I just had to revive Dennis Leppanen's discussion thread after reading the opening line to CROOKED LITTLE VEIN, by Warren Ellis, due out in August:

"I opened my eyes to see the rat taking a piss in my coffee mug."

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Oh that's BRILLIANT. I have to get that book. Thanks Don.
Soooo---you are saying you would purchase a book by the opening line, Donna?
Yes - not only would I, but I HAVE done. Sometimes I am disappointed and the book doesn't live up to the opening line, but often it does. Usually though, after checking the opening line, I will look at the book description and see if it's something I think I might like. In this case, having read the opening line here, I looked the book up and when I read this quoite from Kinky Friedman I pre-ordered the book from Amazon:
“Warren Ellis writes like a bi-polar Raymond Chandler. Crooked Little Vein injects at least two welcome elements into the tired, clogged mystery field: a a little death and a little life. It’s also funny enough to make you shit standing.”
You have to realize, in spite of that sunny smile and sweet disposition, Donna is one twisted sister.
I'm with Donna on this . That first paragraph either gets me or gets me to put the book down.. I pay little attention to jacket copy. Does anyone here pay attention to other author's blurbs?
That's a fantastic opening line, and the last thread mentioned some corkers, too. When I opened Stuart MacBride's COLD GRANITE last night and started reading, I grinned from ear to ear and thought of this discussion immediately. 'Dead things had always been special to him.' Yes! The first page ends with 'This was what it must smell like to be in heaven. Surrounded by the dead.' Dark and funny. You just know you're in for a fantastic ride with a start like that. No more - folk should read and enjoy for themselves. Also, although I haven't got very far yet, it continues in similar vein and I already give a damn about the folk I'm reading about. Can't be bad!
I really wanted a cracking opening line to start my novel off with and, from the response, I think it was definitely worth it because, as a reader, I get a kick out of a first page that knocks me sideways. I'll be honest, it sometimes provides a false illustration of the writer's talents but more often that not it is the catalyst for a humdinger of a story. Matt


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