All Blog Posts (12,730)

I've Finally Seen: BRICK (2005)

...and started a discussion about it.

Added by Gerald So on March 30, 2007 at 5:59am — No Comments

Where do I email the lasagna?

My husband's youngest brother died a few days ago. The family are devastated. Everyone speaks of all the things Daniel will never get to experience - love, marriage, a family of his own. I wonder how long it will take

before we are able to focus on all the things he *was* able to do? He was 24 years old. I suspect this means it will be a long, long time.

In the meantime, a question. Whatever happened to funeral food?

Upon hearing of Daniel's death, I pulled a lasagna out… Continue

Added by Jenifer Nightingale-Ethier on March 30, 2007 at 5:54am — No Comments

Currently reading

Matt Beynon Rees, The Collaborator of Bethlehem

I just started it late last night, and then quickly fell asleep on top of it, so no opinons yet.

I did, however, just add some fabulous new toys to my office, including Spider Spud. The newest potato head joins Darth Tater, Spud Trooper, and R-2 Potatoo. I also just got two new sets of Galactic Heroes, which I am thrilled by.

Added by Alice Morgan on March 30, 2007 at 4:04am — No Comments

Counselling and reviews

This morning's counselling session felt very thoughtful. Or rather I was doing a lot of thinking about how things had been in the past, and how they are now. Kunu seemed keen to get me onto the subject of religion and church, which I suppose had to happen sometime or other. I hadn't been sure how I'd feel about that but, in the event, it was okay. We talked about how and why I'd originally become a Christian, how it had been then and how it was now. Short answer: very bloody different. But…


Added by Anne Brooke on March 30, 2007 at 3:23am — No Comments

Winners and new free book draw at RTE

The winners of the copies of CON ED by Matthew Klein, NERVE DAMAGE by Peter Abrahams or THE MISSING by Chris Mooney have been chosen. Their names appear at, along with the announcement of the new draw for one of three copies of AUNT DIMITY GOES WEST by Nancy Atherton, STIGMA by Philip Hawley, Jr. MD, or NAMING OF THE DEAD by Ian Rankin.

Please follow directions for entering the draw because too many entries end up in my junk mailbox and I am… Continue

Added by Barbara Franchi on March 30, 2007 at 3:16am — No Comments

Conflicting Synopsis Rules

I was surfing the web, one link carrying me off to another, randomly reading when I came across the "How To Write A Synopsis" plight. Yes, you read that right. "Plight."

I can assure, I spent two or more, cups of morning coffee on getting wrapped up in that subject, jumping from one article to another.

And then, I discovered something. It hit me, actually the caffine probably kicked in and turned on the old brain, some articles are conflicting. Yes, we have the majority…


Added by Jannie Balliett on March 30, 2007 at 2:41am — 4 Comments

I'm Curious...

On one of my other author loops, we've been deep in a discussion about what would be the perfect ebook reading device. Obviously, opinions are as varied as the people involved in the discussion. <g>

I feel like I've got that covered. I've been a proponent of e-reading for a long time. When the hubby and I moved from New Orleans to Houston--as empty nesters--we had to downsize everything...and that included my extensive book collection. But I'd been adding to my ebook collection… Continue

Added by Pauline Baird Jones on March 30, 2007 at 2:13am — No Comments

Favorite Author and Why

When I came up with that subject, I thought it would be easy. Now I fear I have to actually pick one. But I can't so I will pick two.

I'd say my favorite would be James Lee Burke. When I read my first Burke book, I was blown away. The man is a genius with words. He is one of very few authors that writes in first person who I enjoy, I don't think most authors get the full point of first's about being in one person's head! Burke is a master, I can't think of any…


Added by Karen Syed on March 30, 2007 at 2:12am — 2 Comments

Have too much money?


Added by Michael C. Jacobs on March 30, 2007 at 1:58am — No Comments

This Crime's Big Enough for the All of Us

Today, over on, I'm posting about Baltimore. Already the discussion has started, with thoughts on the challenges a writer faces when writing "his/her" city. Join in here, or pop over there. I'd love to hear what you think.

Denise Mina is a doll. She’s one damn fine writer too. Glasgow - her town - has a growing heroin problem, and a rapidly rising murder rate. She told me and a…


Added by Regina Harvey on March 30, 2007 at 1:14am — No Comments

March 29, 2007

I've had a few days to mull over the EPIC Conference (Electronically Published Internet Connection) I recently attended. My historical mystery, MALPRACTICE, was a finalist for an award so it gave me a chance to get dressed up and attend a banquet. It was in Virginia Beach--a very nice setting for the event. I didn't win an EPPIE but It was still fun--and fascinating to see a gathering of electronically published folks. How great to rub shoulders with people excited about writing and publishing… Continue

Added by Louise Titchener on March 30, 2007 at 1:14am — No Comments


Galaxy British Book Awards - The results

Galaxy's TV campaign kicks off - see ad.

