All Blog Posts (12,730)

Gearing for Malice

I'm so excited. I'm attending Malice Domestic for the first time this year. Until last year, I didn't even know it existed and now just the thought of being in the same room with some of my favorite authors has me goosebumpy and giggling like a school girl. Amazing to me!

Hopefully, while I'm in the room with the likes of Margaret Maron, Carolyn Hart, Cathy Pickens and so many others, their muses will shake an accusatory finger at mine and asked about that sorry work ethic of hers.…


Added by Laine on April 27, 2007 at 10:59pm — 2 Comments

Cats ... Not The Musical

Posted by Leann Sweeney

I have always loved animals, but was only allowed to have one cat during my childhood, but she conveniently disappeared, just like Harvey, our rabbit. Only later did I learn that lost meant sent away. My mother was a dog person and my father liked birds because they could whistle back at him or enjoyed the mirror as much as I'm guessing he did. The first thing my husband and I did when we moved into our first place was to adopt two kittens. Fanny…


Added by Writers Plot on April 27, 2007 at 10:43pm — No Comments

It's time for a divorce

No, I don't mean my marriage is breaking up, heck we just celebrated 15 years what would be the point? I mean I need to divorce my current work in progress....actually I just need to divorce a chapter...but I can't seem to make myself do it.

See, that's my problem. I'm so married to my words I can't make myself delete them all together. I have three "deleted scene" folders for this current work because when I'm writing I just let the words and scenes flow. But then when I go back and…


Added by Terri on April 27, 2007 at 1:22pm — 4 Comments

Noirathon - LA vs NY: Round 9


Everyone who reads this blog knows how much I love Sterling Hayden. Next to ASPHALT JUNGLE, this is probably my favorite Hayden film. It was directed by Stanley Kubrick and based on the novel, CLEAN BREAK by Lionel White. The plot is pretty standard, though it’s served up in an intriguing series of overlapping flashbacks. A diverse collection of characters from all walks of life come together to pull a brilliant… Continue

Added by Christa Faust on April 27, 2007 at 9:39am — No Comments

Graphic novel review: "Murder Mysteries" by Neil Gaiman & P. Craig Russell

One of Neil Gaiman's best stories is adapted into one of the best graphic novels of the decade. Read my review.

Added by John Platt on April 27, 2007 at 7:51am — No Comments

Murder with Reservations - Help Elaine Viets

Murder with Reservations - Help Elaine Viets

In the five years I chaired the Authors Programming Committee for the Lee County Reading Festival, I frequently said mystery writers are the best ones to work with. They were cooperative, easy to work with, and they enjoyed working with each other. Elaine Viets was one that was wonderful to work with. She appeared twice at the festival, and recommended other…

Added by Lesa Holstine on April 27, 2007 at 7:37am — No Comments

Hey, I'm here

This seems like a pretty cool place to be.

I can write the books, but I'm just learning the ropes in terms of promotion.

But the internet is cool for these things. I'm sitting at my son's gymnastics class and posting a blog. Woo hoo. I love technology.

I don't have much to say this afternoon, but that won't last long. Thanks to all who have friended me.

I"ll be back later.


Added by Chris Redding on April 27, 2007 at 6:42am — No Comments

A day of two halves ...

Very up and down today, I must say. In that order. Both me-wise and weather-wise. This morning was good. On all fronts (ho ho). Went into Guildford early and stocked up on underwear at Marks & Spencer. Where would I be without that shop? Today I've been bold and rebellious and actually bought bras that weren't white. Or black. Which are my usual bra colours. No, today I have bought, amongst other items, one pink and one light taupe bra. So I feel wild and free and liberated.…


Added by Anne Brooke on April 27, 2007 at 3:52am — No Comments

It's still rainy, so it must be April

Spoke too soon about the lack of rain. We've still got a deficit, I'm sure, but it's definitely rained, and from the look of the clouds, it will again today.

As this is blog #2 for me (Pepper, what were you thinking?!), I probably won't be doing it all that frequently, but I'll be putting stuff here as it occurs to me.

I'm enjoying the writing conversations on the forums. It's nice to actually talk with other professionals who are in the same genre--my publisher primarily… Continue

Added by Pepper Smith on April 27, 2007 at 2:50am — No Comments

A Personal Invitation to Sisters in Crime’s Forensic University of St. Louis

One day last fall, Michelle Becker and I reviewed the forensic sessions we'd attended at several writers' conferences. The classes were good—but the information often covered the same ground twice or left gaping holes. What we needed was a conference dedicated to solely to forensics.…


Added by Sisters In Crime on April 27, 2007 at 1:49am — No Comments

Join me for lunch!

