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Currently reading

I just barely started Pig Island by Mo Hayder.

However, my mind and heart are still tied up with K. j. a. Wishnia's Filomena Buscarsela series. This is one of the best series I have ever read. The characters changed and developed and grew up over time; large amounts of time passed without the author filling in the missing years - almost like dropping in on an old friend; the author wrote as if I, the reader, had a brain and could deal with new information all on my own and…


Added by Alice Morgan on April 11, 2007 at 3:24am — No Comments

Crime Blogs on the Internet

What do you think of sites like this? Does it help or hurt for information to be posted on websites that give the general public details about crimes, whether solved or not? There seems to be a debate about whether giving information allows the general public to be more active in supplying details that may help solve crimes, or if it simply feeds the fuel of other criminally-minded people to go out and commit more crimes?…


Added by Cynthia Polansky on April 11, 2007 at 3:23am — 1 Comment

meet up

this last Saturday, myself, Barbara Fister and Kathy Hagen(from our 4MA group) met up in Minneapolis for some serious book buying and converstation. Think those were equal projects.

Kathy and I are also in the same f2f monthly mystery discussion group, and we had that meeting first, discussing James Sallis' Moth.

Barb came to Minneapolis to visit her daughter, and it turned out that her daughter now lives only a couple of blocks from me. (one the better neighborhoods in Mpls,… Continue

Added by Rose on April 11, 2007 at 3:16am — 5 Comments

Slogging away, with a small glass of Champagne

I'm delighted to say that there's now only about one week (give or take) to go before the Pink Champagne and Apple Juice website ( is launched, courtesy of the wonderful Sue Haywood and her equally wonderful husband, Frank ( It's…


Added by Anne Brooke on April 11, 2007 at 2:31am — No Comments

Being Catty

(I originally posted this on Murderati and it generated fascinating conversation. Since so many Crimespace members use cats as avatars, I thought it'd be interesting to see what this group says.)

by Pari Noskin Taichert…


Added by Pari Noskin Taichert on April 11, 2007 at 2:19am — 5 Comments

True Story

We never had a chance.

The sun was just going down and it was fast becoming a clear, crisp April eve.

“Well, what’ll it be tonight, boys?”


question was absurd. The Meg Chittenden-Robert Gregory Browne jello

wrestling pay-per-view was still three hours away, so continuing to

drink was, of course, the order of the evening.

The “boys”

consisted of five: Barry “The Hair” Eisler; a little too good looking,

a little too… Continue

Added by Paul Guyot on April 11, 2007 at 1:57am — 10 Comments

The crime fiction exchange market –1-

Hi, America! You gave us Coke and Chandler, Steely Dan and Silicon Valley. We gave you bavarian beer and BMW, Heidi Klum and Heidelberg. So let’s continue this fair trade. You got still a lot of fine crime fiction never translated into German. We also have some thrilling stuff.…


Added by Dieter Paul Rudolph on April 11, 2007 at 1:34am — No Comments

Seeking Sources

I have a WIP. Not unusual here at Crimespace, with everyone either in the middle of one, or planning one out. It's just unusual for me, since it's my first. And this first novel-writing stuff is for the crazies...luckily I lean towards insanity to start with, so it's a pathway I'd venture towards anyway.

But I tend to be a bit shy. I have a lingering fear of appearing an idiot, so I tend to keep my mouth shut rather than put myself out there. Until you get to know me. Or put… Continue

Added by DADavenport on April 11, 2007 at 12:47am — 2 Comments


bike (noun)

The vehicle used to whisk you away from the blahs and the blah-blah-blahs to moments of really living.

(Such a fitting definition I stole it from the REI category. <g>)

Added by Kat on April 11, 2007 at 12:12am — No Comments

Curiouser and Curiouser

They say it killed the cat but I still don’t know why.

