All Blog Posts (12,730)

A-Z Killing Spree - Verses A-G

This rather silly poem was going to appear in an anthology that is, alas, sadly no more, so I thought I would just post it here in parts. It doesn't rhyme, it doesn't scan, it doesn't have any artistic merit, but by 'eck, it was fun to write.

The A-Z Killing Spree

A is for Alfie, whose life was Abridged,

When pickled in Aspic and stuffed in the fridge.

Slain by the Accountant at his old…


Added by Donna Moore on April 7, 2007 at 5:15am — 10 Comments

Review: The Blue Zone by Andrew Gross

The Blue Zone by Andrew Gross

The Blue Zone

Andrew Gross

Fiction $25.95 ($32.95 Canada)

ISBN 13: 978-0-06-114340-3

ISBN 10: 0-06-114340-5

William Morrow an Imprint of Harper Collins Publishers

Also available on CD from Harper Audio

Family secrets, skeletons in the closet, would you…


Added by RJ on April 7, 2007 at 5:06am — No Comments

Is it really about personality?

I was in a store today and I looked at the book selection. There were some romances, some self-help, business/reference books, etc. I even saw some westerns. What I did not see were any mysteries or thrillers.

So I asked why. It's a fair question. The response I got was more than a little amusing. They said it's because they don't want "those" kind of people coming in and hanging around. You know that I aske "what" kind of people. They said, "you know, violent people...people…


Added by Echelon Press on April 7, 2007 at 3:45am — 6 Comments

Favorite Month for Reading

On the Murder and Mayhem Yahoo Group, they asked the question "what was your favorite month and why", and "what is your best month for reading". Not being willing to follow the simplest of instructions, and recognizing that it's National Poetry Month, I found my own unique way to answer the questions. I am not a poet, I just don't know it (well, really I do).

A Perfect Time for Reading

January provides winter's calm and post-holiday

relaxation, a fine time for…


Added by David Magayna on April 7, 2007 at 3:04am — 3 Comments

Hot off the presses!

Today the postman delivered the first copy of A Treasury of Regrets from St. Martin's. Woo hoo! It's officially out in 12 days. I couldn't resist sitting down and dipping into some of my favorite scenes for an hour. Sheesh.

OK, since nobody else is going to promote my books for me, I'll say it: Go and read my book! Right now! You'll love it! :-)

Added by Susanne Alleyn on April 7, 2007 at 2:35am — 1 Comment

About oz_mystery_readers is a group I created just over 4 years ago, to fill what I perceived as a gap in the online discussion world. We share opinions and information about crime/mystery fiction available in Australia in paperback (at least that is the theory). We welcome members from all over the globe and we hold at least one book discussion each month.

Some of the features are ones that…


Added by Kerrie on April 6, 2007 at 2:00pm — No Comments

My Icon - The Redback Spider

The Redback Spider - Latrodectus hasselti

Redbacks are Australia's best-known spider. They appear in songs and even have a beer named after them. Redbacks live all over Australia but are less common in…


Added by CT on April 6, 2007 at 1:55pm — 2 Comments

He's Black. He's White. He's read all over. Who is he?

Edgar Allan Poe, of course, as in the books chosen to receive the Edgar Award, seen here: So here we go again.

In less than a month: Judgment Day. The Edgar Awards are about to be given by twelve judge/members of The Mystery Writers of America. (drum roll, please...) Not that it actually matters to ME (since my name is not on the list and chances are you're name's not either), but it's a way of screening the fourteen hundred or so mysteries printed every…


Added by Miss DaMeaner on April 6, 2007 at 12:22pm — No Comments

Riding the Review Rollercoaster

(Cross-posted from Poe's Deadly Daughters)

Now, at last, I understand my urge to publish novels.

It’s not a deep-seated desire to communicate. It’s not a need to purge my imagination of all those crazy made-up people who keep running around in their made-up world, doing shocking things. It’s not, heaven knows, a belief that publication will make me rich and famous. (I was never naive enough to believe that.)

No, it’s…

Added by Sandra Parshall on April 6, 2007 at 12:12pm — 6 Comments

Larsson, Ǻsa – Larsson, Ǻsa –

Larsson, Ǻsa –

Sweden-Cont) – VG

Larsson, Ǻsa – 1st book

Delacorte Press, 2003 – US Hardcover – ISBN 038533981X

First Sentence: When Viktor Strandgård

dies it is not, in fact, for the first time.

