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Another Acceptance

Just got word today that (Mouthfull of Bullets) will be publishing another of my short stories. "Beach Bummed" will be out in the March '08 issue.

Added by Kim Smith on July 22, 2007 at 10:05am — No Comments

Drawing for copies of Honeymoon for Three

I have at least 5 copies of my new book, HONEYMOON FOR THREE, to give away to Crimespace members. Let me know if you are interested. I will need addresses of the winners. My email address is

Contest closes July 26.

Added by Alan Cook on July 22, 2007 at 8:42am — No Comments


It's hot where I live. No, I'm not expecting sympathy. I've looked at the maps on the weather channel, and I realize that it's hot pretty much everywhere -- at least here in the States. It's just that I'm not a hot weather sort of gal. I don't do hot, at least not willingly, because I don't do it well.

The first thing that goes is sleep. I'm a cool weather sleeper and I'm happiest when the room I'm sleeping in is almost uncomfortably cool for everyone else. Then I can…


Added by Sammi Carter on July 22, 2007 at 6:29am — No Comments

Review - In the Woods, Tana French


Author: Tana French

Publisher: Hodder and Stoughton

Edition released: June 2007

ISBN: 978-0-340-92475-4

485 pages

Review by: Karen Chisholm

Is it really only a month or so since IN THE WOOD was released in paperback? There's a lot of talk about this debut book, and you should be listening, the positive talk is highly deserved.

In 1984, in Knocknaree, County Dublin, Ireland, three 12 year old children - Adam, Peter and Jamie… Continue

Added by Karen from AustCrime on July 21, 2007 at 5:13pm — No Comments

DEAD CONNECTION tour - Day 6 - July 21

It should be no suprise, but it's smokin' hot in Phoenix in July! Barbara Peters and her ever-awesome colleagues at The Poisoned Pen hosted a terrific event, as usual. Thanks especially to the Burke-regulars for the big turnout despite the nasty heat.

I was good and went to the gym today, so the rest of the weekend is for rest, which I will devote to playing with my four year old nephew, James Lee Burke IV, and catching up with the adventures of Harry Potter. Don't you dare tell me… Continue

Added by Alafair Burke on July 21, 2007 at 3:00pm — 1 Comment

Fingerprints and Facelifts

Think "Charlie's Angels" on estrogen. If you're looking for a fun, enjoyable romp, check out Rick Copp's first L.A. Dolls mystery. It won't be lasting literature because it's too "today", but it's an entertaining, campy book.

Twenty-five years ago, Dani, Claire and Tess were hot detectives, the L.A. Dolls. Dani, a Latina, was the leader of the agency. Tess,… Continue

Added by Lesa Holstine on July 21, 2007 at 1:08pm — No Comments

the mystery of life

Aristotle said to be happy and gratified one had to have a passion for their work, companionship of both men and women and the realization you are just a speck and not the cnter of the universe..that you must believe in something greater and wiser than you.. I am blessed with having plopped into these criteria as I certainly never had a game plan and still don't.. Just plod along one day at a time,, one foot folllowing the next, one word following the last.. Have your experiences fit into this… Continue

Added by bruceforester on July 21, 2007 at 6:18am — No Comments

What a Spector-cle!

posted by Leann Sweeney

I loved watching the Watergate hearings. I was pregnant at the time and had quit working during my 7th month, so Watergate totally entertained me. And O.J.? I took my tiny TV to the job so I wouldn't miss a word or a glove or a stupid, lying witness. It's the mystery writer in me. I am fascinated by crime. Will be until the day I die. And now, I am mesmerized by the Phil Spector trial. I barely had a clue who he was until recently and sadly, I have missed…


Added by Writers Plot on July 20, 2007 at 10:48pm — No Comments

Summer Mystery Reading Challenge

Every day this summer you can find wonderful books in the Summer Mystery Reading Challenge at Reviewed by Liz. I am very pleased to be the featured author today. So stop by her site and leave a comment or question.

And go back from time-to-time to discover other wonderful mystery writers. You might even want to sign up and take the challenge. To borrow from Liz, "Because life is too short for mediocre…


Added by Jeff Markowitz on July 20, 2007 at 10:39pm — No Comments


The hardest thing for me about the publishing business is waiting. You send queries to agents and you wait while they wade through the stacks of queries they receive each day. You get an agent and he/she sends out MS packages to publishers and you wait while some assistant reads it, passes it on to the next person up, and so on. A publisher nibbles, and you wait while editors confer and decide. They take the book and you wait while an editor goes at it to make it fit their guidelines. You…


Added by Peg Herring on July 20, 2007 at 9:18pm — No Comments

Prologue (The Man in the Moon)


Unknown Date

Unknown Time



Added by Tom Tancin on July 20, 2007 at 3:06pm — No Comments

The Next Adventures of Guy ... more wackiness

Every Quest has to have an elf, a sorcerer, movie rights, special effects... and, most importantly, a sequel.

