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I didn't like his books either. I found them to be more akin to a road map rather than a narrative.

Yes.  Good point.  There is a hang-up among a number of crime writers for giving you street names and addresses whenever someone is driving somewhere.  It's become a cliche, I think.  Michael Connelly does it, too.  I did take notice that there is a lot less drinking in a Rankin novel these days.  His protagonist spent most of his time in a bar or pub in the earlier novels.

Really? I can't recall any times I gave street names of addresses. I am sure I've done it from time to time, but I think I usually leave those things out. After all, unless they are particularly important, why waste space on something the reader will likely gloss over anyway?

It may pass for research.  Or local color.

Perhaps, in moderation. Still, I can't think of reasons to use it to the point where it'd become anywhere near cliche. 

I read 'The Impossible Dead'  recently too, and my impression was very similar to yours, I.J ..

 -As to #1 best seller, I think that many readers (me for one) keep buying his books  hoping he'll soon get back to his 'Rebus ' style, which as you know was very popular with fans of gritty British fiction ! - ( As my Canadian wife recently remarked - "not many authors can get as gritty and grotty as the Brits"   -LOL )

There's been a bit of a flurry of local books out and about which is very good as it's freezing cold here although dry as a chip still. So I've been holed up inside reading Blackwattle Creek by Geoffrey McGeachin, Hell's Fury by PD Martin and Paving the New Road by Sulari Gentill as well as non-locals A Dark and Broken Heart by R.J. Ellory and The Namesake by Conor Fitzgerald.

I like Geoff's D-E-D series. Quite funny and parochial.

It is isn't it :) I think that was why I was so pleasantly surprised over The Digger's Rest Hotel when it arrived - these books are very different from the Alby series.

The parochial nature didn't put me off, but I can see it really offending a lot of people who take it too seriously. I haven't read his other books as yet, I'll have to give them a look.

I must admit I liked the blatant parochial stuff in the Alby series - but then I thought it was highly entertaining :) but the Charlie Berlin series is completely different - I think you'd need to read the first one though before Blackwattle Creek - without Digger's Rest - Blackwattle could seem overtly angst ridden / out of context.

Ake Edwardson, SHIP OF STONE.  I recall dimly liking a couple of his other books.  This one I found unreadable.  Reasons:   1. Very boring.  Nothing happens the first 40 pages though the possibility is hinted at.  Irritating.  2. A tendency to be literary and poetic in places.  It doesn't come off.  3.  An effort to confuse the reader.  This probably has to do with the fact that nothing happens but the reader must be kept on the edge of his seat.  4.  A return to WWII for a mystery that shouldn't produce current violence but somehow keeps suggesting such a thing.

A reader doesn't like to have his leg pulled continuously.


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