All Blog Posts (12,730)

On Being Mugged and Half Mugged

Someone asked me about my introduction in the Bar where I mentioned being mugged 3 and a half times, so I thought I would put the story of the half a time here, since I understand that the whole point of these blog thingies is that they are updated regularly. Whoops. So here's the story:

A year or so ago, I was in the city centre shopping and left at about 5pm by which time the place was starting to empty of shoppers. To get to my bus stop, I decided to cut…


Added by Donna Moore on March 27, 2007 at 10:59pm — 7 Comments

Book 3 - Revealed!

Finally, a bit of news about the third Tom Kirk Novel to share with you.

You'll be pleased to know it has a title! Months of heated negotations with Bruce, my editor, (that's not his real name but it seems more appropriate for a thriller editor than his actual one!) have led us to The Gilded Seal. My original suggestion was The Napoleon Seal, but Harper Collins were worried that this would make it seem too historical?? Not sure I…

Added by James Twining on March 27, 2007 at 8:00pm — No Comments

guest blogger: Bobbie Faye Sumrall

[toni's note: today I am letting Bobbie Faye Sumrall guest blog because frankly, she's scary and she threatened me.]

Okay, look, people, you probably don't know me. Unless you've read this crazy writer's first book, and I am here to tell you, she's seriously getting on my…


Added by Toni McGee Causey on March 27, 2007 at 4:31pm — 6 Comments

First entry

I'm jealous. Vicki Hendricks has this great picture of her

in a skydive. I've done skydives (not nearly as many as Vicki and

my skydiving days are over) but I don't have a picture of me in

freefall. I had a video of my first jump and it was pretty

ugly. Nothing to post on a website. So, I settled for the

next best thing--a shot of me running. It's ugly too, but how

about those Willie Nelson shorts?

Although I don't have any skydive pix, I can claim… Continue

Added by Mark Troy on March 27, 2007 at 3:32pm — No Comments

Blog, blog, blog

I don't have time to blog! I barely have time to write down what I'm reading and that's somewhere else. Although I suppose copy and paste works well. Hello, all you crazy people!


Added by Cheryl Reynolds on March 27, 2007 at 2:42pm — No Comments

Anyone else on submission?

Okay, all of you - I didn't say "into submission." I think that might be another Ning Ring altogether.

I've got a manuscript on submission right now (actually two, but only one as Regina). I alternate between wanting to puke and feeling pretty damn good about getting here after so long.

I've heard so many writers' submission stories, but I can't seem to get enough of them. Anyone want to share?

Added by Regina Harvey on March 27, 2007 at 12:41pm — 11 Comments

my first blog

Wow, I get to blog.


Never done it before. Heard about it. Thought about doing it when I set up my website last year. But decided against it. I'm not vain enough to think that anybody really cares about my deepest thoughts and radical opinions.

At best, I'd probably just piss somebody off.

So I left the blogging to those of far greater intelligence who really have something to say.

Good enough.

But then comes Crimespace. And they make blogging…


Added by Steven B. Mandel on March 27, 2007 at 10:42am — 5 Comments

Crimespace Thoughts: Day One

When I'm belly up to the bar, I expect the smell of bourbon on the breath and cigarette smoke in the hair. This virtual community stuff is all new to me, and I can't help but think something's missing--the dirt, the grime, the stories that only come out after the third drink. And yet, this is a damn big bar. I've only been here for about an hour and already I have ten "friends," have "met" some damn interesting people (like Robert Boris Riskin), and have learned that Duane Swierczynski's name… Continue

Added by Shannon Clute on March 27, 2007 at 10:36am — 1 Comment


Glad to join the Crimespace space.

Quality publishers: Send an email, and I will put you in touch with my agent so that you may read the utterly off-kilter and still-available novel about which author Dexter Petley says: "The most striking thing is your style. Sentences with real elegance and variation...The pure timbre of the writing just lifts the church roof off.…


Added by Paul A. Toth on March 27, 2007 at 9:27am — No Comments

The longest wait

There's nothing scarier for an author than getting this e-mail from your agent:

"PW is going to review your book Monday, March 26."

It is Friday, March 23, and I know I am in for the longest weekend of my life.

I e-mail back my agent, "Gulp. If it's good, do they tell you in advance?"

