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500 Page blockbusters

The last two books I have tackled have weighed in at over 500 pages. The last one Sun and Shadow by Ake Edwardson I reviewed on Crimescraps. I now have about 150 pages to go of Jed Rubenfeld's Freudian melodrama The Interpretation of Murder, and I think at this point my review will be much more complimentary.

I sometimes wonder if authors are paid by the page?

Thanks to all those who have picked me as a friend. I just…


Added by Uriah at crimescraps on March 13, 2007 at 3:47am — 4 Comments

Ken Bruen Appreciation Day

It might have been more appropriate if this was March 17th, but today is International Ken Bruen Appreciation Day.

I met Ken last fall, in Madison. He’s such a warm person I imagine I felt as so many others have when they met him – a sense of camaraderie and acceptance and instant ease with the man. Ken is so likeable and genuine, and down to earth.

I emailed him afterwards, to say it was great to meet him. I never made it through my entire list after conventions,…


Added by Sandra Ruttan on March 13, 2007 at 1:52am — 2 Comments

I'm a Victim

So recently my bank sent me a letter saying that my account might have been "compromised" by a computer glitch. I wasn't able to get online to check--"login error, please contact a representative"--for three days.

Today I found that someone has been using my debit card number since Saturday, having lots of fun at Best Buy and liquor stores and even loading up on groceries with the money from my checking account.…


Added by Julia Buckley on March 12, 2007 at 10:30pm — No Comments

Re: Ken Bruen Appreciation Day

Ken Bruen writes like a cast-off angel, with hard-earned clarity, honest brutality and a depth of compassion that is astonishing. His voice is unmatched in Noir Fiction-in ALL fiction- and I was so haunted by The Magdelene Martyrs that I could not sleep the night I finished it. His refusal to speak anything but truth, no matter how confrontational, is intensely liberating for his readers; his defiance of corrupt clergy is heroic - he is as essential for this Recovering Catholic as water and… Continue

Added by DADavenport on March 12, 2007 at 10:20pm — 2 Comments

A Quick Crimespace Update

Based on my general usage of the site, as well as a few questions from members, I've added a short help page dealing with the less obvious issues of using Crimespace, as well as a few permanent links to things like The Bar and an index of all the blogs. These links can be accessed from the Main page.

I've also added a new Featured Posts section that draws attention to some of the more popular posts, and this seems to be working well.

As Ning adds features to the…

Added by Daniel Hatadi on March 12, 2007 at 10:04pm — 6 Comments

Is This Thing On?

Are you recording? Red light's on? Okay.

Hello and welcome to crimespace, the new hot spot for lovers of crime fiction to meet--

Oh? I've done that already? The blurb, it's up the top of the page? Okay ...

So ... what now?

I suppose I can ponder on the necessity of adding yet another blog to the world, or even worse still, a whole collection of the things. When I set up crimespace I didn't really want to have blogs attached. There's plenty…

Added by Daniel Hatadi on March 12, 2007 at 9:58pm — 3 Comments

Crimespace Hits Its First Weekend

Seven days ago I read an article in the local paper that talked about 'DIY social networking', mentioning a site called Ning. Having been both fascinated and repulsed by Myspace, I was intrigued. What unites people on the internet are their common interests, so the idea of having a social network dedicated to a single theme sounded very… Continue

Added by Daniel Hatadi on March 12, 2007 at 9:57pm — 3 Comments

Ezines VS Print Magazines...Any Preference?

I ask this of just about all the writers I meet and I was wondering what the people here will say?

Do you prefer one over the other?


Which format brings the most recognition and the most feedback?

Does the more common "non-paying" status affect your decision on who to submit to?

Does the networking possbilities of ezines add weight to your decision?

Do readers feel there is a difference in status between the 2 formats?

Any gripes about either… Continue

Added by DADavenport on March 12, 2007 at 2:42pm — 6 Comments

Muzzle Flash and Shameless Plugs for All of You

Issue two is posted at Muzzle Flash. We’ve got 5 great stories from your fellow writers. Head on over and show them some support with comments if you are moved to do so.

