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New Issue of Muzzle Flash Posted!

Head on over for all the sick fun at Muzzle Flash!

Issue #3 is now posted with fiction from Sandra Seamans, Keith Gilman, Stephen Rogers, Paul Beckman, and William Boyle.

DZ Out

Added by DZ Allen on April 2, 2007 at 2:45pm — No Comments

I'm New to This Business of Writing a Blog...

...mostly because I don't think I have all that much intelligent to say on any regular basis.

I do, however, like to read mystery novels. I just finished Craig Johnson's new novel, "Kindness Goes Unpunished," after seeing Craig (again) at a book signing. Interesting guy, who is very quiet about the fact that he more than just a cowboy who used to be a cop. He has a Ph.D. in playwriting. He commented that the difference in speaking styles of his various characters (a very profane… Continue

Added by Thomas H. Griffith on April 2, 2007 at 12:32pm — No Comments


Feeling wistful and nostagic these past couple of weeks. Stumbled upon the speech I gave at our

graduation ceremony when I got my Master’s from Antioch in Spring of

2002 (of course 9/11/01 was still pretty fresh and heavy on everybody’s

minds then. Thank god THAT bullshit’s over and done with, right? Oh. .

.right. . .) I wrote this speech at about 4am the morning of in pretty

much one shot. Looking at it now, it’s not perfect, but if I…


Added by Nathan Singer on April 2, 2007 at 12:23pm — No Comments

Mightier Than the Sword

Subversive Writing in Contemporary America

Wrote the late, great Peter McWilliams in his book Ain’t Nobody’s

Business If You Do, “In war, the first fatality is truth. The second is

the civil rights of all ‘dissidents’. . .The price of freedom is

eternal–and internal–vigilance. And an occasional laugh,” (19). A

favored past-time in The United States is addressing social ills by

“declaring war”on them. Currently, we are…


Added by Nathan Singer on April 2, 2007 at 12:17pm — No Comments

More Meme Crap

1. Have you ever been searched by the cops?

Many, many times.

2. Do you close your eyes on roller coasters?

NO. That would make me puke.

3. When’s the last time you’ve been sledding?

It’s been too long.

4. Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone?

Actual SLEEP? Alone.

5. Do you believe in ghosts?

No. I don’t disbelieve in them either.

6. Do you consider yourself creative?

It’s all I got.

7. Do you…


Added by Nathan Singer on April 2, 2007 at 12:15pm — No Comments

What's Goin' On

From City Beat the Cincinnati alternative paper from their most recent Best of the Year issue:


Local author, playwright, performance artist, composer and general

creative fireball Nathan Singer followed up his grit-encrusted, often

romantic and imaginative debut novel Chasing The Wolf with A Prayer for Dawn,

a “thrash novel” that lacerates on…


Added by Nathan Singer on April 2, 2007 at 12:11pm — No Comments

How Did I Get Myself Into This?

I'm not generally a joiner, and you can barely get me to attend conventions of crime writers and readers. Yet my friend Ali Karim prevailed upon me sign up with Crimespace. And since I wrote a Rap Sheet post about this new service some while back, I reasoned that I really ought to give it a shot.

I think I'll use this first post to promote a little something we're doing over at The Rap Sheet: conducting our second poll, this one asking readers to name their favorite TV police… Continue

Added by J. Kingston Pierce on April 2, 2007 at 9:35am — 1 Comment

Thanksgiving in April

As if I needed any more reason to want to see Grindhouse as soon as humanly possible... here's comes this twisted little bit o' sickness from Eli Roth, the creator of such life-affirming movies as Cabin Fever and Hostel. It's a faux trailer for a slasher flick called… Continue

Added by Duane Swierczynski on April 2, 2007 at 9:11am — 1 Comment

Rozen, S.J. – IN THIS RAIN


THIS RAIN (Licensed Investigator-New York City-Cont) – VG

Rozen, S.J. – Standalone

Delacorte Press, 2006- US Hardcover – ISBN:


First Sentence: “It surprised him, how

light she was.”

Joe Cole, is newly paroled and just wants to lead a quiet life after having been wrongfully imprisoned for a… Continue

Added by LJ Roberts on April 2, 2007 at 9:00am — No Comments

By Request: B-List Author Blues

All this talk about BSP reminded of a little story I wrote for no particular reason. I have decided to share it for no particular reason. I put one disclaimer on it. I have no issue with cozies, quite popular I understand. So read it if you want and feel free to make any comments. I'll just ignore the ones I don't like.


