Brian L Porter's Blog – January 2009 Archive (11)

Please add a late vote for A Study in Red in 'Cover of the Year'.

As January comes to a close, so too does the voting in The Authors Lounge Best Cover of the Year Award. Please can I ask my friends to add their votes to my nomination by sending a blank email to with 'A Study in Red' in the subject line. That's all there is to it and I really appreciate all the supoort that all of you have given to my work in the last few months. Thanks again to… Continue

Added by Brian L Porter on January 31, 2009 at 9:18pm — No Comments

Here Comes the Judge!

The Whitechapel Society 1888, of which I'm proud to be a member is a London Society with a worldwide membership that specialises in the study of not only the Jack the Ripper murders of 1888 but all aspects of the life and culture of the Victorian and Edwardian eras in London, and the East End in particular. The Society produces a quarterly journal 'The Journal of The Whitechapel Society' which is… Continue

Added by Brian L Porter on January 28, 2009 at 4:26am — No Comments

'A Study in Red' released in Audio Book Format

I'm delighted to announce that my award-winning novel 'A Study in Red - The Secret Journal of Jack the Ripper' was released today in its latest format. The book can now be obtained as an audio book from at or in the UK from… Continue

Added by Brian L Porter on January 25, 2009 at 4:16am — No Comments

'Pestilence' Nominated for New Covey Cover Design Award.

The cover of my forthcoming 4RV Publishing novel 'Pestilence' is in this months poll for The New Covey Cover Award'. Could I once again ask all my friends to make a visit to and place a vote for this wonderful design by the ultra-talented Graeme S Houston. Thanks again to everyone who has already supported my work, and Graeme's designs. I hope I can ask for your support once… Continue

Added by Brian L Porter on January 22, 2009 at 3:30am — No Comments

The Nemesis Cell wins New Covey Award

I'm thrilled to be able to announce that my forthcoming 4RV Publishing novel 'The Nemesis Cell' with artwork by the talented Graeme S Houston, was voted 'The Most Eye Catching Cover' in The New Covey Awards December Polls. This was the first time one of my books had been included in the Covey Awards and this is a great way to start the new year. Full details can be seen at… Continue

Added by Brian L Porter on January 18, 2009 at 7:40pm — No Comments

Best Cover Art 2008

First of all, I have to say a massive thank you to everyone who voted in support of my nominations in the recent Preditors & Editors Readers Award Polls. The polls have now closed and we are awaiting confirmation of the final results.

In May 2008 'A Study in Red' won the Best Cover Illustration of the Month Award from The Authors Lounge and is now included in the poll for Best Cover Design of the Year. In order to place a vote for the book,… Continue

Added by Brian L Porter on January 15, 2009 at 6:23pm — No Comments

Please cast a last minute vote for Juan Pablo

With only two days left to vote in the P & E polls, my poetic 'other self' Juan Pablo Jalisco has suddenly slipped from first to second position in the Poets section. Please could I ask anyone who has not yet voted in the Poets Category to cast a vote for me under thename of Juan Pablo Jalisco at Perhaps a few more votes might help Juan Pablo back to the top spot?

Of course any further votes for A Study in Red in the thriller section… Continue

Added by Brian L Porter on January 13, 2009 at 6:16pm — No Comments

Please add a Late Vote

With just four days to go in the annual Preditors & Editors Readers Polls, (voting ends on the 14th January) could I please ask any of my friends who may not have voted to please support my two nominations in the awards? My novel, 'A Study in Red - The Secret Journal of Jack the Ripper' is in the Thrillers section at and I'm also nominated in the Poets category under my pseudonym of Juan Pablo Jalisco at… Continue

Added by Brian L Porter on January 10, 2009 at 10:57pm — No Comments

Doing Well in the Polls

Both of my nominations in the P & E Polls are so far doing well.

A Study in Red is still at #1 in the Thriller section and my poetic self Juan Pablo Jalisco has just gone to joint #1 in the Poets section.

Please, if anyone is kindly disposed to add their votes to my nominations, got to to vote for 'A Study in Red - The Secret Journal of Jack the Ripper' and to… Continue

Added by Brian L Porter on January 9, 2009 at 7:19am — No Comments

Thanks to everyone, please keep voting

Just a quick thank you to everyone who has so far voted for 'A Study in Red - The Secret Journal of Jack the Ripper' in the Preditors and Editors Annual Poll. The book is currently doing very well in the polls, so please, if you haven't voted yet, be kind enough to go to and place a vote for my novel. Voting runs until the 14th January so there is plenty of time left and it would be… Continue

Added by Brian L Porter on January 8, 2009 at 12:12am — No Comments

Please vote for 'A Study in Red' in the Thriller of the Year Category

Voting has opened in the annual Preditors & Editors Readers Polls and I'm pleased that 'A Study in Red - The Secret Journal of Jack the Ripper' is a contender in the Thriller category.

May I please ask all my friends here on the Ning network to cast a vote in support of the book by visiting the voting page at… Continue

Added by Brian L Porter on January 1, 2009 at 7:31pm — No Comments

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