All Blog Posts (12,730)

Quest For Lyrics: "Surgery" by The Vincent Black Shadow

[This is cross-posted to within an inch of its life in numerous places, but I wanted to puff out my Crimespace profile with a first post and this is a good sample. For the day-to-day I have my LJ feed linked to the left and at the bottom of this page.]

Music's my petrol, my caffeine, my heat, my light. I write to what's currently sending me. And like Crash Davis in Bull Durham, I HATE people who get the words wrong.

And people always do. Isn't "excuse me while I eat… Continue

Added by Tiffany Leigh on March 14, 2007 at 9:29pm — 1 Comment

Hmmm, what happens if I push this button

I'm not sure how all this goes, so bear with me. This is my first foray into social networking, and if you think I'm quiet and unassuming here, you should see me in real life (or "meatspace" as the kids call it).

But I wanted to thank you all for your invitations to be your friends. Fortunately, you didn't see me curl in my chair at the flood of e-mailed invites. Well, there were six of them, but compared to my spam list, that's rather a lot.

So as the vicar…


Added by Bill Peschel on March 14, 2007 at 2:44pm — 2 Comments

What am I doing here?

I forgot NCIS would be a rerun tonight, and with my evening suddenly free I joined Crimespace. My TV-sense has been off the past few days as Saturday my brother got an HD cable box and uncovered signal weakness on our block. Problems persisted through Monday, and I was the one to keep tabs on the situation by default. Today my time was my own once more, so I caught up on some sleep, wrote a poem, and watched Casino Royale on DVD. If anyone else has the DVD, let me know if you find… Continue

Added by Gerald So on March 14, 2007 at 2:31pm — No Comments

MySpace Virgin

Okay, I admit it: I'm not on MySpace.

I've long held the view that MySpace is the refuge of teenagers and pedophiles who troll the internet looking for vulnerable prey.

Well, okay, in all honesty I just don't have the time for managing one more thing online. First I have my pet pages: Chinook, and Nootka, the husky love pups. Then I have…


Added by Sandra Ruttan on March 14, 2007 at 2:05pm — 4 Comments

When you're down and troubled and you need a helping hand

Just log into Crimespace at Ning and tune to the Members Page. It's filled with totally bitchin' people, coolest of the cool, and under every photo (almost) is the phrase 'So and so is your friend'.

I'm totally down on that idea. Totally.

I'd say more, but I'm running out of tissues and the violinists want to go home.

Added by M.G. Tarquini on March 14, 2007 at 1:52pm — 4 Comments

Just an introduction for those who might be interested


My name is Clay and I make my money working as the editor & publisher of two weekly papers in South Texas...on the coast.

It's spring break...why am I writing this now?

My short stories (under the name EC Morgan) have appeared in Shred of Evidence, Crime Spree Magazine, A Cruel World, Mysterical E and a couple other places. I've also published around 200 non-ficiton magazine articles, though not in the last few years.

Most of my writing… Continue

Added by EDWARD C MORGAN on March 14, 2007 at 1:38pm — No Comments

A Crimespree Shout out


We at Crimespree are now running recipes from authors and people in the book business in the magazine.

Soooo...... we are asking for recipes to use, both in the magazine and in an actual cookbook.

If you are interested, email me at Jon

Added by Jon Jordan on March 14, 2007 at 1:26pm — 2 Comments

Drinks Are Up

Your friendly neighbourhood bartender tells me that all drink requests from The Bar have finally been filled. It's about time. I was getting mighty parched there.


Added by Daniel Hatadi on March 14, 2007 at 12:22pm — 2 Comments

Coleman, Reed Farrel – SOUL PATCH

SOUL PATCH (Unlicensed Investigator-NY-Cont) – G+

Coleman, Reed Farrel – 4th in series

Bleak House Books, 2006- ARC – ISBN (Hardcover): 9781932557411

Ex-policeman, now PI and wine-shop owner Moe Prager is approached by Larry MacDonald, a brother cop who is now NYPD Chief of Detectives. Larry gives Moe an…


Added by LJ Roberts on March 14, 2007 at 9:00am — No Comments

Under Construction

So...just gettin' this started. Not a blessed thing to say at the mo', but will be back when I have actual time to do /say something here. Yay, Daniel for coming up with this whole shebang!