Saturday will be special for me because I've been invited to the fifth annual Booklovers Luncheon in Baltimore. This event, co-sponsored by the Enoch Pratt Free Library and Karibu Books presents local authors in the most favorable way - with a meal. It will all start at 1 pm at the Metropolitan United Methodist Church at 1121 West Lanvale Street in Baltimore.

After our meal, three other authors and I will each have 15 minutes to read and present ourselves to the…

Added by Austin S. Camacho on April 27, 2007 at 12:19am — No Comments

Another DVD Competition + Updates on Shots Ezine

Our DVD competitions seem very popular. Our next one is in conjunction with Network DVD, And there is the chance to win a copy of the Special 9 Disc box set of The Best of Ruth Rendell Mysteries worth £59.99 and with a blurb line from our very own Peter…


Added by Mike Stotter on April 26, 2007 at 11:13pm — No Comments

Some BSP about, well, BSP

Posted by Jeanne Munn Bracken

Can you have a "claim to fame" if nobody remembers? I don't know if Al Gore invented the internet or not, but I myself coined the phrase "blatant self-promotion", commonly shortened to BSP. I can't prove it, but I defy anyone to disprove it.

Here's what happened. I've been a member of the online mystery community DorothyL ( for at least a dozen years. Some…


Added by Writers Plot on April 26, 2007 at 11:07pm — No Comments

Juggling ideas...

It takes a special frame of mind to embark on and complete a novel and I have to admit I am a long way from reaching that at the moment, despite enjoying the hell out of my writing my first book "The Fast Shuffle". I couldn't get the words on the page fast enough a few years ago when I raced through it and, even though it has yet to reach a big audience, I am proud as punch about it. It reflects my personality well, faults and all.

At the moment, I am writing dialogue and ideas for a…


Added by Matthew Ogborn on April 26, 2007 at 8:46pm — 2 Comments

Meet the Flashers

Please check the new anthology THE FLASH, edited by Peter Wild, published by Social Disease and featuring a story by myself (amongst many others much more worthy - see below). The title refers to the length of the stories: each one…


Added by Charlie Williams on April 26, 2007 at 8:15pm — No Comments


I keep seeing these commercials for the final season of the Sopranos and can't figure out why I am completely unmoved. You see, I didn't start watching until the third season. I got hooked when the hubby brought home the first season on tape. I will not shame myself by telling you how many times I've run through those five tapes or the ones for the following season. But when the th ird season rolled around, I began watching the episodes as they came out.

So now we're down to… Continue

Added by Dee Savoy on April 26, 2007 at 6:32am — 5 Comments

Manor Park and mining the ideas factory

Did some real secretarial stuff today and prepared papers for Monday’s Steering Group meeting – which feels like getting more back to normal after the hiatus of the Easter holidays, conference etc. And God knows how much I like normal. If only I saw it more often.

The rest of the morning was spent visiting the new Manor Park campus – where Carol works some of the time as part of her mentoring remit. We walked there and back which took about 20-25 minutes or so each way, but…


Added by Anne Brooke on April 26, 2007 at 6:22am — No Comments

Filling in the Details

Yeah, yeah... I said the weekend was busy but didn't actually SAY anything, huh? Well, Saturday I got to play the presidential role at another Maryland Writers Association annual conference. Most people said they were impressed by the Maritime Institute of Technology and I'm pretty sure we'll be there next year. I got positive comments about the sessions, the agents present, and our stalwart editors Melanie Rigney and Beth Rubin. I have to admit, though, that the most positive feedback was for… Continue

Added by Austin S. Camacho on April 26, 2007 at 3:45am — No Comments

Phone Chats

Whew--finally A Treasury of Regrets is officially on sale. This Sunday I'll be doing a book signing in Hudson, NY, where I lived until four months ago.

Since I have no cash and no driver's license, I can't drive around for hundreds of miles to promote my book. But I CAN talk (endlessly) on the phone! So if you are in a book club (USA or Canada), or your friends are, and you like historical mysteries, please consider inviting me over, via your speakerphone, for a live…


Added by Susanne Alleyn on April 26, 2007 at 2:32am — No Comments

Investigation ?

Yes, I'm investigating this site because it's may first hour here !!!

Added by Héliette Ossant on April 26, 2007 at 1:11am — No Comments

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