Judith Vernant
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Judith Vernant's Discussions

Semana Negra (Asturias, Spain)
2 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Judith Vernant Jul 7, 2009.


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Profile Information

About Me:
I'm the ex-editor of the French publishing house Moisson rouge (Red Harvest), dedicated to noire fiction, that publishes, since 2007, new authors from all over the world (mostly USA and Latin America, some French too but very few), and reprints (good) classics (Robert Bloch, Fredric Brown, David Goodis...) or forgotten (excellent) books.

Now living in Argentina, and losing my English.
I Am A:
Reader, Publisher, Editor, Agent
Books And Authors I Like:
Jim Thompson, Donald Westlake, Robin Cook (Derek Raymond), James Ellroy, Fredric Brown, Robert Sheckley, Dashiell Hammett, Howard Fast, Paco Ignacio Taibo II, Jean-Patrick Manchette, ADG, Tim Dorsey, Nathan Singer, John Harvey, Dennis Lehane, Herbert Lieberman (for Necropolis), Edward Bunker, Jerome Charyn, Ken Bruen, Richard Matheson, J.G. Ballard, David Peace, Frédéric H. Fajardie... And Vargas-Llosa, Will Self, Michel Houellebecq, Bret Easton Ellis, Jay Mcinerney, Emmanuel Carrère...

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Blogging from la Semana Negra

For those who're curious about la Semana Negra, I'm writing a daily blog with pictures here : http://moissonrouge.blogspot.com/

Posted on July 14, 2009 at 1:43am

Semana Negra de Gijon

As every year, I'll be in Gijon (Asturias, Spain) for la Semana Negra, the huge festival organized by the Boss, Paco Ignacio Taibo II. I'll be staying the whole week (10-19 july), looking for authors.
Anyone coming this year?

Posted on July 6, 2009 at 9:40am — 2 Comments

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At 11:16am on September 18, 2009, Robert Crisman said…
Oh yeah, Judith, I almost forgot--if you'd like to get an idea of my work, I've recently had three stories posted on the site A Twist Of Noir. They have a list of contributors in the righthand column. I'd love to hear what you think of them!
Robert C.
At 11:11am on September 18, 2009, Robert Crisman said…
I've written a novel, The Queen Of Chiva--chiva is west-coast street slang for heroin--about two women, junkies and prostitutes, who ride the white horse all the way to the end. The story's a look inside these women, the fears that drive them, and the milieu that gives their fears teeth. How might I go about seeing if Moisson Rouge--Red Harvest!-- would like to publish the book?
By the way, Red Harvest is my favorite book of all time. It has the greatest opening paragraph in the history of literature, the most engaging and human female character, Dinah Brand, and the only plausible dream sequence I can ever remember reading. For my money, Chandler never came within nine million miles of Red Harvest, nor Hammett generally.
With that wholly unsolicited comment, I'll take my leave. Hope to talk with you soon, and thanks for your consideration.
Robert Crisman
At 5:14am on July 8, 2009, Chris Wood said…
I'd be delighted if you read the book, when it's finally done. The first draft was finished several years ago but it's one of those things were it almost seems endless. I'd be very glad if you would read it, though - but I'll keep you posted.

Do you have any more compilations out soon?
At 8:29am on July 7, 2009, Chris Wood said…
"Jazz me Blue" is a great title & I can well believe Jean-Paul made a first class job of things. I have no idea how someone can translate fiction to a different language and keep the feel of the prose, but there you are.

At the moment I have a book out called "Sherlock Holmes and the Underpants of Death," a collection of Holmes parodies (six in all), plus a guide to writing thrillers called "The Ingredients of a Good Thriller."

I have a novel I hope to get out soon, but the rewrites and re-edits are taking forever.

Now to check out that soundtrack ... a great idea doing that for a book.
At 1:12am on July 7, 2009, Chris Wood said…
Hi Judith! Thanks for looking me up.

Yes, I was part of Jean-Paul Gratias' Holmes anthology, and wrote the "Underpants of Death" story. He mentioned something about a jazz themed anthology of noir that Mouisson Rouge are putting out. Is that going ahead?

& yes, I think Jim Thompson is superb.


PS I envy you the Spanish festival - that sounds like a great time.

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