I know about Crimesquad. They sound great. But who can tell me about other meetings, conferences--special classes held in England also? I'd love hearing from you! Thanks!

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Carole, you'll see plenty of mentions on here of the Harrogate Crime Festival - in fact, the organizing team has also just joined Crimespace. It's held every July, is friendly, attracts a lot of the top authors and has rightly developed a reputation as THE crime event of the year in Britain. Nearly everyone who attends once goes back for more, and I think that's about as good a recommendation as you could have.
thank you very mcuh for that, Kevin. I hope to attend next year. July, is it?
Next year's Harrogate Crime Writing Festival is 17th - 20th July. Here's the link to their website:


In 2008, there'll also be a convention in Bristol called CrimeFest. It follows the Left Coast Crime held there in 2006, and has the same organising committee. Dates are 5th - 8th June:


For something different, there's always the St Hilda's Crime and Mystery Weekend, held at St Hilda's College, Oxford, during August. It takes a more academic approach, with invited authors presenting papers on a specific topic, but is always friendly and good fun.
Wow! Thanks, Stephen! A friend of mine (not on this site) who writes said I should attend conferences. I thought to myself I'd be afraid to open my mouth, if I did go. But I'm going to go anyway. Bull by the horn type thing...! again, thanks!


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