I am a very curious person. I love solving mysteries and finding pieces to puzzles. I like to know the whys, whos,…


Added by Fran Read on April 10, 2007 at 11:35pm — 5 Comments

Review of Stealing the Dragon by Tim Maleeny

When a freighter ship carrying Chinese refugees runs aground on San Francisco’s famous Alcatraz, Private Detective Cape Weathers becomes interested. This is not the kind of case that he usually takes on but when it is determined that the crew of the freighter ship were all murdered by a professional assassin, Cape begins to worry. The murders look eerily similar…


Added by Gumshoe Carl on April 10, 2007 at 8:50pm — No Comments

A-Z Killing Spree - Verses U-Z

U is for Umberto who was caught Unawares

With his trousers Unzipped at the foot of the stairs,

By Ursula who took Umbrage at the Unwitting fella

And stabbed him in the Umbilicus with her pointed Umbrella

V is for Victor - Veterinary surgeon from Venice

Who practiced on humans - the Villainous menace.

When Virile Vince Visited expecting a swift appendectomy

That Vagabond Vic gave Vince a Vasectomy.

Poor Vince…


Added by Donna Moore on April 10, 2007 at 4:21pm — 4 Comments

I'm Dying To Know

Fellow mystery writers; there is only one question to answer:

The Illusionist, or The Prestige?

I'll give you my vote after I hear yours.


Added by Dave Bara on April 10, 2007 at 3:56pm — No Comments

Behind the Cover

I'm trying to get the skinny on pseudonyms. Okay, I get it when a woman

uses her initials instead of her name because of the presumed bias of

book reviews (since I've been a reporter for Sisters in Crime media

review for over three years now, I can say that: the men are winning in

the major newspapers for book review articles and inches people).

But my question really isn't about that. What are the advantages of

writing under a different name? I have… Continue

Added by Andrea Campbell on April 10, 2007 at 3:56pm — 4 Comments


Well I have to say Norewescon was a disappointment. I met up with Kat Richardson and janna Silverstein so that was good, but beyond that the partying was mediocre at best and there were precious few opportunities for professional contacts. It kind of seemed like an overgrown junior high school party. Next year I think I will go only if my book is out.


Added by Dave Bara on April 10, 2007 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Reviewing Books from a Reviewers Perspective

Being a very recent entrant into this publishing reviews game it's been interesting to watch a lot of the chatter from readers, other reviewers and writers getting around these days.

Writing reviews is an extremely nerve-racking game, or at least it is for me. Doesn't mean it's not fascinating, but there are days when you start to read a book and you can feel the cold sweat breaking out.

I sweat it if I'm finding I'm loving the book and I sweat it if I'm hating it and the… Continue

Added by Karen from AustCrime on April 10, 2007 at 12:42pm — 3 Comments

Hawke, Richard – SPEAK OF THE DEVIL


(Private Investigator-NYC-Cont) – G+

Hawke, Richard – 1st book

Random House, 2005-US Hardcover – ISBN:

First Sentence: If she had known she

would be dead in another five minutes, maybe she wouldn’t have swatted her son

so hard.

PI Fritz Malone went out to buy bagels and has stopped to watch in balloons in the New York City Thanksgiving Day Parade.…

Added by LJ Roberts on April 10, 2007 at 9:00am — No Comments

Robert Goldsborough interviews Max Allan Collins

If Max Allan Collins is not the most productive writer in the mystery and suspense field, I would be hard-pressed to find another nominee. He has written more than 80 novels, many of them components of seven different series. His works include his 14 highly acclaimed Nate Heller books, the CSI series, and the New York Times bestseller "Saving Private Ryan."

In addition, he has been a scripter of the "Dick Tracy" comic strip, and his graphic novel "Road…


Added by Robert Goldsborough on April 10, 2007 at 8:23am — 2 Comments


I'm being stalked by a character from the book I just finished. He's mad because he didn't star in the last book and he thinks he's a star.

I've had characters that I knew I was going to write about later, but I've never had a character be so insistent that I misjudged him. He wasn't exactly a bad guy in the book, but he wasn't all good either. And I gave him a terrible name for a lead.

Now I'm trying to find him a good middle name that we both can live… Continue

Added by Pauline Baird Jones on April 10, 2007 at 7:15am — 4 Comments

Seeing Justice Done

She was 16, pretty, with her whole life ahead of her.

Until she encountered a killer at a bus stop.

He raped her, stuck pins in her, struck her in the face with a brick repeatedly and she eventually died from a fractured skull and asphyxiation.

Her killer taunted police with a letter at the time of the murder: "I won't strike again until next year at the same time... Set up your bait and try to catch me ... See ya next year."

Her name was…


Added by Sandra Ruttan on April 10, 2007 at 6:45am — 2 Comments

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