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Lesley Horton's review of "A Dangerous Man"!

Sorry but I just have to blog this before I go - I've had a lovely review from crime writer, Lesley Horton ( about ADM (, as below:

“To say A Dangerous Man is different is an understatement. Anne Brooke has delved into the minds, lives and loves of gay men…


Added by Anne Brooke on March 20, 2007 at 5:55am — No Comments

Currently reading

K. J. A. Wishnia, 23 Shades of Black

I spent soooo many hours glued to the NCAA tournament this weekend that I'm having withdrawal symptoms today. But my team survived to play another day - Friday! - and I can hang on until then. Go Heels!

Added by Alice Morgan on March 20, 2007 at 5:50am — No Comments

Packing and heavy TV

The usual twitchy day prior to travel - is everyone like this, or is it really just me? There's something about a journey that makes me very unsettled. Possibly because I hate flying and I do actually hate travel - but it will be nice to be in Madeira tomorrow. At least it won't be ruddy snowing, though showers are forecast. Hell, I don't mind - it will be warmer. So I've made a start on the packing though the fear of forgetting something remains. And the new airport rules are making my head…


Added by Anne Brooke on March 20, 2007 at 5:20am — No Comments

Thriller Awards

Looking at the Thriller Awards short list.

Best Novel:

False Impression by Jeffrey Archer…


Added by Jeff Greene on March 20, 2007 at 4:33am — No Comments


Props to Alison Gaylin for coming up with a name for this affliction. It works.

It's reared its head a couple of times over the last few months, while I revise my novel yet again. Is especially acute when I read about people I know whose novels or short stories are nominated for some award or, heck, published. I know the only way to do anything about it - at least in this case - is to get a few critiquers on board to work with me, and to keep working on myself. And yet: I totally…


Added by Christa M. Miller on March 20, 2007 at 3:06am — 9 Comments

I Hate To Miss Snow

I was trapped in Atlanta-Hartsfield airport for hours last night trying to make it back to LaGuardia. We were told that due to high winds all air traffic was delayed and once we got on the plane we would have to wait on the runway for 45 minutes to an hour. My better half has relocated to ATL and since I was already in West Palm Beach last week on business I flew down for a long weekend. Thank God I managed to buy some candy bars and water before we boarded because the airline was selling…


Added by Lisa Respers France on March 20, 2007 at 1:33am — No Comments

Interview with Charles Ardai

Just a note to say that over on my blog, Things I'd Rather Be Doing, I have an interview with Charles Ardai of Hard Case Crime. We talk about the success of the imprint, the principles that guide what they publish and what the future holds.

It's part of my Monday Interview series, which also includes chats with…

Added by John Kenyon on March 20, 2007 at 1:03am — No Comments

Sunday Interview: Jenny Siler (also posted on Noir Writer blog)

Today’s guest is Jenny Siler, whose latest book,… Continue

Added by Steve Allan on March 20, 2007 at 12:04am — No Comments

Be careful what you search for

A woman on trial for killing her husband searched the internet for murderous ideas.

Does a day go by that our searches wouldn't raise similar red flags?

Added by Stephen D. Rogers on March 19, 2007 at 10:56pm — No Comments

Big Numbers World Tour, Part 2

A Rainy Day in Seattle — I’m trying not to panic. Lugging a serious dose of nerves, a 50-count box of chapbooks, and my 12-pound computer case, I just got lost in the wrong hotel. Now I’m lost in the right hotel, it’s getting close to show time–I’m supposed to be giving a 25-minute talk on creating fiction from reality–and I can’t find the Left Coast Crime convention, let alone the Madison Room, or wherever the heck it is I’m speaking.

I check the map in my back pocket one more… Continue

Added by Jack Getze on March 19, 2007 at 7:13pm — No Comments

Parker and Wyatt

Richard Stark's Parker and Garry Disher's Wyatt are a case of literary tribute and possibly symbiosis like none other that I know. Parker, created in 1962, is a prototypical professional, an unsentimental planner of elaborate capers who kills only when necessary but does not hesitate to kill when he must. So is Wyatt, created thirty years later.

