Pauline Rowson's Blog – September 2012 Archive (6)

Crime Scene Fire Investigations Team feature in crime novels and at CSI Portsmouth

The Hampshire Police Fire Investigations Officer DC Terry Fitzjohn and Watch Manager Andy Earl of the Arson Task Force will be appearing at CSI Portsmouth 2012 on the morning panel along with Crime Scene Manager Carolyn Lovell from Hampshire Police and crime authors, Matt Hilton and Stephen Booth and myself.…


Added by Pauline Rowson on September 28, 2012 at 3:39am — No Comments

Tickets now on sale for CSI Portsmouth 2012, where crime fiction meets crime fact

Tickets are now on sale for CSI Portsmouth 2012 taking place on Saturday 3 November at John Pounds Centre, Portsmouth, England, the third year of this popular event where crime fiction meets crime fact.

At this year’s CSI Portsmouth international crime authors Stephen Booth, Ann Cleeves, Matt Hilton and Pauline Rowson join Crime Scene Manager Co-ordinator Carolyn Lovell from Hampshire Police, DC Terry Fitzjohn…


Added by Pauline Rowson on September 25, 2012 at 3:57am — No Comments

Ebook publication of two latest DI Horton mystery crime novels brought forward by Severn House

Severn House publishers have announced they have brought forward the publication of two e books in the DI Andy Horton series.

A Killing Coast, the seventh in the DI Horton series,which was scheduled to be…


Added by Pauline Rowson on September 20, 2012 at 9:51pm — No Comments

New DI Andy Horton Mystery by Pauline Rowson to be Published by Severn House in January

I'm delighted to announce that I have signed a contract with my publisher Severn House for the next in the DI Andy Horton series of marine mystery crime novels set on the South Coast of England.

Undercurrent is the ninth crime novel to feature the flawed and rugged DI Andy Horton and is set in Portsmouth, UK. It is to be published in the UK January 2013 and in the USA in July 2013. It is…


Added by Pauline Rowson on September 18, 2012 at 12:01am — No Comments

Pauline Rowson Book Signing the DI Horton Crime Novel Death Lies Beneath on the Bridge of the St Clare

My crime novels and thrillers are set in the Portsmouth and Isle of Wight area and I took a special trip across the Solent on the Wightlink ferry, St Clare, last week to sign copies of my latest DI Andy Horton novel Death Lies Beneath.…


Added by Pauline Rowson on September 10, 2012 at 7:30pm — No Comments

Crime author Pauline Rowson talks about her writing routine

'm often asked about my writing routine. Do I have one and if so what is it? How much time do I spend when writing?

Unless I am away from home on a speaking engagement, I write every day, usually for about three to four hours a day but this varies depending on the stage of the novel and whether I need to break off to conduct some research. Sometimes for days on end if the flow is going or I am nearing the end of the novel I can spend eight hours writing, not good for the back and if…


Added by Pauline Rowson on September 3, 2012 at 8:09pm — No Comments

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