Also, I’m going to email all the contributors to MF about the following but I…


Added by DZ Allen on March 12, 2007 at 2:04pm — No Comments

Dollar Bin Diva No More

I went to the paperback show today. Sadly, there seem to be fewer and fewer dollar bins every year. That’s normally where I find the bulk of my pulps. I’m a reader, not a collector. I love beater reading copies, since that’s what I plan to do with them anyway. This year I think I only got a single book from a dollar bin. (actually it was a two dollar bin.) Everything else I really wanted was more in the 10 to 20 range, so the budget didn’t stretch… Continue

Added by Christa Faust on March 12, 2007 at 1:49pm — No Comments

Smoke and Mirrors

I already mirror my blog in several virtual, locations but I guess it wouldn't hurt to put it up here too.

Added by Christa Faust on March 12, 2007 at 1:47pm — 1 Comment


HEART-SHAPED BOX (Horror-US-Cont) – G+

Hill, Joe – 1st book

William Morrow, 2007-US Hardcover – ISBN:9780061147937

Rocker Judas Coyne is a collector of the macabre. For one thousand dollars, he buys a dead man’s suit which is said to be haunted. Judas quickly learns that, not only is the suit haunted, but the…


Added by LJ Roberts on March 12, 2007 at 9:00am — No Comments

Blog entries, chatter entries, main page entries...

I don't get it.

But the company's cool.

Except who let the TV writers in here?

Added by Keith Snyder on March 12, 2007 at 8:24am — 1 Comment

Novel POV vs. short story POV

I was trying to figure out why I write my novels from the cops' POV, and my short stories from the criminals'. I can only guess that a novel lets a mystery unfold - it takes time for cops to piece together the evidence enough to find the perp and make an arrest - whereas a short story is a good venue to show the rashness of most criminal acts: crimes not planned, but committed (or at least conceived) in the heat of a moment.

Anyone else notice this trend in their own, or…


Added by Christa M. Miller on March 12, 2007 at 8:12am — 8 Comments

Random Thoughts

Went to an MWA chapter meeting last night, my first in a long time. The usual suspects: several wannabes, a few very modestly successful authors, some spouses/partners dragged along for the ride, a decent speaker from the Seattle PD explaining the differences between a real CSI department and the fakery seen on television. In other words, bad food, decent company, entertaining speaker.

What struck me most, though, was the fact that so little has changed from the time I went to…


Added by Michael W. Sherer on March 12, 2007 at 3:53am — 5 Comments

Kick in the Pants

Well, this here party looks to be the encouragement I need to get back to work on my fiction. Right after I read up on what everybody's doing...

Added by Mary L. Wheeling on March 12, 2007 at 2:01am — No Comments

I have been deprived, and enjoy the books-post in the forum. When I got to a bookstore here (Germany, that is), what is featured on the tables happily set out in the crime section are your typical PI…

I have been deprived, and enjoy the books-post in the forum. When I got to a bookstore here (Germany, that is), what is featured on the tables happily set out in the crime section are your typical PI/detective novels that are written in series. There we have Rankin, Kellerman etc. and a huge influx of Swedish writers that, as I had to notice (face etched with surprise), are rather less well-known in the USA (Mankell, Edwardson, Nesser).

The shelves around…

Added by Nick Purvis on March 11, 2007 at 7:51pm — 1 Comment

Follow My Lead

Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be lived. - Gabriel Marcel

Writers are like magicians in their ability to pull characters out of their hats. The well-written protagonists become almost real people that can

stay with the writer and the reader well after the book is finished. They run

the gamut from Beowulf to Hamlet; from Holden Caulfield to the

Vampire Lestat; from the almost iconic Sherlock Holmes and Sam Spade to John

Rebus. The list is…


Added by Jennifer Jordan on March 11, 2007 at 2:14pm — 2 Comments

Face the Music

How often, while your mind is immersed in a mystery, does the lead

character slip a favorite cd into his player while he’s driving to parts


Or perhaps when he’s drinking a bad day away?

When Mr. “Heroic-Lead” listens to music, he listens for the same reasons

we do -

to escape. But in that freedom, we crawl inside his head for a while and

feel his thoughts. Ian Rankin’s “Let It Bleed” is the quintessential…

Added by Jennifer Jordan on March 11, 2007 at 2:10pm — 7 Comments

The Funny Bones

Lenny Bruce said that all of his humor was based on destruction and despair and nothing less can be said of the following writers. They have

melded the two seemingly polar opposites of crime fiction and humor into intelligent

tales of people at their best and their worst. By meeting the darkest moments

of their lives with humor, their characters show a resilience and humanness

difficult to emulate with purely straight fiction. For the…


Added by Jennifer Jordan on March 11, 2007 at 1:54pm — No Comments

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