All Blog Posts (12,730)

Birds, postmen and Guildford Writers

Forgot to say (or perhaps I’m too ashamed to confess it), but Lord H and I bought a birdsong CD at the end of last week’s holiday, so we could wow our friends with our amazing ability to distinguish a woodpecker from a sparrow. However, there are 99 tracks on it, plus a booklet (which unfortunately doesn’t include pictures of said birds, which might have been more useful), and we’re so far only up to track 12. Well, there’s only so much constant tweeting you can take really. But I do think I…


Added by Anne Brooke on June 6, 2007 at 3:55am — No Comments

Duane Swierczynski Interview

I recently finished my
interview with Duane Swierczynski. It can be found here.

Added by BrianLindenmuth on June 6, 2007 at 2:30am — No Comments

The first of many. Maybe.

Every time I go to my own page here, I'm nagged reminded to make a blog entry. People who know me won't believe this but I struggle to think of things to put on my blog. However, I'll do my best.

For anyone who's interested, I have another blog - just personal ramblings really - over here. If you plan on visiting, now is probably the best time as I'm giving away one of my books.

As I moan a lot on my main blog,… Continue

Added by Shirley Wells on June 6, 2007 at 2:18am — 1 Comment

EBMRG - 5 June 2007 Meeting Recap


5th June 2007 - Meeting Recap

Corona, Linda and I met tonight and had a small, but spirited, discussion:…


Added by LJ Roberts on June 6, 2007 at 1:30am — No Comments

Excuses, Excuses

I haven't written a word on my novel in nearly four weeks. Oh, I've thought about said novel. I've written down twists and places that need reformatting. But I have yet to tackle the dreaded scene that haunts me.

I got hung up on POV based on some comments from a critique group. Now, all I can see is POV. I can no longer see the story.

Then, I started a new job. I work weird hours, but the character generation potential is awesome. I broke a tooth, and I mourn the loss of Cape…


Added by Angela Wilson on June 6, 2007 at 1:27am — 1 Comment

I live in a tough little town ...

I recently turned 53 and because I'm around so many females at work and home, I thought I'd do something manly to recognize by advancing years.

So I joined a local gun club, took my .44-Magnum revolver, and went shooting.

(Important note: When you ask ammunition clerks at the local Wal-Mart for hollow point .44-Magnum rounds, expect startled looks.)

So that birthday weekend I shot guns. I smoked cigars. I drank beer and…


Added by James Roberts on June 6, 2007 at 1:01am — 1 Comment

Gnome Place Like Home

Posted by Lorraine Bartlett

One of my newest friends on MySpace is the Roaming Gnome of Travelocity fame. Since I don't watch a lot of TV, I follow his exploits in USA Today. Yesterday, for instance, he was buried in the sand with a crab nearby. (I sometimes think that little guy gets more life experience than me!)

He's not my only gnome pal. I share my yard with three of them. They all came from the…


Added by Writers Plot on June 5, 2007 at 10:30pm — No Comments

Who am I selling books to?

Apparently, myself.

Galleycat ( reports on the results of A Women and Books 2007 study which describes the typical book buyer:

  • Age 45
  • Married
  • BA degree
  • Lives a large city (population of 500,000 or more)
  • Annual household income of $88,625 or more

Added by Naomi Hirahara on June 5, 2007 at 3:58pm — 4 Comments

Palo Alto High's Mystery Alum

Gee, you'd think I'd have a chance to be the most famous mystery writer who ever 290pxpalo_alto_high_school_billboar graduated from my high school. No shot. Never. You see I'm an alum of Palo Alto High as is... Erle Stanley Gardner, the progenitor of…


Added by Keith Raffel on June 5, 2007 at 3:55pm — No Comments

Reiki and gin

Groan. Back to work today. Honestly, it’s not that the job is horrible – it isn’t – but the weight of despair that lies on one’s back on the dreaded Return to Work Day gets worse with age. I used to be okay about this in my 20s, even though the jobs I had then were utter and insurmountable crap, but now even the thought of it has me pinned to my bed, dragging my feet round the flat and weeping in Lord H’s arms before the dreaded 8.30am occurs. Lordy, but what an eventful morning indeed.…


Added by Anne Brooke on June 5, 2007 at 5:36am — No Comments

Karp, Marshall - BLOODTHIRSTY

BLOODTHIRSTY (Police Procedural-Lomax & Biggs-Los Angeles-Cont) – G+

Karp, Marshall – 2nd in series

Macadam Cage, 2007 – US Hardcover – ISBN: 9781596922099

First Sentence: Roger and Aggie held hands as they watched the kid bleed out.