THE BOOK TRADE is to see the first ever national, multi-channel, generic TV campaign for books as a result of Galaxy's headline sponsorship of the British Book Awards and its aim of extending its relationship with books and reading. The television campaign launched on Sunday, 18 March, with over 60 slots booked on peak time…


Added by Mike Stotter on March 29, 2007 at 9:03pm — No Comments

Wanted: Contributors for SHOTS EZINE

An offer to the Crimespace community:

I am looking for willing victims reviewers, and contributors for Shots Ezine. I'll be up front about this. There is no payment for reviews but you do get to keep the books; hardbacks, ARC's (proofs) or paperbacks to do with what you will afterwards. Ideally I'm after people in the UK to do the reviewing. But I will accept stories and articles from around the world. Here are our guidelines:…


Added by Mike Stotter on March 29, 2007 at 7:18pm — 6 Comments

Just a fan

Without fans...............finish this sentence.

I am not an author, a grocery list has me stumped,

But I know a good book, at that I can't be trumped.

I am not famous, and never ever will be,

But Dang, I know when I read a really good mystery.

I have spread the word near and far.

Hoping my new author becomes a star.

So, very best wishes authors,and authors to be,

Who'll buy your book? Why little ole me.

Added by Joan Hiller on March 29, 2007 at 4:24pm — No Comments

Tony's Post and Murder Visits Antigua

Hey, Tony,

Glad to see you here and thanks for posting. I have replied to several folks and apparently didn't hit the right key to "send." So I hope this post makes it. Glad to have Tony on board as one of "my friends." I'm accumulating a lot, which pleases me. I must confess that as a former kindergarten teacher, I have this compulsion to circle you all around me, and have you say something about yourself, so that others can know you and be friendly with you. Some old habits…


Added by Patricia Harrington on March 29, 2007 at 3:44pm — No Comments

Foot in the Door...

Welcome to my crimespace place. Grab a cuppa, pull up a chair and enjoy.

I write mysteries and romantic suspense and love to read. One of these days, one of my manuscripts will be published. :-)

When I'm not writing or reading, I work in a bookstore. Whooo! Books. Books. Books.

When I need a break from the books, I piddle on the violin.

I also write about what I'm reading over on blogger.… Continue

Added by Beth Walker on March 29, 2007 at 2:12pm — No Comments

I Married a Republican

By Cornelia

Considering that my childhood image of the Grand Old Party was that its members spent their abundant free time driving down America's freeways in huge cars, throwing their empty bottles of bourbon out the window while telling jokes about poor people, it seems counter-intuitive, at best, to have married one of them.… Continue

Added by Cornelia Read on March 29, 2007 at 9:11am — 4 Comments

New Books coming out

I've been very busy with two new books scheduled to come out. The Curse of Senmut: an Ardis Cole Mystery will be released in October from Mundania Press. My co-author Loretta Jackson and I are thrilled about having a paperback copy of this one, which first came out in audio. It is set in Egypt. My other soon to be released book is The Devil's Gate, which will be out the following year from Whiskey Creek Press. It's a gothic romance, one of my favorite kind of books. We're going to be starting a… Continue

Added by Vickie Britton on March 29, 2007 at 8:47am — No Comments

What's everyone working on?

I figure if perhaps I confess here what I've written most days (or not), I might be more productive.

I try to write about a thousand words a day. Usually on a

novel. But I love to write short stories, so I write on those

lots of days, as well.

My current novel, at around 20,000 words right now, is giving me a few

problems. Today I figured out one major plot point. The

next thing is to figure out why the victim was a victim, and who done

it.… Continue

Added by Jan Christensen on March 29, 2007 at 8:38am — 3 Comments

Memories of Prison

(Cross-posted from my group blog, Poe's Deadly Daughters <>)

The Maryland House of Correction in Jessup is closed at last. The 129-year-old building is empty of inmates, and its long history of riots, attacks on correctional officers, escapes and violence among prisoners has come to an end.

Years ago, when I was a young reporter on the Baltimore Evening Sun, I visited Maryland prisons to report on health care for inmates. I had been… Continue

Added by Sandra Parshall on March 29, 2007 at 5:32am — 1 Comment

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