All Blog Posts (12,730)

Running Repeats

Tribe at Flashing in the Gutters (RIP) was kind enough to post some of my shortest fiction. Now that the site is down, I thought I repost those stories. They were fun to write, Hell to trim down to Flash size. I cut 196 words from the one I post today. Formatting will probably be screwy until I can figure out how to do that. Here goes:…


Added by Steven Torres on March 17, 2007 at 12:34am — No Comments

Crime Time TV (Updated)

I started a discussion yesterday about NBC's new shows Andy Barker, P.I. and Raines. After their premieres last night, I've added my reaction. Feel free to add yours.

Added by Gerald So on March 16, 2007 at 9:13pm — 1 Comment


Check the Heads-up Display (above) for news and links of my latest fictitious crime and feel free to discuss it on the Chatterwall (below).

Added by Gerald So on March 16, 2007 at 8:29pm — No Comments

What the fuck

So I made a mistake that I make every so often, I read Dorthy L.

There were some posts about Casino Royale so I just had to check them out.

These people need drug testing, or maybe they need to do drugs, or

drink, they need to do the opposite of whatever it is they do.

"The new bond is wimpy and effeminate, There's not enough action, I turned it off half way through..."

Wimpy??? Did they not see the ass kicking going on in the…

Added by Jon Jordan on March 16, 2007 at 12:31pm — 28 Comments

Low Down In Between Blues

In the week (or so) right after I hit a tough deadline, I always seem to find myself wandering around in a sort of scatterbrained daze, unable to focus or concentrate and constantly feeling like I’ve forgotten something critical. I wanted to be done with CHOKE HOLD a month ago, but it got derailed by this upfront paying gig and so now I’m way behind. I was hoping to slip right back into it, but I feel restless and unsure of every word. I know I’ll come around eventually, like I always do, but I… Continue

Added by Christa Faust on March 16, 2007 at 10:25am — 4 Comments

Interview on First Offenders

Psst. Come on over to First Offenders Blog and read my interview with critically acclaimed mystery author Craig Johnson.

Added by Lori G. Armstrong on March 16, 2007 at 8:00am — No Comments

So many sites, so little time

I haven't been here much the last couple of days because like a moron I accepted six assignments for freelance stories for the Hartford Courant. And they're all due in two weeks. So if I'm a little quiet right now, that's the reason why. I also have a book to write (and I know Kristen is lurking around here somewhere, so yes, I really am working on that, too...really!). I touted this over at First Offenders this week, and I… Continue

Added by Karen E. Olson on March 16, 2007 at 6:59am — No Comments

Another way to waste time!

Just as My Space loses it's luster, Mr. Jordan introduced me to Crimespace. So now I can get sucked into this.

Like I don't have enough online things to occupy my time. I already spend waaay too much time blathering on about books, movies and MMA.

Added by Jeremy Lynch on March 16, 2007 at 3:44am — No Comments

Counselling and time for thought

A very intense counselling session with Kunu today, but a worthwhile one too. She's halfway through "A Dangerous Man" ( and is finding it "gripping", so that felt nice. We talked about family and my place in it - a subject we looked at briefly last week, but in more depth today. To be honest, I got rather tearful about it but even that felt like a good place to be. A couple of times towards the…


Added by Anne Brooke on March 16, 2007 at 3:18am — No Comments

The Key to the Kingdom

The following is a cross-post from my website blog:

Everybody’s looking for it. Years ago, when I was an aspiring writer, I wanted desperately to find that magic

key that would let me into the world of the pros, would open up that

treasure box full of secrets — especially the ones that would get me

published or produced.

I searched high and low for that key. I read books about writing,…


Added by Robert Gregory Browne on March 16, 2007 at 2:34am — 11 Comments

Ancient Art Form or Here To Stay?

I'm talking about the Short Story, Barflys. I have two fingers of Macallans at my side as I ponder this quandry (It's been bothering the hell out of me for sometime) and I thought Crimespace would be an excellent place to pose this question.

I find, if I leave this realm of Murder and Mayhem, that the Short Story holds little respect in other forms of literature. People seem to treat it like the red-headed step-child of fiction. This upsets me. Most of the stories I remember with… Continue

Added by DADavenport on March 15, 2007 at 2:17pm — 7 Comments

So a Writer Walks Into a Bar...

