All Blog Posts (12,730)

Currently reading

K. J. A. Wishnia, Soft Money

Nothing makes me happier than finding a series I like and plowing through all of the books. In order. Happily, this series seems to fit the bill. Because of my financial situation - poor - I try and read books from the library as much as possible. My library often tortures me, however, by not having all the books in a series. Luckily, I had some birthday money and bought several books missing from the library; 23 Shades of Black was one…


Added by Alice Morgan on March 23, 2007 at 5:18am — No Comments this thing on?

Well, I have no clue what I am doing, but after several people badgered me I have joined up. I am getting quite proficient at accepting invites but have not a scooby how to add anyone...or do much of anything else as it happens. So please feel free to invite this, to parties, to anything you like really...particularly if it involves food.

Added by Donna Moore on March 23, 2007 at 1:52am — 4 Comments


Next week I'm off to France, to the "Quais du Polar" festival at Lyon. This is to give my new French book LES ALLONGÉS (Série Noire) a push. Some of you knew this and have already had a word about it, but let me just ask the rest of you now: is there anyone else who wants me to say hi to Daniel Woodrell for them? Jeez, anyone would think it's Woodrell Fest 2007.

Just kidding. He's right at the top of our genre and it'll be great to be in his presence. Maybe I can find out what…


Added by Charlie Williams on March 22, 2007 at 11:29pm — No Comments

What's your favorite mystery, and where did you get it?

This is a cross-posting from my main blog, but it seemed appropriate to put it up here.

Mystery Bookstore co-owner Valerie Vanaman asked me: "What's the best mystery book you ever read, and did you buy it at The Mystery Bookstore?"

I could never pick just one book as "the best," so here's an opportunity for a list. Even

this list might change from one day to another. If these…


Added by Clair Lamb on March 22, 2007 at 10:27pm — 7 Comments

THE FOLLOWER advance copies and FAKE ID


We're going to give away some more signed copies of THE FOLLOWER on April 1, so if you're interested (and haven't already signed up for my newsletter already), check out
WWW.JASONSTARR.COM . Also, in April, we're going to give away a signed first edition of my third novel, the very hard-to-find…

Added by Jason Starr on March 22, 2007 at 9:59pm — 1 Comment

The Jessica Fletcher Effect - Episode 1 - Draft 1



Added by Vincent Holland-Keen on March 22, 2007 at 6:25pm — No Comments

My Best (Only) Ever Fishing Adventure!

Ok, so it's not a mystery, and not even a crime (that I know of), but it's taking too darn long to get my blog posted on our website because of a project, so until then, here it is! And for other cool stories, go to . It's my job, I have to get you there, or at least to .…


Added by Lisa Richardson on March 22, 2007 at 3:14pm — No Comments

So, who's this Merlot chick, anyway?

A good question.

My first foray into the world wide web,and I had the amazing good luck to land at 4MA (4 mystery addicts, at Yahoo!)

A minor mishap with my( and others) names, resulted in the list owner, Maddy V.H.(who is great) bestowing my nickname upon me. Given my preference for red wine, it seemed like a good match.(and it sounds a lot more dashing than 'Grants')

Merlot has all of my good points and none of my flaws.She can say things that I might not, and get away…


Added by Merrill Young on March 22, 2007 at 2:07pm — 1 Comment

Law & Order CI

I love this show. Like obsessively. I have the DVDs and I try to watch it whenever it's on television which is no easy feat because it's almost always on television. Next to my husband, I think Vincent D'Onofrio is one of the hottest dudes out there.

When I read last week that the show may be canceled, I freaked! I hope it doesn't come to pass but I won't be shocked if it does. It seems like so few people actually get the intelligence that is this show. I dig the quirkiness of Goren…


Added by Lisa Respers France on March 22, 2007 at 10:26am — 1 Comment

D'yer Mak'er

Here's what I love most about Google: it lets you look up the derivation of things that you have always wondered about, and also quickly settle bets at dinner parties. Sort of like a cross between Space Food Sticks:

and the OED:

One thing I Googled while writing A Field of Darkness was… Continue

Added by Cornelia Read on March 22, 2007 at 7:29am — 5 Comments

"Master Yoda, you can't die."

