All Blog Posts (12,730)

Blogging Like Crazy

For anyone interested, I've just started blogging over at Murderati and along with J.D. Rhoades will be alternating Wednesdays. Today's topic is probably near and dear to most writers, so if you're so inclined, head on over there and check it out.

If this falls under the topic of BSP, please forgive me and feel free to flog me with a wet shoelace.

Added by Robert Gregory Browne on April 5, 2007 at 9:16am — 4 Comments

Maron, Margaret –WINTER’S CHILD

WINTER’S CHILD (Police Procedural-North Caroline-Cont) – G+

Maron, Margaret – 12th in series

Mysterious Press, 2006 – US Hardcover – ISBN:


First Sentence: The call came through to

the Colleton County Sheriff’s Department just after sunset on a chilly Thursday

evening in mid-January.…


Added by LJ Roberts on April 5, 2007 at 9:00am — No Comments

A brief update on my recent travels and appearances

I attended the LOVE IS MURDER conference in Chicago on February 4 - 6, 2005, where I was a guest and panellist. My novel The CIRCLE of SODOM received two nominations: one for Best First Novel and one for Best Suspense Thriller. I was on a number of panels and spoke to various groups. I also…

Added by Pat Mullan on April 5, 2007 at 6:49am — No Comments

The squeezed-out conference attender

Well, I'm back from the AUA ( conference up in Nottingham and feel like a squeezed-out sponge. It was well worth going, but these things are always very intensive and it's great to be back.

This isn't going to be a huge blog, I'm afraid (thank God, you all cry!), as I can barely keep my eyes open, and I still have to (a) wash up Lord H's sausage & chips supper (yummy) and (b) unpack. Not to…


Added by Anne Brooke on April 5, 2007 at 6:13am — No Comments

Is Noir Depressing? Expanded and Revised

This year, I'll have two major publications to add to my credit (Yes. I am keeping score.) and they're both noir. For the novel, The Concrete Maze, I think I may have hedged my bets. It's not quite as bleak as it could have been though it is plenty bleak I think.

With the short story, "Early Fall" coming out in late summer in the antho Bronx Noir, I've written a truly noir story. There's no light at the end of the tunnel. There's not even a tunnel (which might…


Added by Steven Torres on April 5, 2007 at 5:02am — 4 Comments


From the charming folks at Fantasy Book Spot:

Who Can Win? Open to all FBS Members.

How do you Win? Send me a PM with Suspicious Circumstances as the subject and you are entered.

What is the deadline? Send your PM anytime before April 20th. The winner will be randomly selected and announced soon after.

So, just to clarify - I'm not…


Added by Sandra Ruttan on April 5, 2007 at 4:57am — 8 Comments

Crimespree Cinema Week in review for April 2nd.

Hope nobody was too seriously fooled on April 1st. I am lucky enough to avoid it as most know I am a firm believer in extreme escalation.

Let us take a look at what happened at Crimespree Cinema this last week:

My thoughts on Blood Diamond (two-disc special edition).…


Added by Jeremy Lynch on April 4, 2007 at 11:58pm — No Comments

Back to High School

I spoke to five science classes at Lakeside High School the other

day. It was the day before spring break and held in a library with very

little air circulating. I walk around when I speak and could feel the

rivulets of sweat running down my midriff.

The classes combined equalled about 150 students. My talk that day was

about the forensic science field, our state lab, what the jobs are,

some of the specifics, and the odd little details. I made sure to… Continue

Added by Andrea Campbell on April 4, 2007 at 6:57pm — No Comments

Took the weekend off, and Monday, too!

So, should i feel guilty? Do you feel guilty when you don't write

every day? I don't feel bad about Monday because I attended a

writer's group meeting here in Port Aransas--a great group of

folks. That happened in the morning, the time I usually write,

and since I did housework in the afternoon, I was quite tired by

evening, so didn't write then, either.

Today, though I did my 1,000 words right when I got up, and started

working on submitting a… Continue

Added by Jan Christensen on April 4, 2007 at 2:34pm — 1 Comment


I have been spending a lot of time marketing and I always wonder how I will be able to tell what method produced results. It's sort of like dietary supplementation. If you take five different things and feel better, how do you know which one caused the improvement. With supplements, obviously, it is best to take one at a time, but I don't have the time to do that with marketing.

I am marketing libraries, doing promotional work on Amazon, getting (forcing) everyone I know…

Added by John Misak on April 4, 2007 at 1:23pm — No Comments

Favorite Crime novel Detective and why?

Over the decades we've met some incredible detectives. Who is your favorite detective and why?