Each is identified only by his last name. Each is harassed by the mob, which is called, in both cases,…


Added by pr on March 19, 2007 at 6:56pm — 5 Comments

Australian Fiction - Few odds and ends of announcements

For the more cosy style lovers - Brian Kavanagh has recently announced that he's got a new contract signed with BeWrite Books to publish the third in

the Belinda Lawrence mystery series, BLOODY HAM. Following on from


Belinda and Hazel Whitby into the murky world of film production and

murder on location in historic Ham House!…


Added by Karen from AustCrime on March 19, 2007 at 12:33pm — No Comments

Links of the Day

Over at the Mystery*File blog, Steve Lewis takes my thought on the Michael Shayne films and runs with it. So it’s decided. I will travel back in time to cast Ken Tobey as Brett Halliday’s private eye in a series of movies. And do some other stuff.

By now you’ve probably heard about the…

Added by Vince Keenan on March 19, 2007 at 10:31am — No Comments

The Worst Pulp Novelist Ever?

I won't cross-post all the nonsense from my blog. Just the stuff that might be of interest, like the following.

In Seattle’s alt newspaper The Stranger, Paul Collins remembers Leo Child, “the worst pulp novelist ever,” on the tenth anniversary of his death. Child went from ghostwriting Hollywood bios to churning out titles for Holloway House.


Added by Vince Keenan on March 19, 2007 at 10:31am — No Comments

Truth in Advertizing: my only blog entry

Why are you wasting your time looking at this? Shouldn't you be writing? Don't you have a deadline? Isn't there written product you could be producing instead of reading pointless drivel *about* writing from people you probably don't even know?

Me too.

Welcome to why I don't blog.



Added by Brian Thornton on March 19, 2007 at 10:21am — 1 Comment

Why This Pix--Crime Fiction Related?

It's all part of the dream -- a beach bar and book club on a tropical island. Who wouldn't like that! This pix was taken on one of the tiny, uninhabited Five Islands off Antigua in the Caribbean. I wrote on a bed sheet and my Antiguan friend sailed me over , strung it up on some cactus and justting rocks, and then took the picture. Of course, I was doing research for my Golden Age mystery, Murder Visits Antigua, The protagonist is Aunt Amelia, not a close cousin to Miss Marple, and not Amelia… Continue

Added by Patricia Harrington on March 19, 2007 at 6:46am — No Comments

An angry day

Woke up this morning feeling blank. A feeling which rapidly disintegrated into anger, with the odd wave of depression. Great start to the day then. Lord H went to church, as he was doing the prayers, but I cried off, as the thought of the Mothers' Day jollity was beyond bearing. I got so frustrated during the morning that I resorted to taking two calming pills. Thank God for Lane's Quiet Life remedies, eh?

There are really two things which have been upping the rollercoaster levels…


Added by Anne Brooke on March 19, 2007 at 6:06am — 2 Comments

Why Most Blogs Suck.

In high school this is how I was taught to write news articles: the "inverted pyramid;" the "lede;" the "five W's and an H." Tease all facts out of the event, record said facts coherently into the template, spell-check, fact-check, print, read. Ta-da! Journalism 101.

The covered events could be boring or exciting, even historic. But that's immaterial to how they should be uniformly reported. When I read news I want information… Continue

Added by Tiffany Leigh on March 19, 2007 at 5:00am — 1 Comment


Thanks to Christa Miller for thinking to invite me. This place looks like a great place to spend a little time. I'm looking forward to it.

My first order of business will be to jump around and check out everyone else's page, though....

Added by Frank Zafiro on March 19, 2007 at 4:55am — No Comments

Whew! What A Relief!

My agent has read the manuscript of Book 2. I will not be doing any bridge-jumping this week.

When I was in business (i.e., up till two weeks ago), I regularly did written performance reviews for the people who reported to me. For the best people, the reviews would run three pages, the first 2-and-three-quarters of which would be praise. There would be one paragraph, maybe two, near the end, mentioning one or two areas that could use improvement and providing suggestions on how to…


Added by Keith Raffel on March 19, 2007 at 3:50am — 1 Comment

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