Added by Angie on March 14, 2007 at 8:09am — 1 Comment

Historical Mystery

Just putting a general query here--any historical crime writers out there yet?

I'm working on my first, set in the late 1890's in Texas. Butch Cassidy will play a small recurring role (I admit, I do crush on that man), and I'm at last shaking the dust off the research I've gathered over the years with this book in mind. I work for an engineering company that does all the mapping for BNSF Rwy., and before that worked at the Railroad itself, and as…


Added by Carolyn Rogers on March 14, 2007 at 6:29am — 4 Comments

UniSWriters, Goldenford & reviews

Had another nice review of “A Dangerous Man” ( last night – from Julie Lewthwaite, author of Negotiate to Succeed, who emailed me to say the following:

“I loved A Dangerous Man. Nagged at me while I was reading it and stayed with me after I'd finished. Can't ask for much more than that. Nice work!”

Hey, thanks, Julie! I appreciate that. Very much. Not only that…


Added by Anne Brooke on March 14, 2007 at 5:01am — No Comments

kyle Mills

well I have been attempting to read Kyle Mills' Sphere of Influence for over a month and keep getting distracted ... lol

So do I just a waste more time to continue the attempt or am I just spinning my wheels with a book that is yet to capture any perlonged interest. I mean generally, once I am in, that is all I can think about, and when the book is not in my hands I look forward to the moment it is back there ... I had to actually go get the book to remember the title…


Added by photokat1968 on March 13, 2007 at 11:38pm — No Comments

Say Everything?

(Simulcast at

It's been a while since I read a piece that split me down the middle. Such was the case with Emily Nussbaum's "Say Everything," in this week's
New York magazine. Nussbaum details what she calls the new generation gap: kids,

teenagers and 20somethings who…

Added by Duane Swierczynski on March 13, 2007 at 10:06pm — 3 Comments

My Daily Blog

Is over on our own site at:

Where I try to remember to keep it up to date on a daily basis.

Mind you, there's no deep and meaningful details about what I'm thinking, how I'm doing whatever it is I'm doing, or what is getting up my nose (if I started on that the database would groan under the strain).

Mostly it's a reading and book review… Continue

Added by Karen from AustCrime on March 13, 2007 at 3:56pm — No Comments

Blogs And The Main Page

Some of you have been feverishly clicking through the Featured Posts links I had up over the last few days. I was putting these up by hand, but what I didn't realise was that Ning already had a mechanism for doing this. Since it involves me clicking once rather than typing a whole bunch of cryptic gobbledy-gook, I've switched to the Ning way of doing it.

Now the featured posts will just appear on the front page. As they were supposed to all along.

One other…

Added by Daniel Hatadi on March 13, 2007 at 2:16pm — No Comments

Crais, Robert – THE WATCHMAN

THE WATCHMAN (Private Investigator-Los Angeles-Cont) – Ex

Crais, Robert – 14th book

Simon & Schuster, 2007–US Hardcover – ISBN:


Joe Pike owes a man a job and the man has called to collect. A young LA heiress was involved in a traffic accident and now people are…


Added by LJ Roberts on March 13, 2007 at 9:00am — No Comments

It Happened While I Was Sleeping

Crimespace shot past the 100 member mark to reach ... 101 members!

Keep em coming.

Added by Daniel Hatadi on March 13, 2007 at 7:25am — 1 Comment


So I thought it would be a great idea to get blurbs on my pre-published, pre-contract novel Veil of Lies in order to get an editor’s “maybe” changed to a “yes”. My agent thought it was a great idea, too, especially after I started getting them. The fabulous Cornelia Read (A Field of Darkness) whom I met at Bouchercon was the first to offer one, and a truly…


Added by Jeri Westerson on March 13, 2007 at 6:06am — No Comments

Where are the women?

I usually back away from controversy, but I'm shaking my head over the discussion over in the Forum about must-read authors. In 48 posts so far, counting my last one, only Sandra Scoppettone and I have dared to ask "Where are the women?" and "Where are the traditional mysteries?" And so far nobody has so much as commented on the fact that the heirs of Hammett and Chandler hold up only half the sky. I haven't felt so invisible since way back near the beginning of the women's… Continue

Added by Elizabeth Zelvin on March 13, 2007 at 5:28am — 32 Comments

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