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Did this already happen to you ? To forget about a text you wrote ? I get back some papers in a box, and read them last night... and I found few lines, the begining of a story... and I don't know when I had this idea... this could become a detective story, the mood is here... I will tell you if I go on this way, it would be a first time for me, so I could need your help ;)

Added by Tiffany on June 18, 2007 at 3:56am — No Comments

Review Books

It seems like every book I've picked up to review has been a good one. And when I like an author I tend to buy the other books that author has written so I have a lot of new books coming in.

I am reading Innocence by David Hosp and really enjoying it. Just finished Joe Hill's Heart Shaped Box. Another good one. I have Betrayed but haven't read it so that will be next on my list.

Really enjoyed Donis Casey's The Old Buzzard Had It Coming. I love the title. I bought Hornswoggled…


Added by HappyRuby on June 18, 2007 at 12:33am — No Comments

Library Thing

Have you checked out Library Thing yet? It's at

It's fascinating. I spent last night and this morning putting up most of the books I've read this year. It's a way to catalog your personal library or keep track of books you've read. It's also the hot social network out there for people who like to read. You can contact other people who read the same books you do, and find out what else they like.

I… Continue

Added by Lesa Holstine on June 17, 2007 at 7:34am — 2 Comments

Facebook, golf and time travel

Am feeling very modern today - have finally set up an account on Facebook ( last night, so have at last entered the modern world. Mind you, I don't have many friends on it yet - 3 so far to be precise - so if anyone out there is on Facebook and prepared to take pity on me, please do. I'd be very grateful.

Meant to be very literary this morning, but have done sod all - sorry. Might do some…


Added by Anne Brooke on June 17, 2007 at 6:26am — No Comments

Abrahams, Peter - DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE

DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE (Amateur Sleuth-Ingrid Levin-Hill-Echo Falls-Cont) – VG

Abrahams, Peter – 1st of series

HarperTrophy, 2005, US Paperback – ISBN: 9780060737030

First Sentence: Ingrid Levin-Hill, three weeks past her thirteenth birthday, sat thinking in her…

Added by LJ Roberts on June 17, 2007 at 4:30am — No Comments

Bronx Noir

Got my contributor copies of the long awaited Bronx Noir. Never been anthologized before. Hope this is the first of many. Can't help but think that the book is a wonderful book. Stories by Ed Dee, SJ Rozan, and Lawrence Block are in there alongside of mine. I'm honored of course. Also can't wait to dig in. Would it be unethical of me to review other people's short stories over at …

Added by Steven Torres on June 16, 2007 at 2:00pm — No Comments

What I know . . .

by Pari Noskin Taichert

An idea is precious, more valuable than gold.

But if forced, new quickly descends into old.

The most brilliant spark can lose its glow

When edited too much, when pushed where it doesn't want to flow.

Work each day, sit at the computer.

Grab and observe like an emotional looter.

Characters demand their stories be told.

The writer transforms into mother,…


Added by Pari Noskin Taichert on June 16, 2007 at 7:43am — No Comments

Summer fog season

Every time I check this page, I see this poor blog sitting alone and unattended, and I think, "I gotta think of something to post..." Yeah, right. I'm not usually this neglectful when it comes to posting. I just forget what time of year it is.

And that is--summer mold season. Otherwise known as the season of brain fog. I'm terribly allergic. It's a great time for reading, and sometimes for writing, because neither of those things necessarily involves direct contact with other people.… Continue

Added by Pepper Smith on June 16, 2007 at 4:35am — No Comments

Black, Benjamin (aka John Banville) - CHRISTINE FALLS


Added by LJ Roberts on June 16, 2007 at 4:30am — No Comments

The birds have flown ...

Oh, great excitement and trauma this morning! The baby swallows on Springwatch ( have finally flown the nest. I was peacefully getting ready at around 8am when a great shout from the computer room brought me running to Lord H's aid, assuming he was having some kind of crisis. He wasn't - instead, the first of the swallows had fledged and the remaining four were looking…


Added by Anne Brooke on June 16, 2007 at 1:57am — No Comments

Saint Charbel - some unexpected changes

I did some work on Saint Charbel yesterday, and I'm realizing that

this is turning into something entirely different from how it started.

