All Blog Posts (12,730)

Rant #1

For years the corporatists and their toadies in the Republican Party have whined that government regulation and labor laws are a plot by liberals to hamstring American business. But now, we have China.

China is a Petrie dish on whose face a new outrage grows with regularity. They put poison in our food, our pets' food, and send us dangerous toys. Their food and drug laws, if any, are unenforced. They use tainted or dangerous materials with impunity.

If they have workplace health and… Continue

Added by ed goldberg on September 23, 2007 at 11:31am — No Comments

Forensic Fun

This week at Schaumburg Twp. Dist. Library we had the pleasure of listening to authors and policemen Michael Black and Dave Case talk to an audience about crime scenes. They set up a 'body' and a 'scene' and the audience helped 'process' the scene. We had about 115 in attendance. This is an enormous reponse for us for an author program, and we were thrilled with the entire event. If you have not heard these gentlemen speak at LIM, make it a point to do so. I can't believe what an excellent…


Added by Love Is Murder Conference on September 23, 2007 at 7:40am — No Comments

How long did happily-ever-after last for Cinderella?

This week, I’ve been thinking about Cinderella.

I’ve been thinking about her a lot, wondering how long she stayed "happy" after she landed the Prince and the castle? Was it eternal bliss, or did she eventually go back to worrying about more mundane matters, like pesky royal in-laws, or her pecking order at court? In a real-life example, Princess Diana certainly showed us that sometimes there's nada happily ever…


Added by Kathryn Lilley on September 23, 2007 at 6:03am — 7 Comments

Why You DON’T Want To Be Me, Even Though You Think You Do…

Posted by Guest Blogger Kate Flora

Almost since my first book, Chosen for Death, in 1994, I’ve been teaching writing for various organizations throughout New England. I think I’m very lucky. I’ve had a lot of wonderful students. I’ve also had occasional students who didn’t want to do the weekly writing assignments, but only wanted to sit there, pen poised, to write down the magic advice which, when followed, would transform them into best-selling authors. At library…


Added by Writers Plot on September 22, 2007 at 10:30pm — No Comments

Eureka Point & My Very Special Agent

Hey all. I just wanted to let you know that Eureka Point is no longer available at Lulu. I signed contracts at Red Rose Publishing for both Eureka Point and My Very Special Agent (yeah!). Release dates will be posted when I find out the definite details. Have a great weekend! Hey Douglas, the blue heron was around today, fishing again.

Added by Betty Ann Harris on September 22, 2007 at 7:10am — No Comments

What Bill Clinton is reading

In case you didn't know, Bill Clinton is a voracious reader, a huge fan

of crime fiction, and generous with personal praise to writers. I know that he has contacted Michael Connelly, Harlan Coben, and others to thank them for their work. He even

called me once after Judgment Calls was published to say how much he

enjoyed my first book (yes, I did freak out, but only on the inside - I


He's also a fan of JLB (aka my dad) and says here that Tin Roof Blowdown… Continue

Added by Alafair Burke on September 22, 2007 at 6:07am — 3 Comments

Why You Should Read

I saw a post on a forum yesterday about why a person should be a reader, and it made me want to add my own arguments. And what's a blog for except to say what I want to say at any given moment?

As an ex-English teacher, I spent years trying, sometimes with success but mostly not, to convince high school students that reading was not only good for them but fun as well. I guess it's something a person has to learn for himself, and it often takes a while. My father didn't begin reading…


Added by Peg Herring on September 21, 2007 at 10:39pm — 1 Comment

The First Time

I'm about to take my first trip to Alaska--and experience my first Bouchercon. To paraphrase Mel Brooks, "It's good to be a virgin." At least about some things. ;)

That bright, shiny anticipation we used to get over Christmas or birthday presents, the thrill of the first sip of champagne ... even the naive hope that the Sea Monkeys really would have crowns ... all of this is an innocence that gets increasingly marginalized as we… Continue

Added by Kelli Stanley on September 21, 2007 at 10:07am — No Comments

SILENT COUNSEL Tour - September 20

SILENT COUNSEL Tour – September 20


Paramus, NJ

The day started on Long Beach Island, where Sylvia and I usually enjoy a nice, quiet, post-season week by the ocean. That’s the secret, of course. Do it after Labor Day. LBI summers, for sure, have their good points, but they have the crowds, too. Late September, though, is just…


Added by Ken Isaacson on September 21, 2007 at 10:00am — No Comments


The queries and packets have been shipped out by the agent to six publishers. Let's see if anyone bites.

