e-book is only $2.99, has great reviews, and a 4.5-star rating—so it’s a good deal and a good read. ☺ (The first chapter…


Added by L.J. Sellers on September 9, 2011 at 2:00pm — No Comments

The Arranger: Blog Tour

If you're curious about this unusual futuristic thriller, I've got a blog tour going with lots of information about the novel and how it came to be. Today, there's an interview with the protagonist Lara Evans, a character from my Detective Jackson series. At most blog stops, you can win an e-book or print copy.


Toady, at…


Added by L.J. Sellers on September 9, 2011 at 2:36am — No Comments

Reconstructing a Shooting Incident at the Crime Scene

Have you ever wondered?  Hey, how’d they do that?

One of the most difficult and scientific parts of reconstructing a shooting incident is to determine the direction of the projectile travel and the angle of impact by examining the bullet holes that were left at the…


Added by Jennifer Chase on September 8, 2011 at 3:06am — No Comments

Bad Intentions - Karin Fossum

Karin Fossum is new to me author and another Nordic author who has made her name known in North America.…


Added by Luanne Ollivier on September 8, 2011 at 1:33am — No Comments

Review - Razor, Larry Writer (True Crime)

Book Title:   RAZOR

Author:  Larry Writer

ISBN:   9781742610702

Publisher:   Pan MacMillan Australia

Year of Publication:   2011

Genre:  True Crime

This Underbelly TV tie-in edition is the acclaimed, award-winning history of the Razor gangs - now the basis for Channel 9's 13-part blockbuster - Underbelly Razor. In the 1920s and '30s in inner Sydney, some of the most terrifying criminals in Australia's history waged war with razor and gun. As gang fought gang, the… Continue

Added by Karen from AustCrime on September 7, 2011 at 11:36pm — No Comments

A Good Mystery Doesn't Always Have to Have a Crime

I've been busy adding to the Al Pennyback series, and in those I follow the rules of mystery writing; a crime, a criminal and victim, lots of clues, and a protoganist who faces long odds but prevails in the end.  A good mystery story, though, doesn't always have to be about a crime.  In my latest short story, Sour Note, a continuation of a series of stories about Louis Dumkowski, a born loser who…


Added by Charles A. Ray on September 7, 2011 at 11:31pm — No Comments

Drop In

I share a blog with seven other authors of "international mysteries."

We don't post about our books, or the craft of writing, but rather about events of cultural, historical or human interest that occur, or have occurred, in the countries in which we set our stories.

And there's a new post every day of the week.

We hope you'll drop in:

Added by Leighton Gage on September 7, 2011 at 3:10pm — No Comments

Six Author’s, Six Incredible Stories, One Intense Giveaway!!!

Hi, me again, Trestle Press and some of their authors have put together what I think is one intense giveaway. Each author covers a different genre, has a different style, but they all share one common goal: They love to satisfy readers, and they would to hear from you in one way or another. What do I mean by that? Well you can follow their blogs, email them, and become their friend on any of the social websites you can find them (Goodreads, Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Reverb, Edgy Christian…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 7, 2011 at 8:04am — No Comments

Ahh, the life of a celebity writer...(OK, not quite a celebrity, not quite the life I imagined)

Congratulate me: last night I got a call from KION, our local CBS affiliate, to say that one of their reporters liked my story idea about how 9/11 affected me, their topic for the month, and wanted to film a feature…today.

She liked that I planted climbing red roses on two supports in the days following 9/11 as a memorial to the victims of the twin towers, and she liked that I had planted rudbekia, plants whose meaning according to Victorian tradition stands…


Added by Nancy Lynn Jarvis on September 7, 2011 at 7:53am — No Comments

Are you an avid reader or a blogger? Trestle Press wants you!

Are you a blogger or avid reader? I bet you are, and if you are then I would really like to have a discussion with you. Why? Well let me say that we have plenty for you to read and we have many benefits for participating. The fun stuff we do and have done. In my opinion is pretty different from just throwing a free read at you. We are looking for inclusion, your input, and sincere involvement in all that we do. The authors themselves are pretty pumped with the feedback they get and are more…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 7, 2011 at 4:29am — No Comments


And the accolades continue to roll in for one of our Trestle Press authors. Alexandrea Weis has won the Gold Medal in the Reader's Favorite Book Awards for her romantic suspense novel Recovery. Set against the backdrop of post-Katrina New Orleans, Recovery has been receiving rave reviews. Alexandrea is becoming known as a New Orleans author and her NOLA Gumbo series with Trestle Press is also creating a lot…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 7, 2011 at 12:29am — No Comments

Interviewed by Charlie Stella

Charlie Stella was good enough to interview me over at his blog, Temporary Knucksline, discussing WILD BILL and our upcoming collaboration.

Added by Dana King on September 6, 2011 at 2:14pm — No Comments

Review - Where the Bodies are Buried, Christopher Brookmyre


Author:  Chris(topher) Brookmyre

ISBN:   9781408702703

Location:   Glasgow

Publisher:   Little & Brown

Year of Publication:   2011

Detective Catherine McLeod was always taught that in Glasgow, they don't do whodunit.  They do score-settling.  They do vendettas.  They do petty revenge.

It's a lesson that has served her well, but Glasgow is also a dangerous place to make assumptions.  Either way she looks at it,… Continue

Added by Karen from AustCrime on September 6, 2011 at 11:40am — No Comments

Launching my KICK-ASS Case Study in 'Marketing for AUTHORS'

cover_mfa_6x9_200 SECRETS of Promoting & Marketing your Book for *FREE*

SQUEEE! I don’t believe it! My kick-ass marketing case study is Out NOW. Its included in a Bonus Chapter:…


Added by Karen Tyrrell on September 6, 2011 at 10:06am — No Comments

Updated my web page

In spite of the university always changing protocols and software and  passwords I managed to log onto my university account, edit the web page to include my latest books, and save it. Check it out! Learn about the four books i uploaded this summer. Thanks to the Kindle list we are actually starting to have some sales. It is amazing. Today someone in the UK downloaded my combined book of four Mystery Club novels. That would never have happened without Amazon and the Kindle list. It's an $8…


Added by Harley Sachs on September 6, 2011 at 3:59am — No Comments

I've moved

Gave up on Nichigan. Sold everything or gave it away. Bye bye to 3000 books. Sad sad. Sold the sailboat. Blub blub. 

Added by Harley Sachs on September 6, 2011 at 3:29am — No Comments

Behind Closed Doors Officially Released - Please buy the book to help save the animals!

I'm delighted to announce the release of my latest novel, the Victorian Murder/Mystery, Behind Closed Doors. Also, due to the generosity of my publisher, Sonar 4 Publications every paperback copy sold will carry a…


Added by Brian L Porter on September 6, 2011 at 1:12am — No Comments

Get Over 60 New Twitter Followers in Twitter Hop

Last year at this time, I hated Twitter, but now I love it. It has become my favorite social network. Through Twitter, I’ve found new readers for my books, met bloggers, reviewers and interviewers who featured my books, kept up on news in my areas of interest, and just met some all around nice people.


Using Twitter takes some trial and error to get used to it, however, and that’s why I’m hosting Twitter Week on my blog. I…


Added by Stacy Juba on September 5, 2011 at 1:06am — No Comments

Hard Cold Whisper

New crime novel from Black Mask Books, Hard Cold Whisper, in paperback and Kindle


Audio version…


Added by Michael Hemmingson on September 4, 2011 at 5:37pm — No Comments

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