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I've just picked up All My Enemies by Barry Maitland - the 3rd in the Brock & Kolla which has been reprinted by Allen & Unwin so it will be interesting to go back so far in the series. I'm also shuffling Bereft by Chris Womersley up the list because I've been trying to start that book for ages now.

Just finished Jeffery Deaver's XO. I enjoyed it immensely. And have now started Zoe Sharp's KILLER INSTINCT, her very first Charlie Fox thriller. I've already read her first three with Charlie in America, and am equally enjoying Ms. Fox's earlier UK adventure.

Magdalen Nabb, THE MARSHAL AT THE VILLA TORRINI.  Nabb is very good.  Her Italian police procedurals feature a marshal of the carabinieri.  The Italians have a weird law enforcement system where several separate organizations seem to work on crimes, sometimes getting in each other's way.  These books are set in Florence, where Nabb used to live.  Not perhaps the delight of Camilleri novels, but actually very well written.

Not a recent read, but a book I am wildly enthusiastic about. Translated from the Japanese, a crime novel called OUT by Natsuo Kirino. It's about a group of women working in a factory, and one of them ends up bumping off her husband, so the others collude to dispose of the body. It gets worse, with blackmail, money laundering, gangsters and more. Really, really wonderful.

I agree, an amazing book. I bought the other two of hers which have
been translated into English, but they're not quite as good.

Again, everyone needs to read OUT.

I've just finished  Peter Blauner's "The last good day"  - an excellent thriller.

One of the most gripping novels I've read in a long time. Blauner has an excellent way of building suspense and leaving you wondering what's going to happen next . - And the 'bad guy' is seldom who you think he is !

Last week's favorite was Simon Kernick's "The last 10 seconds" - another excellent novel that I couldn't put down !

Completely agree, Suzanne. Gothic was a big disappointment after Out (though a perfectly good book in its own right).

I'm reading The Monkey's Raincoat by Robert Crais. Good so far.

I'm also reading a compilation of short stories by Matt Hilton, called Pulse Pounding Tales. Some great authors have contributed and some very good stories. My favourites so far have been by Steven Leather and Matt Hilton.

I don’t know if this qualifies as “currently” but I just finished (today) David Baldacci’s “The Innocent”.

 The main character, Will Robie, is an odd one for an assassin.  He is typically cold-blooded with regards to bad guys.  The man slept like a baby after destroying 5 men.  And yet, his conscience won’t allow him to kill a woman and her innocent child.

 He’ll go out of his way to help a homeless person, or a teenaged girl who just witnessed her parents being murdered.  And, he worries about his own future.  I find him to be a paradox. 

 All in all, I think this is the best book I’ve read all summer.  This is also the first David Baldacci book I’ve ever read.  Where have I been?

Kristina Ohlson, UNWANTED.  A first novel by a new Scandinavian writer.  Police procedural.  It's really quite good on tension and character.  Recommended.

Just finished Zoe Sharp's KILLER INSTINCT. The first in her Charlie Fox series. I've read the first few that were set in the States, but this one is set in England, as are the next two (I think), before Charlie comes to work stateside in FIRST DROP. Great fun.

On a bit of a short story kick. Just finished reading Tess Gerritsen's JOHN DOE, a Rizzoli & Isles short story. Two short stories by Michelle Gagnon, one in the anthology FRESH KILLS  called THE  CHICKEN GUY and a second on in the MWA anthology VEGENANCE called IT AIN'T RIGHT and a Michael Connelly Harry Bosch short story in the same anthology called A FINE MIST OF BLOOD.

All of 'em were really well written and very good.


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