So in the hilarious sequel to The Adventures of Guy, Guy and his

college buddies Knob and Thurman take on a new quest... to save Earth

from alien invasion.

To so this, they must take on Big Oil and other sinister forces using

only their wits, their newfound powers and their knowledge of beer, all

while overcoming their own leader's lack of faith… Continue

Added by Norm Cowie on July 20, 2007 at 1:08pm — No Comments

Now A TV Star? Evelyn David Hits The Small, Small Screen.

Today, the Southern Half of Evelyn David spoke at the Grove Public Library, in Grove Oklahoma. Her presentation of "A Mystery Writer Shares Some Clues" was filmed by the local cable channel. She only hopes that her nose wasn't shiny and that she didn't use too many, "you knows" in the speech.

Personal Log – Star Date 20070719 (Yes, I was a big Star Trek…


Added by Evelyn David on July 20, 2007 at 12:12pm — No Comments

Theakston's Winner and Links

Word is in that Allan Guthrie has won the Theakston's Award at Harrogate...*

More reports sure to come, since Ali Karim of The Rap Sheet is on the front lines. Although I'd figured Stuart MacBride to win, I'm delighted to be wrong. Well, not because Stuart lost, but he won the Dagger, so Al winning Theakstons is great, because they're both winners.

And now Stuart has something to whine about on his blog again.

Author and blogger…


Added by Sandra Ruttan on July 20, 2007 at 11:45am — No Comments

Exciting news coming in this week. THE FIRST WAVE has been selected as a Book Sense Notable title for September 2007. This followed a great starred review in Library Journal. Now, I have my first TV …

Exciting news coming in this week. THE FIRST WAVE has been
selected as a Book Sense Notable title for September 2007. This
followed a great starred review in Library Journal. Now, I have
my first TV interview lined up, with an ABC affiliate in New Haven,
CT. It's for a Saturday morning show, 7:15 a.m. (and I live
an hour away). It ain't Ophra, but a writer's got to start
somewhere! Will probably be September 1st; I'll confirm here when
I know more.

Added by James R. Benn on July 20, 2007 at 9:01am — No Comments

DEAD CONNECTION tour - Day 4 - July 19

Last night a big crowd of Wichitans gave me a warm welcome back to Watermark Books, where I used to work on holiday break wrapping presents. Among the crowd were my sister Andree, best high school friend Kim, family friend Robin, and the parents of some of my closest childhood friends. It was hard to stop once we all got started. Folks seemed particularly interested in Ellie Hatcher's backstory in Wichita.

Unfortunately I can't figure how to download my pictures on my sister's… Continue

Added by Alafair Burke on July 20, 2007 at 9:00am — No Comments

Hot Enuf for Ya? (cross posted from Type M For Murder)

Hot Enuf for Ya?

Vicki here, sweltering in B.C.
There really is nothing that can take the place of on-the-spot research. In the Shadow of the Glaicer, the first in my new police procedural series, takes place in the fictional town of Trafalgar, which is set in the fictional area called

Mid-Kootenay, which is set in the real place called the Kootenays.…

Added by Vicki Delany on July 20, 2007 at 8:15am — No Comments

Push up...

Newsflash: Pulp Pusher has put some serious work up of late...names, names...check the names: IRVINE WELSH! CHARLES ARDAI! CATHI UNSWORTH! TODD ROBINSON! JIM WINTER! SANDRA RUTTAN! Am I shoutin' loud enough? Go check it here

Added by Tony Black on July 20, 2007 at 5:52am — No Comments

On the road

We recently took a two-day (one way) road trip to South Carolina. Of course I brought the PDA, because I accomplish a lot of writing on car rides. This time, though, I had the same problem I've had on other protracted car trips: other than a few ideas here and there that I was able to jot down, I didn't write at all. Not in the car or at the rest stops or even at the hotels once we stopped moving. It was a vacation from writing and I'm still on it - Rain Dog and I are talking about running some… Continue

Added by Christa M. Miller on July 20, 2007 at 1:40am — 3 Comments

What are you reading?

I'm now reading Island Intrigue by Wendy Howell Mills. GREAT! Love the island setting and the characters.

Added by Dawn Dowdle on July 20, 2007 at 1:13am — No Comments

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