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5 Champagne Flutes for The Marian Kind!!!

Woo Hoo! The Marian Kind is now on sale, and my first review, from Cocktail Reviews, also hit the airways.

Here's what Black Russian had to say...

"Set yourself up for a fun ride!"

"excellent one-liners that made me laugh out loud."

"A breath of fresh air, The Marian Kind is a must read for all romantic comedy readers."

"Favourite lines:

He took a scone and stared like it was Snow White’s…


Added by Babe King on July 11, 2007 at 8:47pm — No Comments

Noir City Northwest, Report #5

Three, count ’em, three Mets in the starting line-up, and an inside the park home run from the Mariners’ Ichiro Suzuki. Do I regret missing the All-Star Game? Nope. Not when there’s noir to be seen. Especially two rare titles that have never appeared on video.

What do they have in common? Screenwriter…

Added by Vince Keenan on July 11, 2007 at 6:56pm — No Comments

Ask not what SinC can do for you. . .

posted by Donna Andrews, SinC Chapter Liaison and author of the Meg Langslow & Turing Hopper mystery series.

Potential SinC members often ask what benefits they can get from joining

the organization. And most SinC members--including me--have very

decided ideas about what benefits SinC could or should offer.

But just to play devil's advocate--or possibly prove that I'm still a

child of the sixties--I'd like to suggest that we all need to shift our…


Added by Sisters In Crime on July 11, 2007 at 11:45am — No Comments

Questions, Answers, Sales, Chocolate! Wow! I just got off the phone with the Southern half of Evelyn David. She just finished her talk at the Lawton Public Library in Lawton, Oklahoma and was bouncin…

Questions, Answers, Sales, Chocolate!

Wow! I just got off the phone with the Southern half of Evelyn David. She just finished her talk at the Lawton Public Library in Lawton, Oklahoma and was bouncing off the walls with excitement. I've heard of a runner's high – that point in a race where all your endorphins kick in. I think there…


Added by Evelyn David on July 11, 2007 at 11:37am — No Comments

Bad Words

On Sunday last week I sold 20 books during two hours at a Barnes

& Noble. Well, actually, I sold 17 and the store had me sign

the remaining 3. One of the 17 buyers e-mailed me yesterday,

wanting to return the book because of all the f*cks and sh&ts and

even the "Good Christs." Of course, she repeated all those words

in her e-mail several times. She wanted my home address so she could

ship it back. Of course, I thought, a murder mystery set amid

hunters… Continue

Added by Mark Stevens on July 11, 2007 at 11:25am — 3 Comments


I have a quote on my Crimespace page: "Kindness and compassion could solve a whole lot of problems." Somebody asked me the other day what's the context, why do I have that there? So after a while, when the fact that somebody had asked was still on my mind, I decided to blog about it.

First off, it's not really a quote, nobody has said exactly those words that I know of, except me. It's there because a saying on a web page is sort of like an epitaph -- it should be something…


Added by Dianne Day on July 11, 2007 at 8:18am — 7 Comments

SILENT COUNSEL tour is taking shape!

With the release of SILENT COUNSEL just two months away, the calendar is filling up pretty quickly with signings. I'll be starting here in the New York/New Jersey area, and then heading out west to Bouchercon at the end of September. What a great opportunity to then stop in at places in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and California (with the possibility of adding stops in Nevada and Arizona) before heading back home.

Here's what the schedule looks like so far. Hope you'll be able to make…


Added by Ken Isaacson on July 11, 2007 at 7:48am — No Comments

Renewing the bodymind - very, very slowly ...

All day retreat today, as part of the Diocesan Summer School. Should have gone on one last week, but couldn't be arsed and I was actually busy with the Thorn in the Flesh edit. Panicked hugely about getting there, even though it was only in Woking, but Lord H found a better route than I'd anticipated and in the end it was fine. The only problem was it was held in St Columba's House Woking which, frankly, has to be the least welcoming retreat house in the UK. I've been before, and had… Continue

Added by Anne Brooke on July 11, 2007 at 6:20am — 1 Comment

Identity Crisis.

I have finally done it, or started to do it at least, write a novel that is. It’s going to be called White Oak and is a sort of homage to trench coats, down at heel heroes and all things noir.…


Added by Adam Colclough on July 11, 2007 at 6:02am — No Comments

I should have mentioned that...

Demolition Magazine has taken one of my stories and it will apparently be published this month. Many thanks to Bryon Quertermous for liking my Viktor Petrenko character enough to grant him a second go around.