Detectives Mike…

Added by LJ Roberts on June 5, 2007 at 4:00am — No Comments

Win a copy of Hard Man by Allan Guthrie

The new Mystery Book Spot contest has been announced. We are giving away a copy of Hard Man by Allan Guthrie.

For more information click here.

Added by BrianLindenmuth on June 5, 2007 at 2:53am — No Comments

Help Word Nerd pick a book

I'm thinking about starting to read a new mystery series, but with so many out there, I can't decide.

Click here to vote for which P.I. I should read about in my blog poll.

Added by Bethany K. Warner on June 5, 2007 at 12:41am — 1 Comment

What I Read In May

Here are my small, but perfectly formed, May reads.


Protagonist: Cal Innes

Series?: Second

Setting: Manchester and LA

After a very brief (and extremely unsuccessful) stint as a PI, Cal Innes is helping out at his mate Paulo's gym in Manchester and reluctantly

agrees to chaperone a teenage boxer to an important amateur boxing

tournament in LA. Liam is a talented boxer, but also a bad tempered

obstreperous teenager, who's not… Continue

Added by Donna Moore on June 5, 2007 at 12:08am — 1 Comment

Opus Dei

Opus Dei is suing friends of mine, a small publishing company. Easier to attack them than Dan Brown :-))))

Quand la puissante Opus Dei s'attaque à une petite maison d'édition.


Créée en 1928 en Espagne à l'initiative de José Maria Escriva de Balaguer, prêtre catholique canonisé en 2002 par Jean-Paul II, l'Opus Dei, prélature de l'Eglise catholique, est une organisation puissante, présente dans le monde entier.

Maison… Continue

Added by Delphine Cingal on June 4, 2007 at 11:45pm — 4 Comments

To see ourselves as others see us, Part One

Posted by Sheila Connolly

"O would some power the giftie gie us to see ourselves as others see us. " Robert Burns (1759 - 1796), To a Louse

I had my picture taken professionally last week. This is the first time I've had a picture of me alone taken by someone other than a well-meaning friend or relative since my senior year in college (yes, they had invented cameras by then). Well, there was one family portrait (what? Only one? My sister's son had a baby last…


Added by Writers Plot on June 4, 2007 at 10:23pm — No Comments

An audio 'read' - HARK : an 87th precinct novel by Ed McBain, 3.8

Gloria Stanford is found dead in her apartment. She has cheated on the Deaf Man and he has taken his revenge. But he is not finished with the 87th precinct. He has a daring plan to make the precinct, and especially detective Steve Carella, look very stupid. Carella begins getting cryptic notes, some of them Shakespearian quotations, some anagrams, and some palindromes. They are delivered to the station by a succession of druggies and down-and-outers and point to an event happening within the… Continue

Added by Kerrie on June 4, 2007 at 8:56pm — No Comments

Thirty-Three Teeth, Colin Cotterill


Author: Colin Cotterill

Publisher: Text Publishing

Edition released: June 2007

ISBN: 978-1-921145-88-9

244 pages

Review by: Karen Chisholm

THIRTY-THREE TEETH is the follow up to THE CORONER'S LUNCH featuring the elderly, reluctant Laotian National Coroner Dr Siri Paiboun.

In THIRTY-THREE TEETH it is summer in Vientiane and it is hot, bloody hot. Laotians greet each other with that phrase as…


Added by Karen from AustCrime on June 4, 2007 at 4:34pm — No Comments

War on a Word

War on a Word

By Liam Sweeny

“We are fighting a War on Terror” the President said, soon after the tragic events of Sept. 11th. What the world wanted, what Americans needed, were answers, assurance, and the security of knowing

that our government was doing everything it could do to…


Added by Liam Sweeny on June 4, 2007 at 12:37pm — No Comments

Book Signings, Cell Phones, and Children on the Loose

I was at two book signings recently at my favorite book store. The signings and talks were interesting and informative. However, at one book signing, during the author's talk, several people had their cell phones go off, rather loudly too, and this kept interrupting the author's train of thought, as he continued to stop while the people answered their phones. Usually, I believe, at most signings people are asked to turn their cell phones off, or most know to do this. This…


Added by 012158 on June 4, 2007 at 11:40am — No Comments

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