By Cornelia

If you ever get to the point with writing where you feel that, as James

Joyce once said, "writing in English is the most ingenious torture ever

devised for sins committed in previous lives," here are some jokes to

cheer you up:



Added by Cornelia Read on March 15, 2007 at 10:49am — 8 Comments

Cole, Emma (aka Susanna Kearsley) – EVERY SECRET THING

EVERY SECRET THING (Mystery-Canada/Portugal-Cont/1940s) – VG+

Cole, Emma (aka Susanna Kearsley) – Standalone

Allison & Busby, 2006- UK Hardcover – ISBN:


Canadian journalist Kate Murray is approached by an older man, told she has her grandmother’s eyes and that he wants to tell…


Added by LJ Roberts on March 15, 2007 at 9:00am — No Comments

Here's a Post / A Serious Matter

Took me a while to find my way. I think I've got it now. Spent half an hour adding friends - couldn't figure it out - not friendship, the adding part. I did wonder for a moment whether adding friends might entail obligations like being best man at weddings or a godparent...


This Summer, my fifth novel sees the light of day. It is a hardboiled, noir novel that some of the friends I've added have read already and been kind enough to tell me they enjoyed. I'll also be… Continue

Added by Steven Torres on March 15, 2007 at 8:59am — 4 Comments

Writing hard-to-work-with characters

I've struggled with a character in my novel for as many years as I've been writing it. It wasn't that I was trying to make him do something that went against what he wanted to do. I realized a long time ago that he was repressed.

Therefore, finding things out about him was always more like creating him from scratch, rather than his telling me as I went along (as the other two main characters did). Figuring out his motivations, weak points, etc. however? Not like pulling teeth - more…


Added by Christa M. Miller on March 15, 2007 at 7:04am — 4 Comments

Napkin Noir?

In the grand tradition (urban legend or romantic truth?) of Picasso paying his tabs with on-the-spot sketches, Esquire Magazine solicited authors to pen impromptu stories on cocktail napkins.

Esquire cast its net over the typical Esquire demographic -- mostly male, white, "serious" fiction or Belles Letterers (Rick Moody, Ben Schrank, Jonathan Ames, were notables). The closest they got to genre that I… Continue

Added by Tiffany Leigh on March 15, 2007 at 6:52am — 1 Comment

Branding, minutes and more reviews

Relatively early to bed last night, so feel much less like a squeezed-out sponge today, thank goodness. Mind you, I’ve been feeling specially cheered by “A Dangerous Man” ( reader reactions, including Jane H’s brother, who thought it was excellent (thanks, Jane’s brother – much appreciated!) and Ruth at work who thought it was terrifying and gripping (thanks, Ruth!). Both comments mean a…


Added by Anne Brooke on March 15, 2007 at 6:28am — No Comments

Shades of Moral Ambiguity

Is everybody familiar with the way character is designated along the moral spectrum in the fantasy role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons? The categories are: lawful good (eg Abe Lincoln), chaotic good (eg Robin Hood), lawful neutral, chaotic neutral, lawful evil (eg Hitler), and chaotic evil. It's an interesting perspective to apply to mystery protagonists and their worlds. Police procedurals usually feature lawful good protagonists: cops who play more or less by the rules and… Continue

Added by Elizabeth Zelvin on March 15, 2007 at 4:21am — 4 Comments


Chatterrific is a blog I created to house chat transcripts from my P.I. fiction discussion list, DetecToday. I'm always looking for our next guest and would welcome any authors of P.I. or crime fiction as well as writers influenced by the P.I. genre. Have a look and drop me a line if you're interested.

Added by Gerald So on March 15, 2007 at 3:26am — No Comments


Today is the anniversary of the debut of the FBI's 10 Most Wanted list. Murderer and interstate fugitive Thomas Jane Holden was the

first person to appear on the list. As of October 2006, 484 fugitives

(including 7 women) have appeared on the it; 454 have been either

captured or located. The record holder for longest time on the 10 Most

Wanted list is Donald Eugene Webb. Webb, who is wanted in connection

with the murder of a PA police officer in 1980, went on…


Added by John DuMond on March 15, 2007 at 2:29am — No Comments

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