Also, The Concrete Maze has started to garner some good press - Spinetingler Magazine has written up a very nice review. Many thanks to EvilKev for his kind…


Added by Steven Torres on July 11, 2007 at 2:38am — No Comments

The Press Book

I just received, via airmail all the way from France, my first Press Book. This consists of a fat stack of pages carrying reviews and comments in the French Press for my two books THE DRAGON SCROLL and RASHOMON GATE, translated into French and published by Belfond. The first novel (released last October) had 64 of these; the more recent RASHOMON GATE 24.

Not only have none of my novels ever received this kind of coverage in this country,…


Added by I. J. Parker on July 11, 2007 at 1:33am — No Comments

I Bet You I CAN...

Someone bet me after one of my most recent forum posts that I couldn't write a story using the elements I had mentioned in my post (an amateur sleuth with an aardvark called Samuel who's actually the ghost of Joan of Arc, a serial killer whose signature is a chess piece made of brie wrapped in a piece of Amazonian love poetry). Well, since I had a spare hour at lunchtime, I thought I would give it a whirl. There was nothing to say it actually had to be good, so it's…


Added by Donna Moore on July 11, 2007 at 1:07am — 4 Comments


posted by Lorraine Bartlett

I need to get going on the next book in my Booktown cozy series. Oh, I've already got a fairly good start, but it's not good enough. And I really need to work at it more...but I'm overwhelmed by PAPER.

Sometimes I think Sheila and I are competing in a "who has the bigger piles of paper" contest. Just when I'm sure she's winning, suddenly there are stacks of paper (and magazines and all kinds of other junk) teetering in my office.

What is it…


Added by Writers Plot on July 11, 2007 at 12:11am — No Comments


The third Jack Keller novel, SAFE AND SOUND, is released today upon an unsuspecting world.

"Crisp dialogue and the author's deft use of local color support a narrative driven as effectively by characters as by events."-Publishers Weekly

"Rhoades is a true rising star. You NEED to be reading his books."-Mystery One

."..the slam-bang action is unrelenting, and that sound you hear is the rustle of pages turning."-…

Added by J.D. Rhoades on July 10, 2007 at 10:53pm — No Comments

The Law of Unintended Consequences

One of the unintended consequences of the rise of the internet is that some great writing travels the world uncredited. Once in a while I see a line so beautiful that I search for the source, usually in vain. Yesterday I spotted a line that I wish I had written, and soon learned that tons of others agree with me, because it's on a lot of web sites and slides. The simple sentence:

"There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to…


Added by Austin S. Camacho on July 10, 2007 at 10:32pm — No Comments

The Outpost - Issue 4

A new issue of The Outpost has been released containing 8 new short stories. The Outpost features crime stories by Australian-based authors and is published quarterly.

I don't want to alarm anyone but a certain wariness of friends and relatives might winkle its way into your brain after reading this issue with half the stories involving the bumping off of loved ones.

A couple of comic… Continue

Added by Damien Gay on July 10, 2007 at 10:11pm — No Comments

Noir City Northwest, Report #4

I didn’t do it, y’unnerstand? It was Noir City Day 4! The whole thing’s a set-up!

Phil Karlson is a treasured name among noir aficionados because he made spare, no-nonsense films. He also knew how to get strong performances out of actors like John Payne, a song-and-dance man who might otherwise have been remembered for freezing his charms off with Sonja Henie in Sun Valley Serenade. Karlson was savvy enough to see the caged animal lurking underneath…

Added by Vince Keenan on July 10, 2007 at 6:40pm — No Comments

"Gumbo and De Pain" accepted

My high tech, sf thriller, mystery short story was recently accepted for publication in "Tabloid Purposes IV". Submissions are still open--it sounds like it's going to be a high visibility publication. I did submarines in a futuristic world, should be fun. I'll be interested in hearing if anyone guesses the ending.

Added by Sheri Fresonke Harper on July 10, 2007 at 3:53pm — No Comments

New interview and medieval blog

I've got a new interview up on Carol Ann Erhardt's blog "Inside the Writer's Mind":

Though she's a romance writer, she does interview writers from other genres. Please contact her directly if you want to do an interview with her, but keep in mind that she has a waiting list.

I also have a… Continue

Added by Paula R. Stiles on July 10, 2007 at 12:13pm — No Comments

Monday, July 9, 2007

"Growing up I loved Dickens and Mickey Spillane."--Jackie Collins, the 7/8 New York Times Magazine, as quoted by John Boston and brought to the attention of the members of the FictionMags list.

Which would eventually result in The World is Full of Tiny…


Added by Todd Mason on July 10, 2007 at 6:59am — No Comments

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