Added by Naomi Hirahara on September 21, 2007 at 5:00am — 4 Comments

Making It Official

*(Or As Seen In Publishers Marketplace, which is the title Evil Kev preferred.)

Normally, what happens in the book world is that someone writes a manuscript. They then try to find an agent, which is usually a lengthy process. Send out queries. Some politely tell you basketweaving might still be an option, or something of that nature. Maybe some invite you to submit more, and you do. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that the average search time for an agent is six months.…


Added by Sandra Ruttan on September 21, 2007 at 3:02am — 16 Comments

cats on wheels!

Okay, so once again this doesn't immediately relate to crime fiction. But there is a tie-in with my books, both with a book giveaway and a character naming. And besides, I write mysteries with cats in them, so here you go:

One of our great local shelters here in Boston, Animal Rescue League, has launched a mobile pet… Continue

Added by Clea Simon on September 21, 2007 at 2:35am — No Comments

A Friend In Need Is A Friend...Indeed

Posted by Jeanne Munn Bracken

I love the expression, "Children have imaginary friends. Adults have imaginary enemies." I honestly don't remember having any imaginary friends when I was a kid, but my daughters certainly did, and other parents have told me great stories about their kids' imaginary friends.

I have been thinking about this because my younger daughter (in her 20s, working and putting herself through college) has a friend in need. If the guy didn't have bad…


Added by Writers Plot on September 20, 2007 at 10:35pm — No Comments

Getting Published a Different Way

Several people I've met in the writing business got their start not by the traditional write-a-letter-get-an-agent-who-will-find-a-publisher method, but by entering a contest. Contests are a good way to get noticed, to see if your work is noteworthy, and to achieve publication.

Sometimes you win, and that's great. Winning the better contests in any given genre usually means publication, and that's great. But some I've met didn't win the contest but still caught the attention of an…


Added by Peg Herring on September 20, 2007 at 10:00pm — No Comments

SILENT COUNSEL Tour - September 19

SILENT COUNSEL Tour - September 19


Scarsdale, NY

Let’s face it. Summer’s almost gone. There aren’t too many beautiful, sunny days left in the season, so the magnificent weather on Wednesday afternoon made the drive out to Scarsdale a treat. The only thing that would have made it better would have been to be on my motorcycle—but…


Added by Ken Isaacson on September 20, 2007 at 10:00am — No Comments

A Touch of Noir

A few weeks ago I got a crimespace friend request from Jack Bludis. He astutely surveyed my "likes" and recommended the Yahoo Group Rara Avis (rare birds), a group dedicated to the discussion of hardboiled and noir writing. I've been hanging out, you might say lurking, ever since. It's an entertaining and informative group. There're around 600 members and there're around 600… Continue

Added by terry bowman on September 20, 2007 at 12:55am — No Comments

Word Nerd chats with Todd Stone

CrimeSpace member Todd Stone is this week's featured author.

Added by Bethany K. Warner on September 20, 2007 at 12:32am — No Comments

Belle Goes for Walkies

posted by Doranna Durgin

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about Belle Dog, who has been confined to a crate for several weeks in the wake of a severe flare of her spinal disk disease. Well, I pull out the leash for her potty breaks, but these have hardly offered her the freedom she craves.

Jlchairsm Belle, as it turns out, does not live in…


Added by Writers Plot on September 19, 2007 at 10:38pm — No Comments

Life Interrupts Art

I don't know about anyone else, but life keeps getting in the way of my writing. Just about the time I plan on having a whole day to hammer out the plot details of a project, something comes up that calls for me to be somewhere else for a large portion of the day. Maybe I'm weak-minded, but it seems that once I've spent several hours in a store, a car, a meeting, or a public building, I can't drag my mind back to the proper set for effective writing. At best I get some editing in, but very…


Added by Peg Herring on September 19, 2007 at 9:56pm — No Comments

How could I forget...?

Add into my likings: Ross Macdonald, one of the biggest heroes. And Stephen Greenlead whom I recently rediscovered.

Added by Juri Nummelin on September 19, 2007 at 9:13pm — No Comments

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