Added by Kevin Helmold on April 4, 2007 at 1:16pm — 2 Comments

True Crime vs. Crime Fiction

As a fan of true crime, I can't help but wonder what other readers think of this genre. I do read some mystery and suspense, but I find that I am more intrigued by the personal aspect of the books written about real people. I've heard some say it is human nature to be morbidly interested, but I find it interesting to try and inderstand what makes people do evil things.

In crime fiction, the motivation is written right into the story and eliminates most of the guess…


Added by Cynthia Polansky on April 4, 2007 at 12:50pm — 5 Comments

Crusader's Cross by James Lee Burke

Once again, James Lee Burke has taken us deep into the troubled past of his best character. Crusader's Cross gives us a look at Dave Robicheaux's relationship with his half-brother Jimmy. Having met a peculiar woman in Galveston, TX years earlier, Dave's past comes back to torment him and those closest to him in the present.

This newsest novel shows us more of Clete, a unique side of Helen, and a softer and temporarily calmer Dave. With his typical flair for…


Added by Echelon Press on April 4, 2007 at 12:44pm — No Comments

Poll - Do you Read Australasian Books?

We're running a very simple little poll over on AustCrime Fiction at the moment just to bet a bit of a feel for the impact of our local authors. This result will be going to some of our local publishers so if you have time we'd appreciate your input:

Added by Karen from AustCrime on April 4, 2007 at 12:17pm — 6 Comments

We all need comradery...

So, last night, I watched my beloved Florida Gators dispose of Ohio State for the NCAA Basketball Championship, and it got me thinking. Well, to be completely honest, just about anything gets me thinking, but that's beside the point.

For those of you not familiar with the Gators story, let me bore you with the details. Last season, a group of unknown Sophomores were charged with replacing some of the most talented, yet selfish, players in Florida history. Not much was expected of these… Continue

Added by E Scott Johnson on April 4, 2007 at 12:12pm — No Comments

Rescue Beagle Extraordinaire

I'm still trying to climb out of a massive reading slump so no books to write about. So the first blog will be about how Chance came to be living in Michigan. Chance was originally from northern Georgia. Our best guess is that he was hit by a car or a truck. The radial nerve from the right front leg to the spine was severed. The right foot was pulverized. All the ribs on the right side were cracked. The right back femur was broken in half. None of his injuries were ever treated. I can not begin… Continue

Added by Julie Campbell on April 4, 2007 at 10:06am — No Comments

Morris, R. N. –A GENTLE AXE

A GENTLE AXE (Historical-Police

Procedural-St. Petersburg, Russia-1866) – G+

Morris, R. N. – 2nd in series

Faber and Faber, 2007- UK Hardcover – ISBN:


First Sentence: It was well into the

morning when the darkness began to fade.

Porfiry Petrovich Virginsky is an investigating magistrate from the Department of the Investigation of Criminal Causes. In…

Added by LJ Roberts on April 4, 2007 at 9:00am — No Comments

Note in a bottle

I've been a member of Crimespace around a week now, and I still haven't figured out how to get directly to the profiles/personal information of those of you who have been kind enough to invite me to your friends' list. Life is not easy for a cyber-Neanderthal.

So, since I'm still learning the ropes, I look on this blog entry somewhat like putting a note in a bottle and tossing it into the cybersea.

And like most notes in a bottle, it's a cry for attention. Like every…


Added by Dorien Grey on April 4, 2007 at 8:37am — No Comments

New reviews posted at RTE

20 new crime fiction reviews uploaded to


Lee Child BAD LUCK AND TROUBLE Sharon Wheeler

When an old army colleague contacts him, Jack Reacher must put his old unit back together to save friends' lives

Gayle Lynds THE LAST SPYMASTER Barbara Franchi

Jay Tice, once head of the CIA clandestine services division, escapes from prison and Elaine Cunningham is the hunter assigned to find him… Continue

Added by Barbara Franchi on April 4, 2007 at 8:20am — No Comments

Donald Hamilton, 1916-2006

Earlier today, Steve Lewis of Mystery*File reported that author Donald Hamilton died late last year, November 20th to be exact. Hamilton was best known as the creator of secret agent Matt Helm, who dispatched the enemies of America in a series that stretched over thirty years. Charles Ardai, whose Hard Case Crime recently reprinted Hamilton's Night Walker, has now confirmed the news.

I've read at least a couple of Hamilton's books just in the months since his death. His thrillers were…


Added by Graham Powell on April 4, 2007 at 7:56am — 2 Comments

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