All Blog Posts (12,730)

Haircut, dinner and a peculiar number of words

For reasons I can't now explain, I booked a haircut today at 8.15am. Horror! Which, as Lynda is always always early (in fact she may well have been sitting outside the flat since last night ...), meant that Lord H and I had to be sure to be up, bathed and decent by 7am. Hell, we managed it too. Almost. But there wasn't much intelligent conversation going on, I can tell you. When it got to 8am, I decided to nip out and see if Lynda was there. She was. So I crept up to the car, leaned…


Added by Anne Brooke on April 21, 2007 at 2:44am — No Comments


I'm excited! Yesterday I signed a contract for my second book in The Third Eye mystery/suspense series entitled DEADLY SINS - DEADLY SECRETS. The release date for the book is set for Nov. 1, 2007.

Plus, I received a review on the first book this week -- my first one -- so I feel like a kid with a new toy. The review ended with a marvelous blurb:

"Author Sylvia Dickey Smith has skillfully woven a story of a woman driven to begin a new life on her own with…


Added by Sylvia Dickey Smith on April 20, 2007 at 10:45pm — 2 Comments

Sacrificing Body Parts

Sacrificing Body Parts

I sacrificed a body part to write my debut novel – No One Heard Her Scream. Now that's commitment.…


Added by Jordan Dane on April 20, 2007 at 2:24pm — 13 Comments

Lizzie Borden book review (x2!)

A review from the Platt archives:

Lizzie Borden took an axe... two writers gave her story a whack...

Added by John Platt on April 20, 2007 at 5:13am — No Comments

Counselling, competitions and the curse of the TV

Bit slow this morning, so had to dash to get to my counselling session ( Must say that Kunu had a lovely summer skirt on - I was really impressed, but didn't dare say anything in case she thought I was being more weird than normal. Or maybe she's just used to that by now? Anyway, we had a good session, better than last week, I think. We talked about my weekend of silence, and how…


Added by Anne Brooke on April 20, 2007 at 3:09am — No Comments

Join Our Book Club Data Base

Sisters In Crime is looking for a few good book clubs. Well, we're actually looking for a LOT of good book clubs and reader groups.

With hundreds of mysteries published every eyar, how can your group find new, fresh voices you'd be interested in trying? Perhaps you want to know when your favorite mystery author puts out a new book. Registering your group with Sisters In Crime's Book Club Data Base will ensure that your to-be-read pile will never drop below a foot…


Added by Sisters In Crime on April 19, 2007 at 10:38pm — No Comments

Life and Reading

I wish I could read fast enough to post something new and wonderful about a different book every day, but reading fast enough isn't really the issue: life is the issue. It's that having to go to work everyday thing that gets in the way. And the thousand-and-one things I have to do on the way home from work like pick up drycleaning and go to the grocery store, and, and, and...Conversely, would I truly be living a life if my dream came true and I…


Added by Gina Micale on April 19, 2007 at 7:06pm — No Comments

Computer Hell

I haven't been here because I had computer problems. It went on and on with my provider. Finally I reinstalled Windowsxp. Lost everything, of course. But it still didn't help. I couldn't get on least not on my home page, which meant I couldn't get mail.

So after 6 phone calls, a visit from 4 tech people nothing was fixed. Finally I got a supervisor. She had me try a different way to connect my computer to modem. Well, it took a WOMAN (couldn't resist) to help me. The trouble… Continue

Added by Sandra Scoppettone on April 19, 2007 at 1:38pm — 1 Comment

Coming Clean In Northern Wisconsin

Here, April is a month-long tease leading up to spring. Backyards and ball diamonds are barely functional and most city streets still wear the sand and salt scars of the annual war with winter. The daylight stays longer, grows stronger, but athletes and intellectuals, alike, struggle to reclaim their edge.…


Added by Karyn J. Powers on April 19, 2007 at 12:56pm — No Comments

Books into film

(Cross-posted from Poe's Deadly Daughters)

“It’s being made into a movie.”

Words to strike terror into the heart of a devoted reader. Even worse: “It’s being filmed for television.”

