The subconscious. Friend to the writer. Friend with a wicked sense of humor.
I have a pad and pen by my bed. Sometimes I'll dream some scene or story, wake up and write it down. Or a line of dialogue might pop into my head. I have a mini tape recorder in my car for the same reasons. I've gotten some great stuff from this. Full blown storylines, wonderful little character traits.
And sometimes I get... "Please don't dance on it."
That's what I found on my pad this morning. I don't remember writing it. I don't remember what the hell it means, or why it was important enough for me to lean over and scribble it down.
Does this ever happen to you? How does your writer's subconscious work? Do you carry tape recorders into the shower, or have a pen and pad by the toilet? Have you ever written a note to your writer-self, then gone back and had no freaking idea what it means?
Do you think the writer's (or any artist's) subconscious works on a different level than other folks? Do you think our subconscious likes to muck with us from time to time? I'd like to know just where the hell my Newfie muse was around 2:30 this morning....
And if anyone out there knows what "Please don't dance on it" means, shoot me a message.