“That book’s not very good.”

I set down my copy of my favorite author's latest work, autographed just five… Continue

Added by Evil Kev on April 2, 2007 at 6:56am — 3 Comments

why write and read crime fiction

I've just been thinking about this, as it happens. And though nobody is reading my blog here I thought I'd post my thoughts so that I don't lose them. I believe since cave man days we humans have been telling stories as a way of explaining our world to ourselves and each other. At the present time, worldwide, we seem to be trying to evolve out of living in a society where one tribe must continually be at war with another -- though some of us have gotten farther with that than others -- and…


Added by Dianne Day on April 2, 2007 at 6:38am — 1 Comment


I haven't read John Banville aka Benjamin Black's Christine Falls yet, so this is totally premature. But when I read a NY Times review something began to bug me.

It sounds as if the author really loves dark crime fiction and is rolling around in its conventions like a dog that just found something wonderfully dead. The review says it's not… Continue

Added by Barbara Fister on April 2, 2007 at 6:13am — 6 Comments

Crimespace members are everywhere!

While glancing through the Crimespace member photos with their country descriptions, I couldn't help but be amazed at how far reaching Crimespace has become. The members are everywhere - Mainly from the United States, but also the United Kingdom, North Africa, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Canada, Australia.

Where else can a person conveniently network with so many mystery/crime authors and fans from such diverse backgrounds? Crimespace rocks!

Morgan Mandel

Added by Morgan Mandel on April 2, 2007 at 4:58am — No Comments

Golf and some small successes

Some good news this morning - the Bird and Moon 55 word website ( has nominated my 55-word fiction, "When the phone rang", for their Readers' Choice category awards, and you can find the story here:

under the…


Added by Anne Brooke on April 2, 2007 at 4:56am — No Comments


Hi, dear friends and members
that´s good - a real international community with some really old friends - Hi, Maxim, I hope I´ll come over to London in June - appreciated authors - and seasoned networkers - talking about crime fiction ... Best, as ever yours T.

Added by Thomas Woertche on April 2, 2007 at 4:18am — No Comments

Die Laughing? Killing with Humor

Victor Borge is famous for saying, "A smile is the shortest distance between two people." We agree.

Recently, on another mystery listserve, there was a lengthy discussion about whether humor has any place in a good mystery. It never crossed our minds…


Added by Evelyn David on April 2, 2007 at 3:55am — 3 Comments

Edgar Dress

So I bought the dress. Everyone was saying, "You need to buy a fantastic dress for the Edgars." Easier said that done. For those who haven't seen me in person, I'm short. Really short. Like Lil' Kim short without the curves (at least in front) and without the jail time. And for those who did read my essay on "daikon ashi" (white-radish legs), I have a couple of those, too. I'm not being self-deprecating. Just honest. I mean, those In-Style magazines, etc. are aimed for the…


Added by Naomi Hirahara on April 2, 2007 at 2:26am — 3 Comments

A Sense of Place

I'm just finishing my Carl Hiaasen book and one thing that is top-shelf

about his novels is the sense of place he brings to the story. I've

only been to Florida twice, both times to Disneyworld, yet after

reading one of his novels feel like I really know Florida. An illusion, of course, but it's one I happily enjoy.

While I have stated before that I need a good plot and characters to

keep me interested in a… Continue

Added by Michael Carr on April 2, 2007 at 1:31am — No Comments

Least Favorite Plot Device Ever

I understand why people use snakes in books and movies. They elicit a

primal fear learned from our ancestors and their ancestors before. You

don't have to walk upright and use tools to know better than to pick up

strange slithering things. Still, can you at least get the science


Movies are the worst. The anaconda, normally a creeping

thing that almost never emerges from the water in its adult form,

becomes a lightning-fast hunter. Boas and… Continue

Added by Michael Carr on April 2, 2007 at 1:17am — 2 Comments

The Number 62 Bus Part Deux

It was a lovely sunny Saturday afternoon, so I decided to go into the

city centre to buy a new pair of sandals. Yes, I know the World Shoe

Mountain currently resides in my bedroom, but, well, you never can tell

when that rumoured Slingback Shortage is going to occur, so, abiding by

that old Girl Guide motto 'Be Prepared', off I trotted.

For the purposes of this tale, it's actually irrelevant that I was

thrown out of the Girl Guides due to my reliance…

Added by Donna Moore on April 1, 2007 at 11:14pm — No Comments

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