Attorney RebeckaMartinsson left her hometown in disgrace but is now returning to help her friend Sanna whose…

Added by LJ Roberts on April 6, 2007 at 9:00am — No Comments

Dorothy Dunnett

Recently the name of the late British author Dorothy Dunnett appeared on two of the lists where I hang out. I had never heard of her (and thought Dunnett a great pseudonym as in "the butler done it," but that is her real name) and choose her final book as my introduction. I selected it because it was about Johnson Johnson, a portrait painter, as was Dunnett, and because it was set in Morocco. I have never been there but I did live two years in another part of the Middle East.



Added by Mary Dee on April 6, 2007 at 7:20am — No Comments

Maxim's blogs

Sorry folks, I won't be blogging here, unless exceptional circumstances dictate.

BUT... I do blog on a regular basis on The Guardian newspaper's arts website, and you can find all my blogs at

Entries are not always on crime and mystery related subjects, although always devoted to books and films.

There is also an index to all my Guardian book reviews on same page, principally crime...

Maxim… Continue

Added by Maxim Jakubowski on April 6, 2007 at 3:20am — No Comments

Michael reaches the Amazon ...

Rather cold-ridden today, I'm afraid, so have been lolling on the sofa with smelling salts pressed to my nose and a wet flannel clutched to my forehead. How charming. I like to think I'm a modern-day Lydia Languish, but fear the true image is more prosaic than that. Ah well. Never put your daughter on the stage.

I was going to do lots of writing, and leap into Godalming to stock up on essential oils and the Surrey Advertiser, not to mention visiting Gladys, but I have done none of…


Added by Anne Brooke on April 6, 2007 at 2:36am — No Comments

Ladykiller by Lawrence Light and Meredith Anthony


By Lawrence Light and Meredith Anthony

ISBN: 1-933515-05-8 $23.95

Suspense/Thriller 240 pages…


Added by QualityBookReviews on April 6, 2007 at 1:30am — No Comments

Winners and new free book draw at RTE

The winners of the copies of AUNT DIMITY GOES WEST by Nancy Atherton, STIGMA by Philip Hawley, Jr. MD, and NAMING OF THE DEAD by Ian Rankin. have been chosen. Their names appear at, along with the announcement of the new draw for one of three copies of THE LAST SPYMASTER by Gayle Lynds, THE BOBBED HAIRED BANDIT by Duncombe and Matson, THE KILLING ART, by Jonathan Santlofer, or VISIBILITY by Boris Starling.

Please follow directions for entering the… Continue

Added by Barbara Franchi on April 6, 2007 at 12:13am — No Comments

Shadow Alley, compiled by Lucy Sussex (YA Mystery)

Cross posted from

First published in 1995, Shadow Alley is a compilation of short crime stories written around the premise of

detectives when they were teenagers.

A majority of the authors stuck to this premise, whereas some chose instead to write about teenage characters within the stories themselves.

Kerry Greenwood…


Added by Karen from AustCrime on April 5, 2007 at 12:20pm — No Comments

Get It While You Can

Hitler: Five Impossibly Possible Love Stories, in its limited edition run of 50 signed and numbered homemade books with CD, is selling know...cakes that are hot. Get yours while you can.

Added by Paul A. Toth on April 5, 2007 at 11:14am — No Comments

Norwescon 30

Well friends, I will be off to Norwescon 30 in Seattle this weekend... For those of you who don't know this is the premier SF/F convention in the Northwest... A few of us will be there... likely Brian Thornton among others. It should be fun trying to take surruptitious photos of 300 pound Klingons in thongs! I'll be sure and post those.


Added by Dave Bara on April 5, 2007 at 10:58am — No Comments

writing a mystery

Is anyone else writing a mystery? Does anyone else spend hours on the internet before begining to write - looking at interesting sites, doing other work when now is the writing time, playing solitaire? It's very hard for me to start writing - and once I do, I often think its crap. I plow on, I try to be aware that I am procrastinating rather than doing something essential to my well being. Will I ever get to the point I'll just write without any messing around? who knows.

I do know…


Added by Jane456 on April 5, 2007 at 10:42am — 1 Comment

Cover Grrrrl....

By Cornelia

Yesterday I got sent a jpeg of the proposed cover for my next book, which I think is wonderfully spooky and PRETTY, in a dark angsty kind of way.

It got me thinking about what I like and don't like in book covers. Two of my favorites ever were designed for novels by Darcey Steinke, which is cool because I like… Continue

Added by Cornelia Read on April 5, 2007 at 9:41am — 16 Comments

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