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My Malice Domestic Non-Report

Posted by Lorraine Bartlett

As Sheila mentioned in her post yesterday, she recently attended Malice Domestic--the cozy (or traditional) mystery conference.

I did not.

Mind you, I bought a ticket, but as the conference approached it was painfully obvious that I did not have a "new" book to promote. Not that I haven't had any sales since Malice Domestic 2006. In fact, I not only sold the sequel to MURDER ON THE…


Added by Writers Plot on May 15, 2007 at 10:23pm — 1 Comment

Crow Stone, Jenni Mills


Publisher: Harper Collins

Author: Jenni Mills

Edition released: 2007

ISBN 9780007253814

399 pages

Genre: Crime Fiction

Reviewed by: Karen Chisholm

"Corax the Raven - the messenger of the gods. Just when you think life is on track, along comes a socking great bird, squawking news of a divine quest. My advice is, shoot the bloody thing....."

The quote at the start of CROW STONE hinted at something…


Added by Karen from AustCrime on May 15, 2007 at 3:09pm — No Comments

Joining Crimespace

Just what I needed: yet another place to blog!

My days are becoming so full of various on-line duties that I'll end up

with no time left to write. But I have to admit thta blogging is fun

and it's a great way to let off steam after life's little annoyances,

like my airline flight last week (see my blog at

Yes, I already have a regular blogging gig with some writer friends.

We're called The Ladykillers and you can find us… Continue

Added by Rhys Bowen on May 15, 2007 at 1:11pm — No Comments

AlanReads: DRIVE by James Sallis (2nd reading)

Imagine, if you can, a crime novel so fine-tuned and crafted that not one word is wasted. A novel that manages to effectively convey its full emotions and characterizations with a poet's minimal amount of words and sentences. A novel that in its mere 192 pages packs more action and resonance than works over twice its size. If you can imagine such a novel, then you're probably thinking of DRIVE by James Sallis.

Following his excellent series of Lew Griffin novels, and just before…


Added by Alan Cranis on May 15, 2007 at 9:00am — No Comments

Rain, cunning plots and an evening in

Took an age to drag myself up this morning – must be the effect of all that weekend activity. Can’t be the bottle of wine we finished off last night, oh no, of course not. Alcohol never passes my lips (I take it intravenously …). Quite a slow day at work really, though I’ve chased a professor or two, just to keep my hand in. Can’t have the management having an easy time, you know. The boss is off today, but has emailed me, asking me to arrange a meeting for the strangely named FIG Management…


Added by Anne Brooke on May 15, 2007 at 5:38am — No Comments

Bruen, Ken – CROSS

CROSS (Private Investigator-Jack Taylor-Ireland-Cont) – Ex

Bruen, Ken – 6th in series

Bantam Press, 2007, UK Hardcover – ISBN:


First Sentence: It took them a time to crucify the kid.

There is a lot going on in Jack Taylor’s life. He is off the…


Added by LJ Roberts on May 15, 2007 at 3:30am — No Comments

Ian Rankin's serial novel in NY Times magazine

For Ian Rankin fans, he has a serial novel that started yesterday in the NY Times magazine. Here's the link:

There's also a downloadable MP3 of Rankin reading the first chapter on the site.

Added by Bev Vincent on May 15, 2007 at 12:59am — No Comments

Traveling In A Pack

Posted by Sheila Connolly

A week ago I attended one of the bigger mystery-writers conferences, Malice Domestic. I'm not going to babble on about what a wonderful time I had (though I did), the authors I met (lots) after years of worshipping them from afar, and the informative and insightful panels I dutifully attended (and didn't take a single note).

Over the years, I have followed a wide and wonderful variety of career paths: art historian, investment banker, fundraiser,…


Added by Writers Plot on May 14, 2007 at 10:16pm — No Comments

T V by Numbers.

Last week I complained about the number of, in my opinion, excellent crime writers who never have their work adapted for television.…


Added by Adam Colclough on May 14, 2007 at 9:11pm — No Comments


Let me take this opportunity to shamlessly plug my underrated, underpurchased novel, Fizz. I can safely say you've never quite read anything like Fizz. You will read it fast. You won't know whether to laugh or cry. Chances are, you'll feel a bit odd upon completing, not unlike its main character, Ray Pulaski.

F I Z Z…


Added by Paul A. Toth on May 14, 2007 at 7:11pm — No Comments

Ya know that anthology I mentioned? Well, it's here!

Yes, folks, that's right! The Crime and Suspense Anthology I is now available for your reading pleasure! It contains fifteen stories from the first fifteen months of operation of the Crime and Suspense ezine, and includes such authors as Austin Camacho, Patricia Harrington, John M. Floyd, Gay Kinman and eleven others.