Sometimes it’s done right. The movie of Mystic River is almost as good as Dennis Lehane’s novel. The first Godfather film is better than the book. Showtime did a credible job of bringing Darkly Dreaming Dexter to television, and I liked it despite some changes.

More often, films… Continue

Added by Sandra Parshall on April 19, 2007 at 10:58am — 3 Comments

Artistic Value of Murder

I just got off the phone with a customer who purchased a high end art book from us. We chatted some about the scuplture's body of work and how it has increased rapidly in value over the years. Our customer mentioned that he used to collect fiction but got out of the market when the costs got too high which brought us to discussing how he picked the art he is collecting now. He stated, "I only collect works by artists who have died. This way I know there is a finite number of items to be… Continue

Added by Heirloom Bookstore on April 19, 2007 at 10:27am — 3 Comments

In Remembrance of Virginia Tech

Added by QualityBookReviews on April 19, 2007 at 9:17am — No Comments

Gone Fishin'

Ah, the air smells fresher. Colors are more vibrant. Everything is good with the world and I am happy.

The reason for my good spirits is that I completed my next book, Paying the Piper, and turned it in on deadline. Dorchester has it and they’re happy and we’re holding hands as we walk into the sunset.

I like completing a book, because I can be me again. As the deadline looms, I start to…


Added by Simon Wood on April 19, 2007 at 8:20am — No Comments

Crime Fiction Genres Defined By Bedroom Scene


to tell what sort of book you're reading by its bedroom scenes.


There was a knock on the door of my hotel room. I knew who this wouldbe. My heart started beating fast like a baby sparrow fluttering in my ribcage. I fluffed up my hair, touched up my lipstick, adjusted my heaving breasts and opened the door. Tarquin…


Added by Donna Moore on April 19, 2007 at 7:43am — 23 Comments

Everybody's asking WHY?

Of course everybody wants to know why Cho, the 23 year-old Korean student, shot and killed so many people at Virginia Tech (the school where my older son got his MFA, so I have some personal warm feelings for Blacksburg). Those who aren't asking Why are asking How can we prevent this sort of thing from happening in the future? The short answers are, We'll never know, and We can't. And that's true, but there are things we can know and things we can…


Added by Dianne Day on April 19, 2007 at 7:03am — 1 Comment

Saying Hello to this new space.

I just happened across Crimespace in my web surfing today and decided straight away to join up. I'm very impressed by the "Ning" technology behind this site and it looks quite cool. I'm still looking around at the other content and member areas on the site so I don't have much else to say just now but here's a quick Hello.

Added by Robert K. Foster on April 19, 2007 at 6:32am — No Comments

On the downhill slope ...?

This morning started out well enough. If very early, with some damn bird starting the dawn chorus when it couldn’t have been much beyond 4am. Sigh. Still, at work I managed to get my conference notes typed up in reasonable order and printed out for the boss to look at next week. And I’ve also done some rejigging to the Manor Park Mentoring handbook. We’re now three months behind our deadline, but heck things keep changing. That’s universities for you. I’ve now done so many corrections that…


Added by Anne Brooke on April 19, 2007 at 6:15am — No Comments

Ed Lynskey's BLUE CHEER is getting rave reviews

From Booklist:

*Starred Review*
PI Frank Johnson, who moved to rural West Virginia in search of peace and quiet, stumbles on his noisiest case yet when a

Stinger missile explodes in the air over his property. He thinks it

ought to be a simple matter to find out why the missile was in the

skies over West Virginia, but when he is beaten up, and then his best

friend's wife is murdered, Frank quickly realizes he has caught the

tail of a monster. Soon he is hot on… Continue

Added by Point Blank Press on April 19, 2007 at 4:06am — 3 Comments

Russell James: PAYBACK

Coming soon

Added by Point Blank Press on April 19, 2007 at 12:40am — No Comments

What is Point Blank? Part One:

appreciating neglected geniuses:

"The Day it Rained Pigeon Shit" by Jon Wahl and the Amadans

Added by Point Blank Press on April 19, 2007 at 12:00am — No Comments

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