All Blog Posts (12,730)

What is a great Mystery?

There are so many definitions on what is what and what is supposed to be, but since you are the experts, IMP would like you to tell us your definition of a great mystery.

And don't hold back , tell us what you really think. After all, we did ask.


Added by Independent Mystery Publishers on March 26, 2007 at 11:59pm — 1 Comment

Blogs and Time

Blogs to the left of me, blogs to the right. Blogs here, blogs there. How many blogs can you read? Which ones do you read, and why? How do you find them?

I'm of course delighted that you're reading this one, and hope you'll come back. But just as you are overwhelmed by the choices you have, I'm a little overwhelmed by the fact that with no fewer than four blogs running (counting this one, and not counting my Navy letters blog, A World Ago, (…


Added by Dorien Grey on March 26, 2007 at 11:56pm — 2 Comments

Not a blogger but...

OK, I'm not a blogger because actually I am so bone lazy that if I blogged, I would never get anything else done, least of all writing. This said, I should at least thank all the nice people who wanted to be my Crimespace friends. I'm still figuring out exactly how this all works, but I'll get it straight eventually. And I have to announce, of course, that my new historical mystery, A Treasury of Regrets, is going to be in bookstores in about three weeks. That'll keep me busy for a…


Added by Susanne Alleyn on March 26, 2007 at 10:56pm — No Comments

New reviews uploaded to RTE

20 new crime fiction reviews uploaded to


Joe Hill HEART-SHAPED BOX Sharon Katz

Ageing rock star Judas Coyne bought a haunted men's suit of clothing on an online auction place. The suit's ghost is now trying to kill Judas

Nicci French LOSING YOU Sharon Wheeler

Panic-stricken mother Nina Landry must track down her teenager daughter Charlie, who has mysteriously disappeared from their UK… Continue

Added by Barbara Franchi on March 26, 2007 at 5:51pm — No Comments

LCC 2009 in Hawaii

I'm going.

I'm definitely going.

I think.

I should be okay to go.

Really, it's 2 years away - I can organise myself in 2 years can't I.

I might need to get a "real" job - one of those ones that pays you to do something to go, but I'm definitely, possibly, wanting, probably to go.

Partly this is because Hawaii's not quite so much cut lunches and waterbags away from where I'm at.

Plus in 2 years I can probably explain to my Australian… Continue

Added by Karen from AustCrime on March 26, 2007 at 3:38pm — 3 Comments

Ladykiller at Sleuthfest

To all my new friends on Crimespace:

Meredith Anthony and I will be signing our new book, LADYKILLER, at New York's legendary Black Orchid bookstore on April 11 from 6-8 PM. Hope to see you there.

We'll also be doing a number of signings in Florida the week of April 14, ending up at Sleuthfest in Miami in April.

Email or message me if you want a list of where we'll be.

Thanks, Larry

Added by Lawrence Light on March 26, 2007 at 2:00pm — No Comments

Steele Amusing

When I write I like to use videos or DVD as "background music." Usually I choose old movies, but lately I've been enjoying all the TV shows from way-back-when now available on DVD. Today's choice was REMINGTON STEELE Season One.

These have held up very well--better than MOONLIGHTING, I think. They were very well-cast, and entertainingly written. In fact, I found myself so distracted--actually laughing outloud at times--that I got less writing done than I should have.



Added by Diana Killian on March 26, 2007 at 1:13pm — 7 Comments

Crimespace: 300

No, this post isn't about the movie 300, it's about the number of members that have joined Crimespace in the staggeringly short time of three weeks. I'm thrilled to see so many members coming on board, but now that Crimespace is getting bigger, I have to watch for the problems that popularity bring.

My stated intention with Crimespace is for it to be a 24/7 online equivalent of the bar at Bouchercon or Harrogate or Thrillerfest. Similar wording is in the…

Added by Daniel Hatadi on March 26, 2007 at 12:36pm — 9 Comments

Michael Shayne on DVD

At my website, I've posted a detailed review of Fox's 2-disc The Michael Shayne Collection, Volume 1. Four private eye films from the early 1940s, with Lloyd Nolan offering a sharp, surprisingly contemporary take on the gumshoe - and before Humphrey Bogart ever donned a fedora. (Metaphorically, I mean. Men always wore hats in those… Continue

Added by Vince Keenan on March 26, 2007 at 12:20pm — No Comments

Lots of lovely reviews

Yay, this week's RTE update is done! I'm going to have to read Joe Hill's HEART-SHAPED BOX and Marcus Sakey's THE BLADE ITSELF, judging by the reviews . . .