He e-mails me, "Good or bad, you wait."
So I wait, telling…

Added by ElaineViets on March 27, 2007 at 8:51am — 3 Comments

Introducing my book character Lindsay Frost

So this is my blog site, huh? Pretty nice. Well here

goes. I"m homicide detective, Lindsay Frost. Did I hear you

say big deal? Well it is when you consider I'm dead. God

stepped out for a beer on the night I needed him most. That was

the night I was murdered. I've told my story to a dear friend of

mine, author, Scarlett Dean. She was nice enough to get it all

down without prejudice, and what do you know? The damn thing sold

to 5 Star Publishing! If… Continue

Added by Scarlett Dean on March 27, 2007 at 8:51am — 3 Comments

Stop Thief! (And a few other things)

Mouse steals mans dentures. After being captured three times and escaping a mouse stole his captor's dentures, which were later recovered from inside a wall in the man's home.

That comes from the strange but true file.

This comes from the shocking file. A Texas man dismembered his former…


Added by Sandra Ruttan on March 27, 2007 at 7:01am — No Comments

Interview with William Gay

This week's Monday Interview at Things I'd Rather Be Doing is with author William Gay, who discusses his new novel, Twilight, among other things. Gay isn't usually thought of as a crime writer, butwhen I asked him about his influences and the ways his works are characterized, he cited hard-boiled fiction as an influence:

"I also read a lot of Raymond Chandler, Ross McDonald, hard-boiled stuff. There is… Continue

Added by John Kenyon on March 27, 2007 at 6:30am — No Comments

Baby Naming

As I noted last week, Randi, my agent, wouldn't send out manuscript #2 until I came up with an acceptable title. I spent some time leafing through books of quotations and browsing through online quotation sites. Confucius, it turns out, could turn a phrase. How about…


Added by Keith Raffel on March 27, 2007 at 4:18am — 1 Comment

The red-lipped phone

Lord H’s alarm failed to go off this morning, but I was only ten minutes late from my planned getting up time, so it could have been far worse. Heck, we probably needed the extra time anyway. Oh, and I must say that last night’s TV production of “Northanger Abbey” was marvellous – a perfect lead and a great interpretation. It really cheered me up. Naturally, that hasn’t stopped the Monday morning post-holiday blues though, but hey there you go.

However, Ruth has cheered me up by… Continue

Added by Anne Brooke on March 27, 2007 at 3:58am — No Comments


You have to watch this:

Added by Michael C. Jacobs on March 27, 2007 at 3:47am — No Comments

Motive for Murder

In the summertime, during New Mexico's highest fire risk, I have dark fantasies. Most often, they're sparked by some young woman who throws her still smoldering cigarette butt out of a car window. In spite of my fury, I've never imagined murder -- not in real life -- not with the kids in the car.

I do think about murder when I'm writing, though. The method and the why of it are part of the big puzzle, the challenge in coming up with a "compelling" novel.

And yet, in…


Added by Pari Noskin Taichert on March 27, 2007 at 3:40am — 3 Comments

Feeling feisty, verging on furious

Is it spring, or is it just me? Usually I'm reasonably mellowed out (which means moderately mood-swingy, but under control) but in the past week I've gotten uncharacteristically angry on several occasions.

It's now Monday noon in upstate New York, and it was almost exactly one week ago last Monday morning when I uttered the F-word in my exercise class when the instructor snuck up on me from behind and corrected my moves. (She had us on our knees, our exercise matts facing the wall,…


Added by Julie Lomoe on March 27, 2007 at 3:18am — No Comments

The Tyranny of the First Impression

This is a cross post from The Killer Year.

Ours is a world governed by the first impression. Beauty may be only skin deep, but often that’s as deep as we go. Marketing in our consumer culture is essentially about recreating that first impression over and over again. Sometimes the effort is explicit. AT&T becomes Cingular, which becomes AT&T again. Federal Express gets a new logo and… Continue

Added by Bill Cameron on March 27, 2007 at 2:22am — No Comments

Currently reading

Natasha Cooper, Evil is Done

I am so annoyed by the main character, but I'm still reading the book to find out what happens. I also read Ken Bruen's Priest over the weekend, which was just as enjoyable as I had expected it to be. Jack Taylor can't buy a break, can he?

And, alas, basketball season ended yesterday in a most pitiful and painful way for this Carolina fan. It's just too distressing to dwell on, and November is so far away. However, it will…


Added by Alice Morgan on March 27, 2007 at 2:22am — No Comments

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