My latest forum discussion is about character deaths that really got to you.

Added by Gerald So on March 22, 2007 at 5:15am — No Comments

Laura Lippman

As I said in my first post (the one with the big type) I wasn't sure what to post here and didn't know if I should do book reviews. Well, I'm not going to do a book review but I do want to say something about Lippman's new book, WHAT THE DEAD KNOW.

I have not always been a fan of Lippman's writing. I read her first book and I think the second and dismissed her. She will tell you herself that her first five books aren't her best.

I kept reading the raves about her. The winning… Continue

Added by Sandra Scoppettone on March 22, 2007 at 3:48am — 3 Comments


Well, today is my last trip to Indiana University for the biography. I'm nearly done with the writing, and I'm editing like a mad man. Only 2 weeks left until it's due.

I'm feeling a bit sad to be saying good-bye to Anthony Boucher. He's been an interesting part of my life for the past 4 years, and I'm feeling a bit lonely now that I won't be spending time with him.

Normally when I finish writing a book, there's a time afterwards when I feel a bit blue and slightly lost. I call…


Added by Jeffrey Marks on March 21, 2007 at 11:29pm — No Comments

DorothyL listserve

I'm a very long time member of the DL listserve. If any of you are too, please feel free to add me as a friend, as I'd like to get to know more of the group. And any of you who aren't members, check it out at as it's a great place to spend time with "bookish" friends!

Added by Lisa Richardson on March 21, 2007 at 12:36pm — No Comments

Young Adult Fantasy with a Mystery Bent

Granted I don't have any teenagers around here (or kids of any type for that matter - not even baby goats) but I was once a teenager and if I try really really really hard I can sort of remember what that was like.

So reading Dreamquake by Elizabeth Knox triggered a bit of a walk down memory lane. I'm not sure this is 100% a Mystery, but there is a bit of a mystery bent in what is ultimately a fantasy novel, but it's a fabulous book.


Publisher: Harper…


Added by Karen from AustCrime on March 21, 2007 at 12:21pm — 1 Comment

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?

No, really. I'm seriously asking. Who would know that?

Hiya, Crime-Kids. Despite fear of social networking fatigue I can't resist joining this community. My primary blog is All my really sincere stalkers will find me there.

Added by Michael C. Jacobs on March 21, 2007 at 7:27am — 1 Comment

Meeting the King

Last year, one of my many highlights was meeting Stephen King when he was in the UK.

I wrote about it at THE RAP SHEET :-

The King and I [Meeting Stephen King]…


Added by Ali on March 21, 2007 at 12:14am — 2 Comments

2007 Gumshoe Award Nominations

Mystery Ink announced the nominees for the 2007 Gumshoe Awards today and it's a great group of books.

The Gumshoe Awards are given by Mystery Ink each year to recognize the best achievements in the world of crime fiction. The nominated

books were chosen from those published for the first time in the United

States in 2006. The winners will be announced on May 1,…


Added by David J. Montgomery on March 20, 2007 at 11:15pm — 1 Comment

It's never too late to make new friends

Thanks to all of you who have requested me to add you as friends.

If I don't know who you are, does it matter? Or maybe I know you from 4MA?

I am SUCH a Luddite.

Bare with me please.

Merlot- loving this site, but very confused


If you don't know me, or in the rare event that I have forgotten who you are (CRS!), please say hello!

Added by Merrill Young on March 20, 2007 at 11:11am — 10 Comments

About an Author

Who knew? I didn't think it was this easy to make friends so quickly. And all I had to do was register my name and put up a small photo. Since you've all been asking so nicely to be linked as friends, I think I should probably take a moment to at least introduce myself, just so you know what you're getting into.

Born in the small Midwestern town of Ames, Iowa, which received honorable mention in Neal Stephenson's Cryptomnomicon, I

was raised in the Des…

Added by Jessica Walter on March 20, 2007 at 6:33am — No Comments

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