Added by Sharon Wheeler on March 26, 2007 at 11:39am — No Comments


Hello to all. Let me introduce myself to everyone, although I'm not in the classification of most here. I'm a newbie and heard about crimespace through the Short Mystery Fiction Society, and glad I did. This is a great idea for networking and blogging, let alone the invaluable association of like-minded writers.

Who needs a separate blog now that it's combined in the crimespace community? (How many of us will abandon our current blogs or opt to keep them and add this to our…


Added by Jannie Balliett on March 26, 2007 at 11:30am — 2 Comments

Author appearances - some rules of engagement

Some thoughts about author appearances, specifically at conferences. This is partly based on my

experiences at the Virginia Festival of the Book, which ended today. It

probably goes without saying that an author appearance is basically a

commercial: your opportunity to sell yourself to the attendees. If you do a

really good job, the people at your talk or reading will go on to rave about

you to all their…


Added by Meriah Crawford on March 26, 2007 at 10:38am — 7 Comments

Goldsborough's Review of IMPULSE

IMPULSE by Frederick Ramsay. Poisoned Pen Press 2006, 245 pages, $14.95

Private boys’ schools have supplied rich fodder for novelists over the years. Witness Charles Dickens and the horrors of a 19th Century British school in “Nicholas Nickleby.” Witness “The Catcher in the Rye,” J.D. Salinger’s classic 1951 tale of Holden Caulfield, an abysmally unhappy and conflicted student in the process of leaving an eastern boys school. Witness John Knowles and his…


Added by Robert Goldsborough on March 26, 2007 at 8:16am — No Comments

True Stories

Met up with Charles Ardai at the Black Orchid a couple of nights ago. He was kind enough to blurb my forthcoming book, THE CONCRETE MAZE, and we got to talking. I let him know that one of the incidents - a body found in several pieces scattered throughout NYC was based on a true story. Now, if you've read the book, please don't give away what went on, but let me give the base story here.

When I was young, my family moved to Puerto Rico for a short while. When we came back, we had to… Continue

Added by Steven Torres on March 26, 2007 at 7:27am — No Comments

I'm spreading the Crimespace word

I've mentioned Crimespace to some of my e-groups and already some of the members have signed on!

Crimespace is a great site and I wish Daniel all the best! He's a genius to think all of this up.

Morgan Mandel

Added by Morgan Mandel on March 26, 2007 at 5:58am — No Comments

The real crime scene investigation

Yesterday I had a chance to spend three hours with real crime scene and other law enforcement professionals, along with 75 mostly mystery writers and including some other Crimespacers, in an event sponsored by MWA-New York, at Katherine Gibbs of all places, where they've branched out from training pink collar workers to offering an associates degree in criminal justice. I use an amateur sleuth precisely so I don't need to master the forensic details, but we all need some artistic… Continue

Added by Elizabeth Zelvin on March 26, 2007 at 5:21am — No Comments

It's just not Cricket ... is it?!?

Honestly, the Sunday after you come back from holiday but before you go back into work is just so a day out of time. Like a bridge between two worlds. Which feels somewhat more twitchy this time, I think, as without my luggage I'm still not properly "back" yet. I hope to God that BA do deliver it tomorrow - I want my books! And my face cream. And my jumpers. Not to mention everything else that maximises my reality factor. Damn it.

Had a lazy lie-in today, a fact not…


Added by Anne Brooke on March 26, 2007 at 4:54am — No Comments

To Blog or Not To

I can't say I have ever blogged before, and that might be shocking considering the fact that I stay on the cutting edge of technology and the Internet and all that. Well, maybe that means it is shocking for me, but for all of you who wouldn't know me from a Thomas' English Muffin, no shock I presume.

Anyway, I am going through a great/tough period in my life, the time when my book is about to hit the shelves. I've been through this before, but I bumbled it a bit, not…

Added by John Misak on March 26, 2007 at 2:58am — No Comments

Why I Never Changed My Name

(Simulcast at

"Duane Swierczynski" is quite a handle, isn't it? But hey, don't blame me. I've tried to change it before. Throughout my senior year of high

school I submitted short horror stories to whatever markets I could

find, including markets way out of my grubby little immature reach.

Markets like…

Added by Duane Swierczynski on March 26, 2007 at 12:37am — 9 Comments


Inspiration is a sometime thing. Sometimes you've got it, sometimes you haven't. I've always thought, maybe wrongly, that the unconscious works for you. If you go around with your stories and your characters in your head, then you're bound to make progress. Maybe that's just the way I work, probably to relieve myself of guilt. I work every day, steadily, but I don't just write words, no matter what. Sometimes it's a paragraph, sometimes two or three pages. I don't think "writers' block" exists,… Continue

Added by mary christian on March 25, 2007 at 4:17pm — No Comments

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