I intend to publish an anthology like…

Added by Tony Burton on May 14, 2007 at 4:24pm — No Comments

What if God were on the Internet?

The ‘WHAT IF’ Game

For whatever reason, I’ve seen a lot of blogging this week on Dan Brown’s DaVinci Code. Dan’s book crossed a line from fiction into religion, a pretty sacred topic, pun intended. So it got me thinking (which is always dangerous).

WHAT IF religion crossed paths with the Internet? Hummmm…

1.) WHAT IF God blogged on MySpace? Would she have more friends than Barack Obama?

2.) WHAT…


Added by Jordan Dane on May 14, 2007 at 3:50pm — 11 Comments

Cyber Personas: Talking Funny Online

Ever check out your own kids’ My Space pages? I’ll bet their virtual personalities gave you a bit of a jolt.

But it’s not just Gen X and Gen Next’ers who talk funny online. Sensible middle-aged adults – maybe especially the sensible ones – seem to take on a barely recognizable persona when they stumble into a social networking site. Apparently, people get a

kick out of inventing offbeat versions of their ordinarily sober



Added by Lois Karlin on May 14, 2007 at 10:46am — No Comments

Good News on Screenplay

Hi Crime Pals:

I just received word that my mystery/thriller K.A.R.M.A. screenplay has won one of the six spots for the Praxis Summer Workshop (June 21 - 24) at Simon Fraser University. The six screenplays from the Spring fellows workshop and the six screenplays from the Fall workshop competed for the six Summer spots. Now my screenplay will be read by a cast of professional actors for the producer of Bon Cop, Bad Cop as well as local directors, agents, etc.

I'm one of those people… Continue

Added by Grant McKenzie on May 14, 2007 at 3:45am — No Comments

Rained-off golf and some quick PR

Frightful weather today, Carruthers. Honestly, no wonder Blair is going if he can't control the weather any more. Good riddance is what I say! Spent this morning typing up the Goldenford ( minutes (at last!) and writing a press release for us. Which I have now sent off to the usual suspects. I'm hoping Writers' News (…


Added by Anne Brooke on May 14, 2007 at 3:32am — No Comments

Butcher, Jim – WHITE NIGHT

WHITE NIGHT (Fantasy/Mystery-Henry Dresden-Chicago) –


Butcher, Jim – 9th In series

Roc Hardcover, 2007, US Hardcover – ISBN:


First Sentence: Many things are not what they seem: The worst things in life

never are.

Chicago wizard Harry Dresden is asked for help by his friend Sergeant Murphy. From appearance, a woman has committed

suicide but Harry confirms she…

Added by LJ Roberts on May 14, 2007 at 3:00am — No Comments

Poetry with 4th Graders

I recently spent a morning writing poetry with fourth grade students from Hawthorn Hills Elementary School. My goal was to get them to give their senses a voice. Mother Nature cooperated with a beautiful day. We began outside with a five-senses scavenger hunt. Seven teams of five went out to the playground to "collect" and record what they saw, felt, heard, smelled and (imagined) they tasted.

Their task was to write down the best description of their sense-by-sense experience before…


Added by Karyn J. Powers on May 13, 2007 at 2:27pm — No Comments

Naked men and cocktails ...

... as it were. Nice lie-in today, brought on by yesterday's social whirl. I must say how lovely it was to meet Clayton ( at last and to be able to have such an inspirational in-depth chat about writing and this strange world of books we find ourselves in. Thanks, Clayton - enjoyed it very much! Also lovely to meet Bryony and catch up on the last year over pizza and wine.…


Added by Anne Brooke on May 13, 2007 at 6:37am — No Comments

Finally, my own website!

At long last, my very own website is up and running, and I added a link to it in my author information to the left of this page. My husband, Robb Smith, worked long and hard on it - it's the first website he's ever created. However, it's still a work in progress, and I'm embarrassed to admit that there are a few typos. I know about them, and we'll fix them ASAP. However, Robb had major surgery two days ago, and he's not up to working on the website just yet. (He's resting in bed, doing well…


Added by Julie Lomoe on May 13, 2007 at 5:29am — No Comments


THE PATIENCE OF THE SPIDER (Police Procedural-Insp.

Montalbano-Sicily-Cont) – G

Camilleri, Andrea – 8th in series

Penguin, 2004, US Trade paper -

ISBN: 9780143112037

First Sentence: He jolted awake, sweaty and short of breath.

Inspector Montalbano is brought back early from his recovery after being shot. A girl has been kidnapped and her

family has no money to pay a ransom.…

Added by LJ Roberts on May 13, 2007 at 3:00am — No Comments

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