It's one of those very familiar situations where my book is writing

itself and I'm just trying to keep up. That's when I know I'm on a

roll. I am resenting the usual demands on my time right now, because

Saint Charbel is swirling around in my head. The next thing is that

the title will definitely NOT BE The Murder of Saint… Continue

Added by Rosie Contreras on June 16, 2007 at 1:36am — 1 Comment

From the front lines of Charm City or David Simon nailed it - pt. 2

As a follow up to my post from a couple of weeks ago. There is now a follow up to a proposed plan to put Baltimore city Homicide detectives back in uniform and on foot patrol. This

policy has been in place for two weeks now and has not been sucessful so it is

being revoked. Homicide detectives are off the street and back on the case.…


Added by BrianLindenmuth on June 16, 2007 at 12:10am — No Comments

What's Cooking?

I had a conversation this morning with a fellow writer who was in a deep dark place with his new book. Not that he had no ideas; he had plenty. And not that he has no tools, skills, talent: this is a very gifted guy. But, he said, he was feeling like when you've decided to make soup. You know just what you're going to do: heat up some broth, chop up carrots and onions, and then to be fancy put in a little dill. Except when you go to the cupboard where the pots are, there's no saucepan. And…


Added by Sisters In Crime on June 15, 2007 at 11:39pm — No Comments

Recently read - THE HANGMAN by Peter Lovesey (5.0)

It is 3 years since Peter Diamond's wife was killed and he is being stalked by a woman who wants to become better acquainted. ACC Georgina Dalley's friend's daughter has gone missing . A woman's body is discovered hanging from a public playground swing, at first sight a suicide, but then it seems she may already have been dead when hung there. The discovery of a second body seems to signal that they have a "hangman" on the loose. Very very readable.

Added by Kerrie on June 15, 2007 at 11:03pm — No Comments

Finishing a collection

Well, it only took me 30 years and we won't mention how many dollars, but I've done it. As of today, I'm the proud owner of an American 1st edition of every Agatha Christie published. What started out as a nice way to read books, back in the 70s when hardcovers were only a few bucks, grew into a collection. I was probably 5 years and 25 books into the project before I even thought of it as one.

Many of my collections got my start back then. Craig Rice, Ellery Queen, my Van Dines, and…


Added by Jeffrey Marks on June 15, 2007 at 8:54pm — 1 Comment

The Angel of Ass-Whoop at Grill-Fest (adult language)

Tuesday night I chaperoned the Mayor’s Youth Action Council (MYAC) event called “Grill-Fest.” There were more than 300 teens and young adults at one of our community parks. The MYAC kids scheduled a skateboard and BMX bicycle stunt contest at the skateboard park and five bands at the shelter. I taught them about planned spontaneity by having them set up a…


Added by Karyn J. Powers on June 15, 2007 at 3:30pm — No Comments

My New Book Cover

I love it, simply love it! Tell me what you think about it!

Added by Robin Caroll on June 15, 2007 at 10:02am — 2 Comments


FREE FIRE (Licensed Investigator-Joe Pickett-Wyoming-Cont) – Ex

Box, C.J. – 7th in series

Putnam, 2007, US Hardcover – ISBN: 9780399154270

First Sentence: A half-hour after Clay McCann walked into the backwoods ranger station and turned over his still-warm weapons,…

Added by LJ Roberts on June 15, 2007 at 4:30am — No Comments

Rescue Me

Sorry for the delay in posting. It’s been crazy busy around the House of Faust. What else is new?

Anyway, the No Crime Unpublished Conference was a blast. It started off with a bang when I got tied up and rigged into a litter (y’know, that metal thing they lay injured people in to pull them up out of ravines with a helicopter) by the Montrose Search and Rescue team. They had great equipment, including all sorts of rope and climbing gear. (drool) Of course, it was also a fun and… Continue

Added by Christa Faust on June 15, 2007 at 3:41am — 1 Comment

The definitive Z-list feeling

Ye gods, but I'm feeling pretty Z-list today. It's the subtitle on the Blogger version of this journal (if you're reading that one) - someone once complained about it, but I kept it as it does seem to fit. Anyway, today, I am surrounded by writers who have already done it all, or are about to do it all, and are having utterly marvellous fulfilling times. And frankly, it's shit. Sorry, but it is. I know I'm supposed to rejoice in the wonderful success of others, but hell it's bloody hard…


Added by Anne Brooke on June 15, 2007 at 2:08am — No Comments

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