Daniel and Australian members of CrimeSpace: Let us know how you're doing. We've been reading about the floods.



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All fine here, the floods are in Queensland which is a whole state away. Any Queenslanders on board?
Long way away from us as well - but it's an awful mess up there.
I'm up the coast of NSW, just on the border of Queensland near Grafton (which is under water, apparently). The floods are getting closer, but we're up in the mountains. If we go down, then all of Australia is coming down with us! A couple of my family members and mates have had to be evacuated and we're pretty much cut off from civilisation. All the roads heading out of town are closed, so getting food and petrol might be an issue if they're cut off for more than a week. No injuries or deaths close to me. Thanks for the concern.

Hi All. New Aussie here, but a long way from Queensland.

There are some interesting videos around, like the one I just saw of a storm drain beneath a bridge being washed away with the road!

In Western Australia we have also had flooding in our north-west area. Ironically most of our state was in drought this past year.


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